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Site work and paving for a road / highway in Ellington, Connecticut. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

State Project Number(s) & Description: State Project No. 0047-0122; Route 140 Geometry Improvements in the Towns of Ellington and Tolland Required Work Classification(s): 7A- Major Reconstruction of Non-Freeway State Routes Federal-aid Project Number(s) & Funding Source: Federal FHWA (F.A.P. No. 0140(012)) and State Project Scope Code: "H" $ 7,500,000 $ 9,999,999 Pre-Bid Conference and/or Site Visit Information: N/A District Number(s):: 1- Rocky Hill Contract DBE % Goal or SBE % Set-Aside: DBE 8% Prospective bidders must be prequalified with the Department of Transportation and have on file a sworn Statement (CON 16) by the time of the bid. In order to help ensure that prospective bidders may become prequalified in time for the bid opening for a given contract, contractors should be certain to return the Application (CON 16) with all necessary information, signatures and notarized documents, to the DOT Contracts Unit at least thirty (30) calendar days before requesting a bid proposal form for that contract. Except when otherwise specified in the bid documents, no proposal will be considered unless; (a) it is accompanied by a proposal guaranty from a surety company in the form of the Departments (CTDOT) standard bid bond form furnished by the Department, as may be revised, satisfactory to the Commissioner, in an amount equal to at least 30% of the amount of the bid Question Deadline 12/16/2024 at 9:00 AM ET ,Questions pertaining to DOT advertised construction projects must be presented through the CTDOT Pre-Bid Q and A Website. The Department cannot guarantee that all questions will be answered prior to the bid date. PLEASE NOTE - at 9:00 am Monday (i.e. typical Wednesday Bid Opening) the project(s) being bid will be closed for questions, at which time questions can no longer be submitted through the Q and A Website CTDOT - Route 140 Geometry Improvements in the Towns of Ellington and Tolland This work shall consist of excavating existing channel bottom material, herein referred to as natural streambed material, in areas where the channel bottom is to be disturbed and regraded to create a work area for a bridge, culvert, articulated concrete block placement, cofferdam installation, as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. This item shall also include the stockpiling and protecting of the excavated material on-Site, subsequent placement, top dressing, or backfilling of the excavated stockpiled material within the watercourse, as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. Work under this item shall include all materials, equipment, tools, and labor required to (1) stage, manage, and stockpile Controlled Material within the Project limits; (2) load and transport material from various stockpile locations, place, and compact said materials in areas located within the Project limits or at the direction of the Engineer; and (3) dispose of any unsuitable or surplus Controlled Material at a Department-approved treatment/recycling/disposal facility. This item is estimated to include the management of material for reuse within the Project limits and unsuitable and surplus material for disposal. It is beneficial to reuse the Controlled Material within the Project limits to the maximum extent possible, reducing the costs associated with disposal at a regulated facility. Worker health and safety protocols which address potential and/or actual risks of exposure to site specific hazards should be incorporated in the Contractor's Corporate Health and Safety Plan. Work under this item shall consist of designing, furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing of a temporary water handling system. This may include water handling-cofferdams, bypass pipes, bypass pumps/hoses, temporary energy dissipation, sump pumps, drainage channels, water handling for ancillary drainage, and dewatering. A temporary water handling system redirects water beyond, through, or around the limits of construction to allow work to be done in the dry. This work shall consist of measures to control water pollution and soil erosion which become necessary for the completion of the work, but for which no item is provided in the Contract. Such measures include: o temporary check dams, water bars, berms, dikes, dams o temporary sediment traps o pump settling basins o silt fence o inlet protection o hay bales o erosion control matting o fiber rolls, coir rolls, wattles o gravel, stone, riprap o mulch o permanent or temporary seeding o slope drains, ditches, channels, temporary drainage measures o dust control o topsoil o other erosion control materials, devices, or methods If a situation arises that requires immediate deployment of water pollution control measures, the Engineer will direct the Contractor to use this item to prosecute the work. If the Contractor proposes changes in construction methods or staging which would affect the as designed pollution controls, plans for revised pollution controls shall be submitted for the Engineer's approval prior to start of work. Controlled Low Strength Material (CLSM) is a self consolidating, rigid setting material to be used in backfills, fills, structural fills and elsewhere as indicated on the plans, or as directed by the Engineer. The flow and set time characteristics of CLSM shall be designed to meet the specific job conditions. All CLSM material covered by this specification shall be designed to be hand excavatable at any time after placement. It shall be composed of a mixture of Portland cement, aggregate, and water with the option of using fly ash, slag cement, airentraining agents, and other approved admixtures. This work shall consist of the installation and removal of temporary pavement at the locations shown on the Plans or as directed by the Engineer. The work shall include the following: 1. Excavation, removal, and disposal of all existing materials within the limits of the temporary pavement including sawcutting of any existing pavement, 2. Grading and compacting remaining subbase or subgrade, 3. Furnishing, installation, and compaction of new subbase, 4. Application of tack coat as required on the vertical edges of any sawcut areas and between pavement lifts, 5. Placement and compaction of bituminous concrete pavement, 6. Removal of all materials associated with the temporary pavement work as shown in the Contract documents or determined by the Engineer. This work does not include restoration of the area to a permanent condition after temporary pavement is removed, including turf establishment or final paving, which shall be performed under separate items. Work under this item shall consist of grooving the pavement surface in continuous or intermittent intervals for the placement of recessed pavement markings. Unless otherwise noted, the groove shall be 1 inch wider than the anticipated pavement marking. The groove for double-yellow centerline markings shall consist of two grooves, each 5 inches wide. Groove Width: 5 inches wide for 4-inch markings 7 inches wide for 6-inch markings 9 inches wide for 8-inch markings 13 inches wide for 12-inch markings Groove Depth: 0.080 inches +- 0.010 inches The groove shall not be installed continuously for intermittent (Dotted Lines and Broken Lane Lines) pavement markings, but only where markings are to be applied. The groove shall not be installed on metal bridge decks, on bridge joints, at drainage structures, at loop detector sawcut locations, or in other areas identified by the Engineer. The Asphalt Adjustment Cost will be based on the variance in price for the performance-graded binder component of the following: I. Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) and Polymer Modified Asphalt (PMA), II. Ultra-Thin Bonded HMA (UTB-HMA) and Ultra-Thin Bonded PMA (UTB-PMA), III. Thin Friction Wearing Course (TFWC), IV. Binder Rich Intermediate Courses (BRIC) and Stone Matrix Asphalt (SMA), and V. Asphalt Rubber Chip Seal (ARCS) treatments completed and accepted during the Contract. Under the item included in the bid document, adequate weatherproof office quarters with related furnishings, materials, equipment, and otherservices,shall be provided by the Contractor for the duration of the work, and if necessary, for a close-out period determined by the Engineer. The office, furnishings, materials, equipment, and services are for the exclusive use of CTDOT forces and others who may be engaged to augment CTDOT forces with relation to the Contract. The office quarters shall be located convenient to the work site and installed in accordance with Article 1.08.02. This office shall be separated from any office occupied by the Contractor. Ownership and liability of the office quarters shall remain with the Contractor.


Roads / Highways


Public - State/Provincial

Paving, Site Work





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CT-140, Ellington, CT

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