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Site work for a water / sewer project in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The continuation of the County Line Trunk Sewer Replacement project will begin at the north termination of the Phase I replacement project and continue north along 23rd Street to the intersection of Washington St. (E. 91st. St. S) (see Exhibit A in the document below). There are no Consent Orders issued for this segment of the trunk line. Engineering design started in summer 2021, with final plans submitted to ODEQ in August of 2023. The anticipated schedule includes acquiring construction funds and beginning construction in late summer 2024, with construction completed later that year. The City of Broken Arrow has budgeted $5.2 million to begin construction but will need to acquire additional funds to finish the project. These additional funds will be coming in the form of a CWSRF (Clean Water State Revolving Fund) loan. The Broken Arrow Municipal Authority (BAMA) has an existing sanitary sewer interceptor that generally follows the Broken Arrow Creek and 23 rd Street (S. 193 rd E. Ave., also called County Line Road), terminating at the Lynn Lane Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP). The interceptor has reached its design life and requires upsizing to allow for the City's rapid growth. Replacement and upsizing of the existing trunk sewer were recommended by the BAMA Wastewater System Master Plan (2018 BAMA Master Plan), prepared by HDR in 2018. The sizing of the proposed sewer interceptor is based on the recommendations of the 2018 BAMA Master Plan and was verified by PEC. The initial phase of the County Line Trunk Sewer Replacement was previously designed by PEC with construction completed in March 2021. The limits of this project began approximately 950' north of the intersection of 23rd Street (S. 193rd E. Ave) and Florence Street (E. 111th St. S.) and continued southerly to its termination at Lynn Lane WWTP (see Exhibit A). Additionally, this project served to resolve violations associated with a January 2018 Consent Order issued by Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality for unpermitted discharge. The corrective action was completed by replacement and upsizing of the existing trunk line. The continuation of the County Line Trunk Sewer Replacement project will begin at the north termination of the Phase I replacement project and continue north along 23rd Street to the intersection of Washington St. (E. 91st. St. S) (see Exhibit A). There are no Consent Orders issued for this segment of the trunk line.

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Water / Sewer


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County Line Rd, Broken Arrow, OK

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