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Published November 14, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Blacksburg, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and sidewalk / parking lot.

INQUIRIES: All inquiries for information regarding this solicitation should be directed to Bryan Holloway, Phone: (540) 231- 8545 e-mail: bryanh91@vt.edu. All inquiries will be answered in the form of an addendum. Inquiries must be submitted by 12:00PM on Tuesday, November 19, 2024. Inquiries must be submitted to the procurement officer identified in this solicitation. Vendors will need to register through this procurement portal, hosted by Jaggaer. It is encouraged for all vendors to register prior to the proposal submission deadline to avoid late submissions. Registration is easy and free. If you have any challenges with the registration process, please contact Jaggaer Support at 1-800-233-1121 or procurement@vt.edu. Click on the opportunity and log in to your vendor account to begin preparing your submission. Upon completion, you will receive a submission receipt email confirmation. Virginia Tech will not confirm receipt of proposals. It is the responsibility of the offeror to make sure their proposal is delivered on time. Hard copy or email proposals will not be accepted. Late proposals will not be accepted, nor will additional time be granted to any individual Vendor. Attachments must be smaller than 50MB in order to be received by the University. In compliance with this Request For Proposal and to all the conditions imposed therein and hereby incorporated by reference, the undersigned offers and agrees to furnish the goods or services in accordance with the attached signed proposal and as mutually agreed upon by subsequent negotiation. I. PURPOSE: This Request for Proposal (RFP) seeks to solicit proposals to establish a contract through competitive negotiations for Paving and Parking Lot Improvement Services by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech), an agency of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech, located in Blacksburg, Virginia, is the Commonwealth's largest university with over 35,000 graduate and undergraduate students and is among the Top 50 Research Institutes in the United States. With over 10 miles of paved roadways and over 70 paved parking lots covering over 100 acres of paved area, including pedestrian pathways, Virginia Tech is in need of Paving and Parking Lot Improvement Services for the main campus and surrounding properties of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg. II. SMALL, WOMAN-OWNED AND MINORITY (SWAM) BUSINESS PARTICIPATION: The mission of the Virginia Tech supplier opportunity program is to foster inclusion in the university supply chain and accelerate economic growth in our local communities through the engagement and empowerment of high quality and cost competitive small, minority-owned, women-owned, and local suppliers. Virginia Tech encourages prime suppliers, contractors, and service providers to facilitate the participation of small businesses, and businesses owned by women and minorities through partnerships, joint ventures, subcontracts, and other inclusive and innovative relationships. For more information, please visit website. III. CONTRACT PERIOD: The term of this contract is for One (1) year, or as negotiated. There will be an option for Four (4) One (1) year renewals, or as negotiated. IV. EVA BUSINESS-TO-GOVERNMENT ELECTRONIC PROCUREMENT SYSTEM: The eVA Internet electronic procurement solution streamlines and automates government purchasing activities within the Commonwealth of Virginia. Virginia Tech, and other state agencies and institutions, have been directed by the Governor to maximize the use of this system in the procurement of goods and services. We are, therefore, requesting that your firm register as a vendor within the eVA system. There are transaction fees involved with the use of eVA. These fees must be considered in the provision of quotes, bids and price proposals offered to Virginia Tech. Failure to register within the eVA system may result in the quote, bid or proposal from your firm being rejected and the award made to another vendor who is registered in the eVA system. Registration in the eVA system is accomplished on-line. Your firm must provide the necessary information. Please visit the eVA website. and register both with eVA and Ariba. This process needs to be completed before Virginia Tech can issue your firm a Purchase Order or contract. If your firm conducts business from multiple geographic locations, please register these locations in your initial registration. For registration and technical assistance, reference the eVA website, or call 866-289-7367 or 804-371-2525. V. CONTRACT PARTICIPATION: It is the intent of this solicitation and resulting contract to allow for cooperative procurement. Accordingly, any public body, public or private health or educational institutions, or Virginia Tech's affiliated corporations and/or partnerships may access any resulting contract if authorized by the contractor. Participation in this cooperative procurement is strictly voluntary. If authorized by the