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Published November 22, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a road / highway in Mission, Texas. Conceptual plans call for site work for a road / highway; and for paving for a road / highway.

This is a Sources Sought Notice Border Roadway Improvements and Construction (BRIC) Projects THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Projects: Design-Build (D/B) Construction Services for the Border Roadway Improvements and Construction at the following Land Ports of Entry (LPOEs): Anzalduas Land Port of Entry (Mission, TX) Del Rio Land Port of Entry (Del Rio, TX) Los Tomates Land Port of Entry (Brownsville, TX) Los Indios Land Port of Entry (Los Indios, TX) The GSA Greater Southwest Region, Acquisition Management Division, Capital Investment Program is conducting a market survey seeking qualified contractors to provide Design-Build (D/B) Construction services. The work entails providing design and construction of roadway repairs and/or paving replacement at the designated Land Ports of Entry to improve the overall function of the port utilizing Low Embodied Carbon (LEC) materials. The following represents the proposed work to be performed: Design-Build Construction Services at the Anzalduas Land Port of Entry, Mission, TX: Paving will use LEC asphalt, concrete and steel. Design-Build Construction Services at the Del Rio Land Port of Entry, Del Rio, TX: Paving will use LEC asphalt, concrete and steel. Design-Build Construction Services at the Los Tomates Land Port of Entry, Brownsville, TX: Paving will use LEC asphalt, concrete and steel. Design-Build Construction Services at the Los Indios Land Port of Entry, Los Indios, TX: Paving will use LEC asphalt, concrete and steel. Each jobsite is in a remote location. Each location will be a separate contract. The contractor will be responsible for all design and construction as it relates to the following: Provide design and construction of localized pavement patching and repair where required. Provide design and construction of temporary maintenance of pedestrian and vehicle traffic while construction is performed. Provide design and construction for full pavement section and subgrade repair/rehabilitation/reconstruction/replacement and demolition. Provide drawings/photographs with sections and details as necessary for all parts of the area(s) to be repaired/rehabilitated/reconstructed and/or replaced. Provide design and construction of utilities, if necessary, that may need to be relocated in localized areas as required. Some utilities may need to be relocated on new horizontal alignments and/or cased and/or placed deeper. Provide crack and /or sealant repair in the paving where required. Plan and coordinate traffic control, lane closures, and construction phasing to allow for minimal disruption to LPOE mission / traffic. The Design Build (DB) Construction Contractor will be required to provide a product-specific cradle-to-gate Type III Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for each concrete mix design specified in the contract and used at the project, using NSF International's product category rule for concrete. The DB Contractor will also be required to provide low embodied carbon concrete that meets the Global Warming Potential (GWP) limits for concrete of the mix type and strength class. See attached Fact Sheet for the Inflation Reduction Act Pilot Program: Interim IRA Low Embodied Carbon Materials Requirements and Interim IRA LEC Material Requirements. Potential NAICS is 237310 with a size standard of $45.0m. The PSC/FSC is Z2LB (repair and alteration of highway/roads/streets/bridges/railways). It is anticipated that these projects will be funded using the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 (IRA) funding. For GSA, it will make our federal buildings more sustainable, higher performing, and more cost-efficient through next generation technologies and low-embodied carbon materials - accelerating efforts to achieve a net zero federal footprint, catalyzing American innovation and saving taxpayers millions in energy costs. Embodied carbon refers to the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the production, use, and disposal of construction materials. The estimated construction cost range for each project is between $5,000,000 and $10,000,000. Estimated contract duration is approximately 12 to 15 months from notice to proceed for each project. This notice is being issued to determine if there is adequate interest and competition among Small Business concerns. The contracts will be awarded on a firm-fixed price basis. If it is determined that adequate competition exists, GSA may set the requirement aside for competition amongst the appropriate small business concerns. All interested contractors should respond to this office in writing by email on or before the due date listed herein. The Government is not obligated to and will not pay for any information received from the potential sources because of this market survey. It is anticipated solicitations based on the outcome of this market survey may be issued on or about January 2025, and that subsequent contracts from the solicitations would be awarded no later than May 2025. Awards of any resulting procurement will be based on employing a "Best Value Concept" methodology. A source selection evaluation fact or will be included that favors the provision of IRA-Eligible Materials with the lowest possible GWP. Offerors will propose materials that meet Top 20% Limits, Top 40% Limits, or Better Than Average Limits and will be scored accordingly. Materials meeting the Top 20% limit are scored higher. GSA anticipates the solicitation will require proposals to include EPDs to support the proposed materials. CAPABILITY STATEMENT D/B ConstructionFirms interested in this effort must be