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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Mason, Michigan. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

1.0 PURPOSE Ingham County is seeking competitive proposals from Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) prequalified and experienced engineering firms for the purpose of entering into a contract to provide professional surveyor services for the Ingham County Road Department. Professional services will include topographic surveys, construction staking and boundary surveys. The contract period will be for three (3) years with an option for a two (2) year renewal. 2.0 OWNER County of Ingham 121 Maple St. Mason, Michigan 48854 3.0 BACKGROUND Ingham County is the seventh largest county in Michigan and the county seat is in Mason. In 2024, Ingham County government had an annual operating budget of approximately $317 million (+1.56%) from 2023 and 1,641 employees. The organization is comprised of more than 30 departments providing a broad range of services to its citizens from public safety to parks and recreation. Ingham County covers 556 square miles of suburban, urban, and rural areas and has a population of approximately 284,900 residents (2020 U.S. Census). Ingham County is home to State of Michigan government, Michigan State University, General Motors, University of Michigan Health -Sparrow, and Jackson National Life. 4.0 SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS 4.1 Registering as a Vendor with Ingham County Bidders who have not registered their company with Ingham County or have not updated their registration in the past three (3) years are requested to do so by visiting website or by e-mailing Vendor Registration at for assistance. Vendors registering to provide goods and services to Ingham County under contract shall certify to their knowledge of the County's Equal Opportunity Employment / Nondiscrimination Policy, and of their agreement to comply, and shall disclose any conclusive findings of violations of Federal, State, or local equal opportunity statutes, ordinances, rules/regulations, or policies within the past three (3) years. 4.2 Pre-opening Inquires and Response Any explanation desired by a Proposer regarding the meaning or interpretation of this RFP and attachments must be requested only to the Ingham County Purchasing Department, at o The deadline for submitting final questions is no later than 3:00 PM on November 22, 2024. If an addendum is required, it will be issued after this date. o In the subject line of the e-mail, reference the Packet Number and Description: "Packet #245-24; 2025-2027 As-Needed Surveyor Services". o Submit only questions that are pertinent to the content of the RFP and, if possible, reference the page number and section. o Questions must be sent in an e-mail or a Word document. o Do not call the Purchasing Office or other departments to ask questions. o Do not send questions in any other format, for example: PDF. o Questions are gathered until the deadline and answered in an addendum. o Addendums are issued after all questions are received and answered. 4.3 Due Date, Time & Location It is the responsibility of the bidder/proposer to ensure that their proposal is submitted by the DUE DATE, TIME AND LOCATION as described below. o Keep in mind that bids received at 11:01 a.m. are late and cannot be accepted. This includes uploads. o You will receive confirmation that your bid was received within approximately 15 minutes of your submission; if not, contact the Purchasing Department at 517-676-7322 or 517-676-7322 to confirm receipt of your e-mail. If we are unavailable please leave a message and include, your name, phone number, email and "Packet #245-24; 2025-2027 As-Needed Surveyor Services". o Location: Proposers are required to submit an electronic version of their proposal by the due date and time set above to Bids received other than at or at other locations or received after the due date and time will not be accepted. o In the subject line of your e-mail include: "Packet #245-24" / "your firm's name" / "2025-2027 As-Needed Surveyor Services" / "- Bid/Proposal". o The Purchasing Department cannot accept bids in Zip files and/or any format that requires a download or clicking on a hyperlink. o ENCRYPTED SUBMISSIONS - The County's servers may result in failed delivery - request a link to upload. o The County's servers may reject emails that have been compromised in the past year. Ask for a link to upload your proposal. o If you have a problem e-mailing the electronic version of your bid you may upload your bid by emailing of the due date and time to ensure the bid submission is not late. o In your request, please reference the Packet Number and Project Name. o Once you've made the decision to submit a bid, you can ask for a link, but you must do it no later than two days before the deadline, unless there are technical issues. Bid Opening: Bid openings are posted to the public by year and packet number located online "Bid Archives", in a reasonable amount of time. Results are typically posted within 2-3 workdays, 4.4 Submission of Proposals Proposers shall complete and include with their submittals the following enclosed items: o Local Purchasing Preference Form o Addenda Form o Legal Status of Bidder Form o Non-Collusion Form o Certificate of Compliance with Public Act 517 Of 2012 Form o Standards of Conduct for Ingham County Vendors Form (2 pages) o Compliance with Ingham County Purchasing Policy (2 pages) o Signature Form o The Statistical Questionnaire is strictly optional. 4.5 Timely Submittals Time is of the essence and any proposal or addenda pertaining thereto received after the announced time and date for submittal will be rejected. It is the sole responsibility of the proposers for ensuring that their proposal(s) are received by the Purchasing Department. Proposals and/or any addenda pertaining thereto received after the announced time and date of receipt will be rejected and deleted and the proposer will be notified by e-mail of such. However, nothing in this RFP precludes the County from requesting additional information at any time during the procurement process. 