Contractor, the resultant contract may be extended to the entities indicated above to purchase at contract prices in accordance with contract terms. The Contractor shall notify Virginia Tech in writing of any such entities accessing the contract, if requested. No modification of this contract or execution of a separate contract is required to participate. The Contractor will provide semi-annual usage reports for all entities accessing the Contract, as requested. Participating entities shall place their own orders directly with the Contractor and shall fully and independently administer their use of the contract to include contractual disputes, invoicing and payments without direct administration from Virginia Tech. Virginia Tech shall not be held liable for any costs or damages incurred by any other participating entity as a result of any authorization by the Contractor to extend the contract. It is understood and agreed that Virginia Tech is not responsible for the acts or omissions of any entity, and will not be considered in default of the contract no matter the circumstances. Use of this contract does not preclude any participating entity from using other contracts or competitive processes as the need may be. VI. STATEMENT OF NEEDS/SCOPE OF WORK: A. OVERVIEW: The Contractor shall provide all labor, material, tools, equipment, transportation, and supervision required and/or implied for the safe, complete, and satisfactory performance of the paving and parking lot improvement services. All work shall follow the latest revision of the applicable Virginia Department of Transportation ("VDOT") provisions, VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, VDOT Road and Bridge Standards, Virginia Work Area Protection Manual, and any other applicable standard, guides, or regulations. B. REFERENCES: (all references relate to the latest published revision) o Virginia Work Area Protection Manual o Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Specifications o Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) Road and Bridge Standards and any other applicable VDOT publications C. QUALITY ASSURANCE: Restrictions: The VDOT Standards and Specifications shall define temperature restrictions, application procedures, mix components, and material references. All materials and application procedures shall be in accordance with VDOT Specifications. The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to control dust and mud on or near the work. Roads and walks shall be cleaned as necessary, to keep free of mud, dirt, dust or other debris. Virginia Tech may request documentation and/or testing to verify that work, materials, and final product meet or exceed applicable VDOT Specifications and Standards. D. SITE CONDITIONS: (APPLICABLE VDOT PROVISIONS 1. Existing Utilities: a) Contractor is responsible for contacting Miss Utility and locate the existing underground and above ground utilities in areas of work. If utilities are to remain in place then adequate means of protections during earthwork and other operations must be provided. b) Contractor must hand dig if they are within 3' of a utility marking, should unexpected utilities be encountered during work, the Contractor shall consult Virginia Tech immediately for directions. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing damaged utilities to the satisfaction of Virginia Tech. 2. Protection of Persons and Property a) The Contractor shall protect structures, utilities, sidewalks, pavements, and other facilities from damage caused by settlement, lateral movement, undermining, washout and other hazards created by earthwork and other operations. b) The Contractor shall also follow the latest version of the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual when applicable. c) Heavy duty 4-foot high diamond mesh orange plastic safety fence and supporting post may be required when pedestrians are in or around the work area. Recommend Jackson Safety Fence Diamond Orange 4x100, #3006607 or equal. d) All work areas shall have appropriate safety safeguards and precautions for day and night situations when applicable. This may include but not be limited to highly reflective signs and/or warning lights, barricades and flaggers to maintain site safety for student, faculty, staff and visitors. e) Per VDOT standards - flagging certifications must be maintain and verified prior to each days flagging event. E. ASPHALT PAVING AND RESURFACING: General: All materials and methods shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications and Standards and other applicable VDOT provisions. F. EXECUTION: a) General: All materials and methods shall be in accordance with the latest revision of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications and Standards and other applicable VDOT provisions. b) The time of the work is to be coordinated with Virginia Tech. At least 5 weeks prior to beginning work, Virginia Tech will explain the work and the date for the work to be done. If the Contractor cannot commit to that date, Virginia Tech may elect to us use a different contractor. If the contractor does not perform the work on the date that was committed to (inclement weather notwithstanding), Virginia Tech may elect to use a different contractor in the future. 