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Renovation of a municipal facility in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

The scope of work for the proposed public improvement project includes, but is not limited to, remodeling of the current building located at 1017 12th Avenue SW, Cedar Rapids, lowa, to pro- vide upgrades to life safety components, code required mechanical and electrical systems, and ADA accessibility improvements. Bid Security: Each bid shall be accompanied by a bid bond, certified check, cashier's check, or credit union certified share draft, in a separate sealed envelope in an amount equal to five per- cent (5%) of the total amount of the bid. This form of the bid security shall be as prescribed by lowa Code Section 26.8 The certified check or cashier's check shall be drawn on a bank in lowa or a bank chartered under the laws of the United States of America; certified share draft shall be drawn on a credit union chartered under the laws of the United States. Bid security should be made payable to the owner as security that if awarded a contract, the bidder will enter into a contract at the prices bid and furnish the required contractor's bonds, Certificate of Insurance, and other materials as may be required in the contract documents. The certified check, cash- ier's check, or certified share draft may be cashed, or the Bid Bond forfeited, and the proceeds retained as liquidated damages if the Bidder fails to execute a contract and file acceptable Cer- tificate of Insurance within ten (10) days after the acceptance of the proposal by the Owner. No bidder may withdraw a proposal within thirty (30) days after the date set for opening bids and prices quoted shall be guaranteed for a period of thirty (30) days after the date of the bid. Bids shall be made as a lump sum bid for the entire project. Work associated with the Project shall commence no later than May 5, 2025, and shall achieve substantial completion no later than October 3, 2025. Final completion shall be no later than Oc- tober 17, 2025. Linn County intends to award a contract to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. However, Linn County does hereby reserve the right to reject any or all bids, to waive informalities in any bid, or to make award in the best interest of the County. Doc Note - Document Availability: Plans and specifications and proposed contract documents may be examined at locations as outlined in the Construction Documents. Copies of the plans and specifcations, form of contract, and bid form may be obtained from Rapids Reproductions, 6015 Hun- tington Court NE, Cedar Rapids, IA 52402, (319) 364-2473. Bidders may also access and request plans by visiting the Rapids Reproductions online Plan Room Rapids Reproductions will issue plans to all contractors. A maximum of two sets of construction documents will be provided to each general contractor upon delivery of a one hundred ($100) per set refundable deposit made payable to Linn County but delivered to the Rapids Reproductions Cedar Rapids office. All other subcontractors and suppliers may obtain one set of construction documents upon delivery of a one hundred ($100) per-set refundable deposit made payable to "Linn County" but delivered to the Rapids Reproductions Cedar Rapids office. Deposits will be refunded upon return of Plans and Specifications in good condition to Rapids Re- productions within thirty (30) days after bid opening. Postage and handling per set of Plans and Specifications of $20.00 is payable in advance to Rapids Reproduction and is non-refundable. Online plans are available in .pdf format to view, download, and print. Beware that there is no warranty as to compatibility between the files and your computer hardware and/or software. Printed documents issued by the project architect will take precedence over downloaded files. A set of Plans and Specifications is on file at the office of the Linn County Board of Supervisors at 935 2nd Street SW, Cedar Rapids, lowa, and at the office of the Project Architect, Solum Lang Architects, 1101 Old Marion Road NE, Cedar Rapids, lowa.




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1017 12th Ave SW, Cedar Rapids, IA

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