4.6 Preparation of Proposal All proposals must be made on the required forms prepared and executed fully and properly. Proposed prices shall be based on the selected proposer furnishing all labor, supervision, administration, design, incidentals, bonds, insurance, and any other services required to complete the work in strict accordance with this RFP. All fees and costs must be disclosed in the proposal. 4.7 Proposal Process Proposals, which do not completely address all the solicitation requirements, will be considered non-responsive and may be excluded from consideration. Any exceptions shall be duly noted in the submittal. Proposers shall use a computer, type, or write clearly in ink the proposal amount. When applicable, each proposer shall acknowledge receipt of all Addenda issued for the proposal by signing the form submitted with each Addendum and submitting it with his proposal. Failure of a proposer to acknowledge receipt of any and all Addenda may result in the rejection of the proposal. 4.8 Authority to Bind Firm in Contract Proposer shall provide the full legal firm name and address. Any proposal that has not been manually signed (digital signature is acceptable) will be deemed non-responsive and excluded from consideration. Firm name and authorized signature must appear in the space provided on the enclosed Signature Sheet. 4.9 No Submittal If you desire not to respond to this RFP, please forward your acknowledgment of "NO PROPOSAL SUBMITTED" via an e-mail to Please also state the reason for not submitting a proposal. Failure to comply may be cause for removal of your company's name from the vendor notices. In the subject line of the e-mail reference the packet number and title of this RFP. 4.10 Special Accommodations If you are an individual with a disability and require a reasonable accommodation, please notify the Purchasing Department at (517) 676-7222 or 517-676-7322, three (3) working days prior to need. 5.0 GENERAL INFORMATION 5.1 Conflict of Interest By submitting a proposal, the Proposer certifies that he/she has no business, professional, personal, or other interest, including, but not limited to, the representation of other clients, that would conflict in any manner or degree with the performance of its obligations under any subsequent agreement with respect to this RFP. If at any time during the bidding process or subsequent contractual period, an actual or potential conflict of interest arises, the Proposer/Contractor shall immediately disclose in writing the conflict of interest to the County. The County reserves the right to immediately terminate in writing to the Contractor any subsequent agreement where, in the reasonable judgment of the County, such conflict poses a material conflict to the performance of the Contractor's obligations under the agreement; such termination of the agreement shall be effective upon the receipt of such notice by the Contractor. 5.2 Local Purchasing Preference Policy The Ingham County Board of Commissioners (BOC) believes that its purchasing policies should encourage local vendors to provide goods and/or services to Ingham County government, resulting in increased economic activity through more local jobs, tax revenues, and expenditures, and to entice business relocations to the County. As such, in 2010, the BOC amended its purchasing policies to include a ten percent (10%) purchasing preference to qualified and registered local vendors who respond to solicitations for the purchase of goods and/or services. In 2017, the BOC amended the LPPP in the event of two or more registered local vendors: When there are two registered local vendors (RLVs) bidding on a County contract and when the low bidder is utilizing non-local subcontractors for more than fifty percent (50%) of the contract work, then the non-low RLV who is within ten percent (10%) of the lowest RLV's bid and who is also utilizing non-local subcontractors for less than fifty percent (50%) for the contract, shall be given an opportunity to reduce its cost to match the low RLV's bid, and in doing so, shall be recommended for the award of the contract. In the event that there are multiple RLVs who are within ten percent (10%) of the lowest RLV who is using more than fifty percent (50%) of non-local vendors for the contract, the RLV who is utilizing the largest percentage of local subcontractors shall be given an opportunity to reduce its cost to match the low RLV's bid, and in doing so, be recommended for award of the contract; provided, however, that the percentage of non-local subcontractors utilized does not exceed fifty percent (50%); in the event that all non-low RLVs are using the same percentage of local subcontractors, the Purchasing Director shall toss a coin to determine the recommended bidder for contract award. In Ingham County, a local vendor is defined as a vendor that operates a business within the legally defined boundaries of Ingham County and pays Ingham County taxes. To be considered a local vendor, the vendor must provide a verifiable business address (not a PO Box) on the enclosed Local Purchasing Preference Form at which business is being conducted. The vendor must also agree to comply with all other policies and requirements of the County. More information about the Local Purchasing Preference Policy can be found at website. 5.3 Advice of Omission or Misstatement In the event it is evident to a proposer responding to this RFP that the County has omitted or misstated a material requirement to this RFP and/or the services required by this RFP, the responding vendor shall advise Kristen Romo, Director of Purchasing, at of such omission or misstatement. In the subject line of the e-mail reference the packet number and title of this RFP.



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December 4, 2025


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