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Published December 19, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Tuscaloosa Housing Authority (THA) is soliciting competitive proposals from certified Lead-Based Paint Abatement Contractors to address lead-based paint found on certain exterior components SCOPE OF SERVICES THA is requesting proposals from certified, licensed, and insured Lead-Based Paint Abatement Contractors to address certain lead-based paint components found on the exteriors of three (3) apartment communities. Contractor must be licensed to perform work in the State of Alabama. THA procured a Lead Based Paint Design Professional to develop the attached THA Lead Based Paint Abatement and Hazard Reduction Specifications, referred to hereafter as Design Plan, for each apartment complex. Contractor services should include the scope of services for each listed development as stated in the Design Plan. A post-abatement clearance sampling will be conducted by a certified lead-based paint accessor after completion of the work. Contractor must describe their approach/method of abatement for each development as it relates to the Design Plan and provide product specifications on the products to be used at each development. THA must approve the method/approach and products to be used before work is to commence. Questions or requests for clarifications to the RFP or the terms of the RFP shall be submitted in writing no later than December 5, 2024 by 11:00 AM CST. Responses to the questions or requests for clarifications will be provided in the form of an amendment to the RFP and will be issued to all prospective Respondents. CONTRACT AWARD The Authority anticipates awarding a contract to the most qualified, responsive and responsible Respondent, unless all submissions are rejected as indicated above. Proposals will be evaluated on a combination of factors. These factors are outlined in "Scoring Evaluation Plan." THA intends to retain the successful proposer pursuant to a "Best Value" basis, not a "Low Proposal" basis. It should be noted that THA may award contracts to multiple contractors. RIGHTS AND REMEDIES The rights and remedies of THA as stated in the foregoing shall not be exclusive and are in addition to any other rights and remedies provided by law or under the contract.



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Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Tuscaloosa, AL

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RFP - Lead - Based Paint Abatement Contractor Services

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