able to demonstrate experience with at least two (2) similar projects. To qualify as a SIMILAR PROJECT, the project must meet all four elements of size, complexity, type, and LEC as further defined here. The projects submitted must show evidence of low embodied carbon concrete. To be considered similar in size, EACH project must have exceeded $5,000,000 in cost/price and be completed in the last eight years. To be considered similar in complexity projects must include elements of significant design and construction of roadway improvement in an operational facility/port/area. Each project need not contain every element, but the combination of projects should demonstrate the ability to perform these services in a satisfactory manner. In responding to this notice, please indicate your experience and interest in this project as a contractor, and a brief description of your firm's past experience completing activities similar to those described above, including project dates, cost, and role as either Prime Contractor or Subcontractor. Include points of contact and all information necessary to contact the owner of the project who can substantiate similar project characteristics. Interested firms are invited to respond to this notice by providing the following information: Provide firm name, address, point of contact, phone number, email address, and Unique Entity Identification (UEI) number. Identify all small business categories and NAICS codes applicable to your firm, i.e., small business, veteran owned small business, service-disabled veteran-owned small business, HUBZone small business, small disadvantaged business, and/or women-owned small business and/or large business. Provide project experience of two (2) projects of similar size, complexity, and type. Include project dates, price, and role as either Prime Contractor or Subcontractor. Include points of contact and all information necessary to contact the owner of the project who can substantiate similar project characteristics. Provide the name of the Surety, maximum bonding capacity per project and aggregate maximum bonding capacity. Include if interest is in all four (4) ports or any number of ports and identify which port is of interest. Provide LEC asphalt, concrete and or steel supplier information. Evidence of an EPD is not required at this stage and will not be counted towards the 3-page requirement, but if your LEC supplier has an EPD or one in progress please provide that information. Any interested firm should provide a Written Letter of Interest with the aforementioned information (no more than 3 pages) by 12:00 pm CST, December 12, 2024, to Jeff Kang via email jeffrey.kang@gsa.gov and please cc Marsha Howard via email marsha.howard@gsa.gov and Jason Gerloff via jason.gerloff@gsa.gov. The subject line should state "Letter of interest for BRIC Projects at various LPOE's. All infomration is subjet to verification. Additional information may be requested to substantiate responses. Reimbursement costs for information received are not authorized. In addition to the construction opportunity reflected herein, GSA is seeking suppliers and manufacturers that are interested in supplying low embodied carbon asphalt, concrete (and cement), glass and steel materials for the project. Suppliers and manufacturers of materials meeting GSA's Inflation Reduction Act Low Embodied Carbon asphalt, concrete (and cement), glass and steel requirements may submit an Expression of Interest to the contact below no later than by 12:00 pm CST, December 12, 2024, to Jeff Kang via email jeffrey.kang@gsa.gov and please cc Marsha Howard via email marsha.howard@gsa.gov and Jason Gerloff via jason.gerloff@gsa.gov. Expressions of Interest should indicate materials available and global warming potential values reflected in materials' environmental product declarations. Submission of an expression of interest grants GSA your permission to publish your firm's contact information and offerings for use by potential offerors on GSA construction requirements. Supplier and manufacturer contact information will be published in an informational amendment issued by GSA and, potentially, in other fora. By participating in the competition, offerors consent to unrestricted GSA use of supplier names and the GWP values associated with supplier materials. Such information may be disclosed publicly or used to inform other low embodied carbon procurement activities. Technical solutions, supplier pricing, and supplier-offeror terms and conditions will not be shared. Any objection shall be transmitted to the Contracting Officer by the due date for off ers and shall adhere to 41 C.F.R. 105-60.601. All information submitted i s subject to verification. Additional information may be requested to substantiate responses. Reimbursement costs for information received are not authorized. NOTE: Questions submitted may or may not be answered. This is a market survey to identify interested and qualified firms to determine if adequate competition exists to set aside any potential procurements. NOTE: A virtual Industry Day was held on August 2, 2023 in order to educate the community on IRA requirements and LEC materials and connect small and large business concerns with manufacturers and suppliers. Attached to this Sources Sought are the slides of the GSA Presentation as well as Questions and Answers submitted. This is a Sources Sought Notice and NOT a Request for Proposal. This is not a guarantee that a Request for Proposal will be issued in the future. The Method of Contractor Selection has not been determined at this Time. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.


Roads / Highways


Public - Federal

Paving, Site Work

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December 12, 2025


Multiple Locations, Mission, TX

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