1. Emergency Work: In cases of emergency (for example, a water line break under the roadway or parking lot) Virginia Tech reserves the right to use the first available contractor to repair damaged areas as soon as possible. c) Any disruption to traffic (vehicle, bike, sidewalk, etc.) must be coordinated and approved by Virginia Tech at least 5 weeks prior to start of work. d) Safety and Maintenance to traffic is very important. The Contractor shall always maintain safe working conditions. Maintenance to Traffic shall follow the Virginia Work Area Protection Manual and should be as efficient as possible. e) Sidewalk traffic should be maintained when possible. Heavy duty 4-foot high diamond mesh orange plastic safety fence and supporting post may be required when pedestrians are in or around the work area. Recommend Jackson Safety Fence Diamond Orange 4x100, #3006607 or equal. G. CONSTRUCTION PROCEDURES: 1. Removal of existing material: The Contractor shall transport all waste off Virginia Tech property unless instructed otherwise by Virginia Tech. When transported off site, the Contractor shall haul and dispose of the construction waste in a manner that complies with Federal, State and local requirements. 2. Surface Preparation: The Contractor shall fine grade and compact the gravel surfaces which are to be overlaid with asphalt concrete in accordance with all applicable VDOT Specifications. 3. Compaction: Initial or breakdown rolling and the final rolling of the uppermost layer of the asphalt concrete shall be compacted in accordance with all applicable VDOT Specifications. Compaction by vehicular traffic will not be permitted. 4. Joining Pavement: The joints between old and/or new pavements shall be carefully made in a manner to ensure a continuous bond between old and new sections of the course. Edges of existing pavement shall be exposed and cleaned, and edges cut to straight, vertical surfaces. All joints shall be painted with a uniform coat of tack coat before the fresh mixture is placed. Joints in the new pavement shall be in accordance with all applicable VDOT Specifications. 5. Protection: After final rolling, do not permit vehicular or foot traffic on pavement until it has cooled and hardened. In no case shall this be less than six (6) hours unless specified by Virginia Tech. 6. Surface Drainage: The surface of all grading and paving work shall slope and drain surface water off of the pavement and when applicable into catch basins or swales. If water stands, work shall be corrected to meet Virginia Tech's approval at the Contractor's expense. 7. Pedestrian paths are to follow current ADA guidelines and are be no more then 5% grade and 2% cross slope unless specified/approved by Virginia Tech. 8. ADA parking spaces and paths to the curb cut/building are to follow current ADA guidelines. H. FIELD SAMPLING AND TESTING: Virginia Tech reserves the right to require any and all testing as specified by VDOT specifications and standards with testing and results to be done at the contractor's expense. Virginia Tech reserves the right to waive testing at any time. 1. General: All samples and tests shall be taken at such locations and times as to correctly reflect the work, material, and/or final product throughout the project. 2. Tests: Tests shall be performed as directed by all applicable VDOT Specifications. 3. Contractor's Inspection: All tests and inspections shall be made in the presence of Virginia Tech personnel unless otherwise instructed. Each compacted layer shall be tested to establish that compaction to the specified density has been uniformly accomplished. All test reports shall be certified by the laboratory and submitted to Virginia Tech for approval. Excavation and preparation of the existing soils shall be inspected and certified. 4. Inspection: Each phase of the services rendered shall be subject to Virginia Tech's inspection during the Contractor's operations and after completion of the tasks. Unsatisfactory work shall be corrected for re-inspection after 24 hours or, based on the magnitude of the tasks, after a reasonable span of time allowed for correction. Virginia Tech reserves the right to charge the Contractor any additional costs for Virginia Tech's inspection of any tasks that has not be performed satisfactorily at the time of request for inspection. I. MEASUREMENT: All measurements shall be taken to the nearest full unit of measurement. All asphalt, stone, and/or other quantities measured by depth are to be measured at compacted depth. J. OTHER REQUIREMENTS: 1. Barricades: Contractor shall erect barricades to protect the work area from vehicles and pedestrians. Barricades shall not be removed from site until approved by Virginia Tech. 2. Disposal of Debris: The Contractor shall transport all waste off Virginia Tech property and dispose of it in a manner that complies with Federal, state, and local requirements unless otherwise indicated by Virginia Tech. 3. Schedule of Work: Except as specified, all work shall be performed during regular working hours, 7 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. on regular working days, Monday through Friday. No work shall be scheduled or performed on Weekends, Holidays, campus special event days unless approved by Virginia Tech. In no event shall the Contractor perform work outside of regular working hours without prior approval by Virginia Tech. 4. Fire Protection and Prevention: The Contractor shall perform work in a fire-safe manner. The Contractor shall supply and maintain adequate fire-fighting equipment capable of extinguishing fires in the early stages. 