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Published December 11, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field in Mississauga, Ontario. Completed plans call for site work for a playground / park / athletic field; and for outdoor lighting for a playground / park / athletic field.

The Corporation of the City of Mississauga is seeking detailed proposals from qualified electrical contracting companies interested in performing construction for the replacement of the lighting systems in the following parks: P-023 A.E. CROOKES PARK: (i) Light fixture heads to be replaced with new LED sports lighting; (ii) Reuse existing concrete poles were noted and replace leaning concrete poles with new ones where noted. P-073 CLARKSON PARK: Clarkson Soccer Park: (i) Light fixture heads to be replaced with new LED sports lighting; (ii) Reuse existing concrete poles were noted and replace leaning concrete poles with new ones where noted. Clarkson Baseball Park: (i) Light fixture heads to be replaced with new LED sports lighting; (ii) Reuse existing concrete poles where noted. P-080 GORDON LUMMISS - Existing "ice rink" light fixtures are to be removed entirely--electrical connection to remain in place for the operation of the natural ice rink. P-290 DR. MARTIN L. DOBKIN COMMUNITY PARK: (i) Light fixture heads to be replaced with new LED sports lighting; (ii) Reuse existing concrete poles where noted. P-300 NINTH LINE SPORTS PARK: (i) Light fixture heads to be replaced with new LED sports lighting; (ii) Reuse existing concrete poles were noted and replace leaning concrete poles with new ones where noted. P-414 STREETSVILLE SOCCER and BASEBALL FIELDS: (i) Light fixture heads to be replaced with new LED sports lighting; (ii) Reuse existing concrete poles were noted and replace leaning concrete poles with new where noted. For quantities relating to the above-noted scope, refer to the drawings and specifications forming part of this Request for Tender (RFT). The existing sports fields are illuminated by HID light fixtures atop 40'-0" to 80'-0" high poles in some cases. The existing fixtures are due for lifecycle replacement and in some cases, existing poles are showing wear damage. In addition to this, the existing lighting layouts for some parks do not provide light levels as per IESNA standards for sports fields. The Project includes the removal and disposal of existing lighting standards, including, but not limited to removal of existing fixtures and where required, the concrete base and pole. All poles will have multi-head LED light fixtures connected to a dedicated panel with photometric calculations demonstrating compliance with IESNA illumination standards for sports fields. For poles being replaced. the depth of burial and foundation will need to be designed to suit existing conditions. The contract is expected to be awarded to the successful bidder in January 2025. It is required that the project activity commences soon after the award with the preparation of shop drawings to allow for the ordering of long-lead items. All City sports fields will have to remain open from mid-April to early October 2025. Construction start dates noted below reflect the earliest possible date that construction activity can occur on each of the sites. This allows each park to remain open to the public for the entirety of the regular season and not adversely affect scheduling in any way. The Total Completion date is significant as this ensures that the work at each of the parks will be completed before the official park re-openings in 2026. The construction schedule will be as follows: 1. Construction start date for all sites (except Dobkin) - Monday, October 6, 2025. 2. Construction start date for Martin Dobkin only - Monday, December 1, 2025. 3. Substantial completion date (all sites) - March 31, 2026 4. Total Completion Date - April 20, 2026 Documents can be obtained from https://mississauga.bidsandtenders.ca/ Award is subject to final approval


Playgrounds / Parks / Athletic Fields


Public - City

Outdoor Lighting, Site Work





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December 4, 2024

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Multiple Locations, Mississauga, ON

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