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Site work for a civil project in Lawrence, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a bridge / tunnel; and water / sewer project.

Van Buren County Road Commission, Western Garage, Bangor Township; installation of oil/water separator and septic tank, with associated drainage improvements 12th Avenue at CR388, Pine Grove Township; intersection re-build 69th Street from CR378 to 24th Street, Bangor Township; clearing, trench, widen, drainage improvements, and restoration Lake Shore Drive and Meadow Drive, Lawrence Township; remove existing culverts and replace with drainage structures and sewers All bids must be in a sealed envelope and plainly marked as to the item bid upon and the name of the bidder. All unmarked bids and/or bids received after the submitted deadline may be rejected. The work consists of the completed services, construction and/or paving by the Contact Documents and includes all materials and labor incorporated or to be incorporated therein The Contractor will begin the work within five (5) days after being notified by the Road Commission of the award of the contract, unless this is inconsistent with the Progress Schedule, in which case the Progress Schedule will govern. He will execute the work in the order given in the Progress Schedule, with force and equipment adequate to complete the sections within the time limit therein fixed for completion. In case of failure to proceed with the work as rapidly as is provided in the Progress Schedule, or if it appears at any time that such work is not being prosecuted in such a manner as to insure its completion within time specified, the Road Commission will have the right to require the contractor to furnish and place in operation such additional force and equipment as the Road Commission will deem necessary to bring the work up to the Progress Schedule; and in case of the Contractor's neglect to do so, the Road Commission may place such working force and equipment on the work and charge the Contractor the cost of the labor and such rental and depreciation rates for the plan and equipment as in its judgment is reasonable, and for such time as the plant and equipment are in service.


Bridges / Tunnels


Public - County

Site Work




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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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Multiple Locations, Lawrence, MI

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