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Published November 26, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in San Luis, Arizona. Conceptual plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

City of San Luis West WWTP 3 MGD MBR Phase 1 Upgrades Request for Proposals Headworks and Grit Removal System All interested equipment suppliers (referred to as manufacturers, vendors, or suppliers) shall provide a design and price proposal to be received for a Complete Headworks System for the City of San Luis, West Wastewater Treatment Plant MBR Phase 1 Upgrades project with a design capacity of 3.0 MGD MMADF in conformance with the following performance specification, No pre-proposal will be held. Any questions about obtaining documents can be forwarded to Andrea Jaycox at ajaycox@pacewater.com or (602) 502-9683. This request for proposal is for a complete packaged headworks system for the City of San Luis, West Wastewater Treatment Plant MBR Phase 1 Upgrades project with a design capacity of 3.0 MGD MMADF. The new headworks system shall be designed to provide screening and grit removal upgradient of a new MBR activated sludge treatment process. The combined headworks system will include a 6 mm fine screen, a grit vortex grit removal system, and a 2 mm fine screen. The system will be fully redundant in regards to all major components (i.e., there must be 2 separate trains each capable of treating the Phase 1 PHF). The screens will be used for removal of non-biodegradable particulates and fibrous material from the pumped influent flow. The screening system will include washing, dewatering, compacting, and automatic bagging of collected and dried screening materials. Water from the washing/dewatering/compactors will discharge back into the fine screen channel. Following the 6 mm fine screen, a grit removal system will be used for removal of grit particles from the influent flow prior to flow entering the downstream 2 mm MBR fine screen. The grit system will be complete with all required vortex devices, grit collection sump and pumping systems, and a grit classifying and dewatering system with an automatic/endless bagging system for disposal with a refuse bin. The grit classifying system will allow for water to discharge back into the fine screen channel. Each identical train shall be supplied with a separate prepackaged electrical instrumentation and PLC-based control system for automated control of each headworks component. The control system will communicate via Ethernet to a new WWTP master control panel. One equipment vendor will be pre-selected and will form the basis of the full-scale design that will be incorporated into the WWTP's MBR Phase 1 Upgrade plans. The modification design plans are scheduled to be completed before the summer of 2025. Construction is anticipated to be initiated within 6 months of design completion and approval. Due to the CMAR approach to this project, equipment procurement will begin soon after a vendor is chosen and prior to completion of the final design plans.


Water / Sewer


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December 14, 2025


To Be Determined, San Luis, AZ

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RFP Design - West Wastewater Treatment Plant MBR Phase 1 Upgrades

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