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Published December 5, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Town of Plymouth for the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials, tools, apparatus and all other incidental work required to complete the replacement of existing water mains on Federal Furnace Road. Question Deadline 11/28/2024 Please contact Sandra Strassel, Procurement Officer, at (508) 747-1620, ext. 10107, if you have any questions on the bid process. Questions regarding the project or specifications must be submitted in writing and emailed to sstrassel@plymouth-ma.gov at least five (5) days prior to the bid opening date. At the discretion of the Town, questions will be answered by written addenda. The Town of Plymouth seeks bids for the furnishing of all labor, equipment, materials, tools, apparatus and all other incidental work required to complete the replacement of existing water mains and transferring existing services from the abandoned mains The Work under this contract includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the installation of approximately 16,000 linear feet of new 12-inch ductile-iron water main on Federal Furnace Road. The water main improvements also include the installation of new hydrants, valves, water service connections with new services from the new main to the curb stop, trench pavement, 1-1/2" curb-to-curb mill and overlay, and all other appurtenances required to complete the work. B. The Work shall consist of furnishing all labor, equipment, materials, tools, apparatus, and all other incidental work required to complete the replacement of the existing water mains and transferring existing services from the abandoned mains as specified and shown on the Drawings. The Work shall include, but not necessarily be limited to the following: 1. Furnishing, installing, relocating, and removing all piping, fittings, valves, hydrants, thrust blocks, restrained joints, couplings, appurtenances, and service connections as shown on the plans and as directed by the Engineer required for the installation of the new water mains. 2. Perform all required testing and disinfection of the new water mains. 3. All required work for Insertion valve installation. 4. Perform backfill compaction testing a minimum of every 200' for the entire project. 5. Adjustments/repairs and/or replacement of utility appurtenances (manholes, catch basins and water valves, frames, grates and covers, gate boxes, etc.) and other related work, as specified or directed by the Engineer. 6. Removal and legal disposal of all trench and pipe materials encountered and removed to facilitate construction. 7. Furnishing all materials and performing all excavations, backfilling of excavated areas, and restoration of surface pavement. 8. Performing 1-1/2" curb-to-curb mill and overlay within the project area included in Bid Alternate A. 9. Furnishing all labor, materials, and necessary equipment to loam and seed disturbed areas as shown on the drawings including all costs associated with the excavation and disposal of unsuitable material in areas to receive loam and seed. 10. Installation of bituminous concrete trench pavement as specified or as directed by the Engineer. 11. Restoration of sidewalks, driveways, granite curbs and berms, and landscaped areas as shown or as directed by the Engineer. 12. Furnishing, installation and maintenance of all traffic control and safety measures during the construction period, including signs, barricades, detours, maintenance of safe vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting properties, businesses and commercial establishments and assuring an uninterrupted supply of utility services to all public amenities, businesses and abutters within the project area, at all times. 13. Maintenance and repair of all work for a period of one (1) year following the issuance of the Certificate of Substantial Completion. 14. Furnishing all materials, labor, and equipment for the relocation, protection, or temporary disturbance of existing utilities (i.e. water, gas, drain) to permit water main improvement activities. 15. Furnishing, installation and maintenance of all traffic control and safety measures during the construction period, including signs, barricades, detours, maintenance of safe vehicular and pedestrian access to abutting properties, businesses and commercial establishments and assuring an uninterrupted supply of utility services to all public amenities, businesses and abutters within the project area, at all times. 16. Contractor shall provide three (3) message boards for traffic control starting two weeks prior and throughout the duration of construction. 17. Furnishing, installation, operation and maintenance of construction dewatering system and appurtenances in accordance with various regulatory approvals, as required. 18. Restoration of municipal and private property including turf, landscaping, docks, outbuildings, hardscapes, utilities, fencing, and trees. 19. Repair and/or replacement of any traffic signal loops in accordance with MassDOT requirements. 20. Coordination of all construction activities with the appropriate local and StateAuthorities, and utility companies. 21. Abidance with the Town of Plymouth Order of Condition included in the Appendix D. 22. Attending the Pre-construction conference and the required job progress meetings. 23. Submission of a construction schedule, list of subcontractors, and proposed sources locations for off-site materials. 24. Submission of all required shop drawings, in a timely manner, to the Engineer, for review. 25. Mobilization/Demobilization to/from the site. 26. On-site and laboratory testing, as specified. 27. Installation and maintenance of erosion controls; consisting of filter sock, silt sacks and silt bags, and providing dust control as required. 28. Coordination of all construction activities with the Engineer, Owner, Regulatory Agencies, Local Utilities, and Police. 29. Obtaining necessary permits and licenses, maintaining all items required by applicable permits, and payment of fees. 30. Traffic control planning, devices, and coordination of police details. 31. Provide a set of clearly labeled red line as-built drawings and construction photographs at the completion of the project.

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Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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Federal Furnace Rd, Plymouth, MA

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