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Published January 2, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in York, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Sunset Lane Park Stormwater Project For the installation of new stormwater pipes and a stormwater facility in Sunset Lane Park All bidders must warrant they are incompliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (Public Law 101-336) and will, in carrying out requirements of all awarded contracts with West Manchester Township, comply in respects with the provisions of the Act and its implementing requirements. The work will include installing a total of 279 linear feet of 15-inch High Density Polyethylene (HDPE), 5 inlets and a flared end section. There will be an underground stone infiltration trench installed between inlet I-2 to I-4. The underground stone infiltration trench will consist of a stone volume of 31723 Cubic Feet and 390 linear feet of 15-inch perforated HDPE pipe. See the attached plans for details regarding the pipe runs and infiltration trench. Contractor will be responsible for providing all the labor associated with the installation of the proposed items shown on the plan. The contractor needs to secure the excavated area at the end of the day. They should propose a method for Township approval. Equipment crossings will likely result in areas of pavement that will need restoration. Excluding the cuts needed for trenches, minimize the length of the path crossed to three areas 20 feet long. Damaged pavement should be sawcut, removed and then backfill with stone. Any grass, plantings, surfaces, fences, structures, etc. damaged or removed during the work shall be restored by the contractor. Any disturbed grass area shall be reseeded and stabilized. If seeding does not take during restorations or contains weeds, the contractor shall return to correct the deficiency in the next suitable planting period. Pipes, inlets, grates, flared end section, stone, and non-woven geotextile will be provided by the Township. The township reserves the right to replace Nyoplast inlets with concrete inlets. All other materials shall be provided by the contractor including but not limited to slope lining matts, seed, staples and filter sock. The contractor will be responsible for hauling the stone material to the site and any labor associated with the installation process. The township will complete the needed pavement. The contractor will be responsible for providing the grout for pipe connections/penetrations to concrete structures and concrete for the anti-seep collar. The contractor will be using the excess soil from the excavation to construct the proposed berm and the remaining soil to be placed in the area on sheet 4 of plan A lining will be used for the sloped areas. Direct any such requests or questions about the project to Richard Shaw, Public Works Director, by email at rshaw@wmtwp.com or at 717.792.3505, or Alex Issis by email at alex.issis@dawood.net or call at (717)-343-4088 Bidders should provide in their proposal a description of their availability and indication whether they could complete the work and invoice the Township before the end of the year. Bidders should include their standard terms and conditions with their proposal as well as a non-collusion affidavit and insurance certificate. The Township reserves the right to request additional clarification after receipt of bids. No bids will be accepted after the date and time stipulated in the first paragraph of this notice. The lowest and most qualified bidder will be awarded the project. The Township reserves the right to waive any irregularities in the bids


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work




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2458 Sunset Ln, York, PA

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