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Published January 22, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a military facility in Lilburn, Georgia. Completed plans call for site work for a military facility.

Land Development on 2.6-Acre Parcel at First And Main. PARCEL NUMBERS 6135 037, 6135 185, 6135 154, 6135 037A, 6135 038 AND 6135 039 A. Maintain a permanent place of business. B. Have the appropriate technical experience, working knowledge and proper equipment to perform the work. Proposers may be required to submit evidence setting forth qualifications, which entitle him to consideration as a responsible Contractor. C. Have done and to show proof, including references, of at least three other jurisdictions or locations within the past year involving similar work and provide at least three references to the DDA. D. A five percent (5%) bid bond, a one hundred percent (100%) performance bond, and a one hundred percent (100%) payment bond must be furnished obtained and submitted to The Lilburn Downtown Development Authority for any proposal as required in the proposal package or document. Failure to submit aproposal bond with the proper rating may result in the proposal being deemed non-responsive. Bonding company must be authorized to do business in Georgia by the Georgia Insurance Commission, listed in the Department of the Treasury's publication of companies holding certificates of authority as acceptable surety on Federal bonds and as acceptable reinsuring companies, and have an A.M. Best rating as stated in the insurance requirement of the solicitation. WHEREAS the Principal desires to file this Bond in accordance with law in lieu of a certified Proposer's check otherwise required to accompany this Proposal. The proposal bond, payment bond, and performance bond must have the proper A- A.M. Bestrating asstated in the proposal when required in the proposal package or document. qualified contractors to provide Land Development Services on a 2.61-Acre parcel lot in Downtown Lilburn at the corner of First And Main. Construction documents for the site work have been completed and the Land Disturbance Permit (LDP) is ready to be submitted. Submission of the LDP is pending the DDA's award of the invitation bid. All work shall be performed in accordance with the Project Plans and notes therein, these Bid Documents and all other Specifications referenced by the Plans or Bid Documents. This contract will be awarded as a Retainage method of billing for payments. This bid will be for the entire Land Development as outlined in the construction documents. This encompasses all necessary development work, including but not limited to: grading land, building infrastructure, installing utilities, constructing roads and parking areas, implementing erosion control measures, installing curbs, clearing land of vegetation and debris, paving surfaces, and establishing drainage systems. All work should comply with Local, State and Federal codes as applicable. The contractor shall obtain all necessary permits and licenses prior to commencing construction. Site inspections are highly encouraged prior to bid submission. To schedule a site inspection, contact Jenny Simpkins, Lilburn City Manager, at 770-279-3719 or at JSimpkins@cityoflilburn.com. Complete sets of Proposal Documents must be used in preparing Proposals; OWNER assumes any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Proposal Documents. OWNER and ENGINEER, in making copies of Proposal Documents available on the above terms, do so only for the purpose of obtaining Proposals for the Work and do not confer a license or grant for any other use. Proposals shall have original signatures and must be submitted in a SEALED ENVELOPE bearing on the outside, the name and address of the proposer, and name of the project for which the Proposal is submitted. The OWNER has the right to reject any proposal that does not contain the above information.




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