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Renovation of a municipal facility in Jamestown, Rhode Island. Completed plans call for the renovation of a municipal facility.

Roof Replacement This Contract shall consist of work performed at One East Shore Road Jamestown, Rhode Island administration Building and Maintenance Garage. The work to be performed includes the following as outlined in the Contract Drawings and the Contract Specifications: 1. CONTRACTOR SHALL REMOVE EXIST. ROOF SHINGLES & COVERINGS DOWN TO THE EXIST. ROOF DECK, TYPICAL AT PITCHED ROOFS. REFER TO GENERAL ROOFING REMOVAL NOTES ON A-200 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. 2. ADD / ALT: ROOF DECK REPLACEMENT CONTINGENCY - IN THE EVENT THE EXISTING ROOF DECKING CAN NOT BE REUSED THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROVIDE AN ESTIMATE TO (SUPPLY & INSTALL) REPLACE ALL ROOF DECKING WITH NEW EXTERIOR GRADE PLYWOOD (5/8' TH.) 3. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL NEW ASPHALT ROOF SHINGLES AT PITCHED ROOFS, INCLUDING NEW UNDERLAYMENT (30# ROOFING FELT), ICE BARRIER MEMBRANE, FLASHING, TRIM, ETC., AS REQUIRED PER RlSBC 1507 AND/OR MANUFACTURER'S INSTALL GUIDELINES. SEE UNDERLAYMENT & ASPHALT SHINGLE INSTALL NOTES ON A-200 FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. 4. CONTRACTOR SHALL SUPPLY AND INSTALL NEW COMMERCIAL ROOF ANCHOR AT EXISTING FLAT ROOF AS INDICATED. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. SEE ROOF ANCHOR DETAIL FOR ADDITIONAL INFO. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR PATCHING AND REPAIRING EXIST. ROOF MEMBRANE AS REQUIRED (V.I.F.) The proposal shall be submitted in hard copy format utilizing the forms included in the Contract Documents. Bidders shall submit two hard copies and one electronic copy on a USB Flash Drive of the proposal to the Authority. Proposal, Contract Drawings, Supplementary Specifications, and other Contract Documents for the work are available in electronic format through the Authority and are not transferrable to other parties for bidding purposes. The cost of preparation and delivery of the proposal are solely the responsibility of the Bidder. Submitted Proposals are considered to be irrevocable for a period of one hundred and twenty (120) and may not be withdrawn during this period without the express permission of the Authority. The Bidder must also clearly identify one public copy that will be made available for public inspection upon the opening of the bids in accordance with the State Purchases Act. The Bidder must clearly mark any confidential content and remove the content from the public copy. Content that may be considered confidential by law can be found in RIGL ß38-2-2. If a submittal fails to clearly mark a public copy, all submitted copies with be considered public and one of the copies of the original submittal will be available for viewing at the bid opening. Awards will not be made at the bid opening. A certified check payable to the Rhode Island Turnpike and Bridge Authority in an amount not less than five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid price, or a bid bond not less than five (5) percent of the total amount of the bid price, must accompany each Proposal as a guarantee that the Contract will be entered into, if awarded. The submitted Certified Check or Bid Bond will be returned after the Contract has been executed. Proposals, with accompanying check or bid bond, shall be enclosed in an opaque sealed envelope that will be suitably marked with the name and proposal number on the outside. Any bond required under the provisions of this Contract and Proposal shall only be issued by and originate with an agent lawfully constituted, licensed, and registered in the State of Rhode Island. A Performance Bond of one hundred (100) percent of the Contract price with a surety company that is satisfactory to the Authority will be required of the successful bidder. The Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to waive any informality in bids received. The Authority will consider only those bids received from parties who have obtained Contract Documents directly from the Authority. Prospective bidders or their representatives may not contact any employee of the Authority or AI Engineering regarding this Contract from the date of advertisement through the bid date. Question Deadline 11/26/2024 at 4:00 PM ET ALL questions or clarifications concerning the Contract documents shall be submitted by e-mail to The Authority intends to award the Contract as soon as practicable after receipt and evaluation of bids. However, nothing herein constitutes a commitment by the Authority to make an award. The Authority may elect to cancel this notice, or to reject any and all proposals without disclosing a reason. The Authority will make the award to the lowest responsive and responsible Bidder. A responsive Bidder means a Bidder who submits a proposal which conforms in all material aspects to the requirements of this notice. A responsible Bidder means a Bidder who is qualified in all respects to fully perform the contract requirements. The successful Bidder shall execute and deliver the Contract and the required Performance Bond and evidence of specified insurance coverage, upon receipt of Notice of Intent to Award. Notice to Proceed and execution of the Contract will be given upon approval of contractor ís insurance and bonds; and Contractor shall start work within fourteen (14) weekdays after receipt of Notice to Proceed but may not start the work before the required bonds and insurance policies have been submitted and approved, or as otherwise stated herein, and shall complete the work on or before the date indicated in the Proposal. Responses to Contractors Questions and any Addendum Distribution ñ Close of Business December 4 ,2024. Contractor to start work by mutually agreed date between RITBA and selected contractor. Contractor shall complete all work on this Contract within fourteen days of selected start date unless approved by RITBA. Project to be completed in 60 days from NTP.




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1 E Shore Rd, Jamestown, RI

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