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Published February 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a transportation facility in Las Vegas, Nevada. Completed plans call for site work for a transportation facility.

Bus Stop Shelter Fabrication and Installation See solicitation documents in NGEM for times and locations. This project is federally funded. The RTC has established an DBE goal of 9.9% for this contract. A requirement of the contract includes a certification that the Proponent is not currently engaged in and agrees for the duration of the contract not to engage in a boycott of Israel. Question Deadline 12/10/2024 at 3:00 PM PT (a) Manufacture, fabrication, assembling, handling, erection, installation, dismantling, conditioning, adjustment, alteration, repairing and servicing of all ferrous or nonferrous metal work and all other materials used in lieu thereof and of all kitchen equipment, HVAC systems, air veyor systems, exhaust systems, and air-handling systems, regardless of material used including the setting of all equipment and all reinforcements in connection therewith; (b) all lagging over insulation and all duct lining; (c) testing and balancing of all airhandling equipment and duct work; (d) the preparation of all shop and field sketches whether manually drawn or computer assisted used in fabrication and erection, including those taken from original architectural and engineering drawings or sketches; (e) metal exterior wall systems, metal roofing and underlayment regardless of material used; (f) any and all auditing, commissioning and testing, of all HVAC in connection with a building rating methods; detailing, shop fabrication, field installation and performance oriented tasks and (g) all other work included in the jurisdictional claims of International Association of Sheet Metal, Air, Rail and Transportation Workers. Installation, maintenance, service and testing of all apparatus, fire alarm systems and interconnection cables, including fiber optics and/or ethereal aid associated with systems utilizing the transmission including ultra-high frequencies, video, and digital for the commercial, education, security and entertainment purposes for the following: TV monitoring and surveillance, background music, intercom and telephone interconnect, inventory control systems, microwave transmission, Halon systems, C02, FM200, intergen, also all other suppression systems, multi-media, multiplex, PCM (Pulse Code Modulation), SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition), nurse call system, radio page, school intercom and sound, burglar alarms and low voltage master clock systems, and data systems that transmit or receive information and control and all other systems which are intrinsic to the above listed systems. Installations of raceway systems are not covered under the terms of this Agreement (excluding Ladder Rack for the purpose of the above listed systems). Chases and/or nipples (not to exceed 10 ft.) may be installed on open wiring systems. Removal and discarding of all packaging and waste materials related to the above scope of work, excluding demolition waste. Senior Technician Pull cable, install and trim devices, terminate loops, circuits or other data gathering points. Terminate energized main control panels, racks or other head end equipment as well as test all circuits from the field to the main control panels and/or equipment. A senior technician will supervise and coordinate all work under this Agreement. Installer Technician I Installer Technician Pull cable, trim devices, terminate loops, circuits or other data gathering points. Terminate non-energized main control panels, racks, or other head end equipment, as well as test all circuits from the field device to the non-energized panels and / or equipment. The Installer Technicians and Installer Technician Apprentices shall not energize, or work on any energized circuits, loops or equipment, except under the direction of the onsite Senior Technician. PID-23_0787, 680-138


Transportation Terminals


Public - State/Provincial

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Multiple Locations, Las Vegas, NV

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