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Published January 21, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of an educational facility in Cozad, Nebraska. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

Elementary School Renovation Project The School reserves the right to reject any and all proposals received that are not deemed to be in the best interests of the School. The School further reserves the right to cancel or amend the RFP and contract documents at any time and will notify all persons requesting proposal documents accordingly Wilkins Architecture Design Planning LLC, a/k/a Wilkins A|D|P, 2204 University Drive, Suite 130, Kearney, NE 68845. The Project Architect's designated lead representative on the Project Team is Jacob Sertich; Tel: 308-237-5787; Email: jsertich@wilkinsadp.com. The scope of construction costs for the Project shall include all labor and materials for construction, construction manager fees and reimbursable expenses, general conditions/aid-toconstruction costs, permits, and special testing, but shall not include any site acquisition costs or architect or engineering fees and reimbursable expenses. The School reserves the right to remove portions of the work on the Project from the CM@R contract and let separate bids if it is deemed to be in the best interest of the School. Question Deadline 12/10/2024 at 4:00 PM CT Questions about or requests for clarification or interpretation of the RFP documents shall be made by email to the School's Legal Counsel, with a copy to the Project Architect, at the email addresses specified in Section 5 above no later than the date and at the time specified in Section 9 above. Interpretations, corrections, and changes of the RFP documents shall be made only by written addendum. The proposed facilities improvement project generally consists of the renovation of the existing elementary school, consisting of eight (8) classrooms and potentially some ancillary spaces (2 restrooms) that were not touched in the 2022 Bond project. Renovation is likely to include new flooring, ceilings, doors, wall finishes, casework and lighting. The location for the Project is 420 East 14th Street, Cozad, Nebraska. The preliminary total construction budget for all costs for the Project is in the range of $200,000 to $300,000. This construction budget includes all costs and expenses for the Project, including but not limited to all labor and materials for construction (subcontracted and self-performed), construction manager fees and reimbursable expenses, general conditions/aid-to-construction costs, permits, special testing and any construction contingency. The construction budget does not include any architect/engineering fees and reimbursable expenses, owner's contingency, furniture/fixtures/equipment. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document. The proposed facilities improvement project generally consists of the renovation of the existing elementary school, consisting of eight (8) classrooms and potentially some ancillary spaces (2 restrooms) that were not touched in the 2022 Bond project. Renovation is likely to include new flooring, ceilings, doors, wall finishes, casework and lighting.




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420 E 14th St, Cozad, NE

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