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Site work and renovation of a mixed-use development in Southbridge, Massachusetts. Working plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility; and for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot.

No bids received. The Southbridge Economic Development and Planning Office is requesting quotes for completion of work described in the Scope of Work and the Special Instructions below and depicted in Attachment A. Quotes will be accepted for any and all elements A-F of the scope. Scope of Work A. Replacement of Timeless Beauty windows, trim and casings, glass door and frame B. Signage: 1. Placement of cut out pin mounted logo and lettering on side a) Option a - polished and anodized lettering (on side) b) Option b - lettering painted brilliant gold metallic (on side) 2. Front and side window and door vinyl lettering and borders 3. Door number for transom panel C. Clean, prime and paint, using colors selected by the property owner/applicant as follows: 1. the building's right side from street corner to chimney, inclusive of walls, trim, and soffit 2. the entire front facade of 16 Hamilton/Timeless Beauty Bar from sidewalk to and including casement, shutters, upper trim, and soffit 3. The left side of 16 Hamilton/Timeless Beauty Bar from sidewalk to and including the shutters, trim, and soffit 4. The front upper section of the 14 Hamilton St portion of the building beginning immediately above the business signage up to and including shutters, trim, and soffit D. Installation of two cassettes and awnings to match facade. We will entertain bids for both electrical and standards/non-electrical versions. E. Electrical work required for electrical awning F. Goose neck lights and installation to illuminate sign above awning All quotes will be reviewed for accuracy and quote responsibility; only the lowest responsible quote will be awarded a contract.

Final Planning



Public - City

Renovation, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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16 Hamilton St, Southbridge, MA

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