5. Quality and Discipline of Employees: The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect all other property from damage, injury, or loss arising in connection with the work of any unfit person or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. 6. Duty to Protect Property: The Contractor shall continuously maintain adequate protection of all his work from damage and shall protect all other property from damage, injury, or loss arising in connection with the work. 7. Parking Policy & Requirements: Parking on the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg is regulated for all vehicles. Virginia Tech Parking Services strictly enforce parking regulations (regulations at: www.parking.vt.edu ). Violations of parking regulations could result in parking tickets, wheel booting, or vehicle towing. 8. Turf Permits: These permits are issued by Parking Services to all vehicles requiring temporary parking on the grass except for construction equipment, loaders, graders, etc. Parking Services' management shall decide who can obtain a Turf Permit. This permit does not allow parking on sidewalks and plazas. Do not park under trees. Refer to University Policy 5000, Section 2.9.12 for more details. There will be a $50 charge per permit for all non-state vehicles. 9. Sidewalk Policy: Vehicular use of sidewalk access to land-locked buildings is only allowed along designated routes. Vehicle pull-offs are designed at land-locked building sites to move parked vehicles off sidewalks (but not onto turf). Parking an unattended vehicle on sidewalk is strictly prohibited by state Law and shall be subject to fines. The vehicle operator shall be made aware that extreme caution shall be used to operate the vehicle in a way that will not be a hazard or hindrance to pedestrians using the sidewalk. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage to the turf and anything that is located adjacent to the sidewalk. a) The procedure to obtain a permit to operate vehicles on a sidewalk is the same as outlined for Turf Policy. Any vehicle parked illegally on a sidewalk shall be subject to ticketing, fines and/or towing if necessary. 10. Utilities: Virginia Tech will provide water as necessary for the performance of work. The Contractor shall supply all connections to water as needed. An air gap or back flow prevention shall be maintained at all times. 11. Safety Precautions: The Contractor shall comply with the rules and regulations of OSHA and the Department of Labor. The Contractor alone shall be responsible for the safety, efficiency and adequacy of his plant, appliances, and methods, and for any damage which may result from their improper construction, maintenance or operation. The contractor shall erect and properly maintain at all times, as required by the conditions and progress of the work, proper safeguards for the protection of workers and the public and shall post danger warnings against any hazards created by the construction operations. The Contractor shall designate a responsible member of his organization on the work whose duty shall be the prevention of accidents. In the absence of notice to the contrary, filed with Virginia Tech inwriting with a copy to Virginia Tech Police, this person shall be the Superintendent of the Contractor. 12. Existing Utilities: Verify with owner's Representative that the location of existing underground utilities in the area of work has been performed. If utilities are to remain in place, the Contractor shall provide adequate means of protection during operations. Should uncharted or incorrectly charted piping or other utilities be encountered during excavation or other operations, consult Virginia Tech immediately for directions. The Contractor shall cooperate with Virginia Tech and utility companies in keeping respectable services and facilities in operation. The Contractor shall be responsible to contact Miss Utilities. 13. Submission of List: As soon a possible, after notice of Work Order and in any event not later than three days prior to the time fixed in the Work Order, the Contractor will submit in writing to Virginia Tech a list of the names of Subcontractors and Contractor shall employ on the work. The list is to include all emergency contact phone / pager / cellular phone numbers of Contractor and Subcontractor. The list of Subcontractors is for the purpose of establishing what trades and portions of the work are to be performed under the Work Order. Buyer: Bryan Holloway bryanh91@vt.edu 540-231-8545 Issued By: Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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To Be Determined, Blacksburg, VA

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