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Site work for a water / sewer project in Chevy Chase, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Seeking to award a contract to construct a new trench drainage system along the gutter pan for 7 residential properties fronting Primrose Street and a drainage pipe connection to an existing storm drain inlet. Chevy Chase Village (the "Village") is a Maryland municipal corporation in Montgomery County. The Village is seeking to award a contract to construct a new trench drainage system along the gutter pan for 7 residential properties fronting Primrose Street and a drainage pipe connection to an existing storm drain inlet. The location of the proposed Primrose Street Drainage Improvement Project is reflected in the map attached hereto as Attachment A. The Scope of Work is detailed in the Technical Requirements, including General Requirements, References, Specifications and Construction Drawings for the construction project, which are included in Attachment C. Expected time for completion of work is ninety (90) days from notice to proceed. This Invitation for Bids packet includes the following documents. It is the prospective bidder's sole responsibility to inquire about any documents it believes may be missing from this Invitation. Any information regarding the requirements or the interpretation of any provision of the Contract Documents shall be requested Any questions regarding this Invitation for Bids shall be made in writing to the attention of Jacqueline Parker, Project Manager, Chevy Chase Village. Ms. Parker may be contacted via e-mail at This is an invitation to submit a Bid for a construction project to install a trench drain between 1 Primrose Street and 15 Primrose Street and a drainage pipe connection to a storm drain inlet and associated curb and gutter repair, and roadway replacement along Primrose Street between Connecticut Avenue and Brookville Road in Chevy Chase Village, within the Village's corporate limits The Contractor shall ensure the quality of work by employing qualified, experienced personnel, trained in environmental restoration and sediment control measures. Contractor will provide all necessary management, supervision, personnel, labor, tools, materials, and equipment for each of the Lump Sum bids. This is the means of payment and is intended to be the price inclusive of all Contractor costs. Question Deadline 11/19/2024 at 2:00 PM ET


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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Primrose St, Chevy Chase, MD

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