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Site work, paving, environmental remediation and outdoor lighting for a water / sewer project in Anchorage, Alaska. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Return your bid in a sealed envelope on which the Solicitation number appears. Bids received by email transmission will not be considered for award. Bids shall be submitted on the forms furnished herein. Hand delivered bids, amendments, or withdrawals must be received by ARRC's Contracts Section prior to the scheduled time of bid opening. Your bid must be complete. See instructions and conditions enclosed. An Alaska Business license is not a prerequisite to bid. Bidders who possess an Alaska Business license and also meet the other criteria of an Alaska Bidder shall receive a preference per the "Alaska bidder preference". ARRC shall not be held responsible for bidder's lack of understanding of what is required by this bid. Should a bidder not understand any aspect of this bid, or require further explanation, or clarification regarding the intent or requirements of this bid, it shall be the responsibility of the bidder to seek guidance from the ARRC. ARRC reserves the right to reject any and all bids, or any part thereof, negotiate changes in bids, accept any bids or any part thereof, waive minor informalities or defects in any bids, and not to award the proposed contract if it is in the best interest of the ARRC. ARRC may award a contract resulting from this solicitation to the responsive offeror whose offer conforming to this solicitation will be the most advantageous to the ARRC. ARRC may reject any or all offers if such action is in the best interest of ARRC, and waive informalities and minor irregularities in offers received. Any resulting contract from this solicitation shall incorporate the Standard Instructions, and General Terms and Conditions for Construction incorporated in this solicitation. This solicitation is not to be construed as a commitment of any kind nor does it commit the ARRC to pay for any costs incurred in the submission of an offer or for any other incurred cost prior to the execution of a formal contract BIDDER/VENDOR TERMS AND CONDITIONS: PROSPECTIVE BIDDERS ARE CAUTIONED TO PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO THIS CLAUSE. Bidder/contractor imposed terms and conditions which conflict with this Invitation For Bid terms and conditions are considered counter offers and, as such, will cause the Alaska Railroad Corporation to consider the bid non-responsive. If a bidder attaches additional terms and conditions as part of the bid, such attachments must be accompanied by a disclaimer stating that in the event of conflict between the terms and conditions of this Invitation to Bid and the terms and conditions of the bidder/contractor, the terms and conditions of the Invitation to Bid will prevail. ALASKA BIDDER PREFERENCE: Award will be made to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder after an Alaska bidder preference of five percent (5%) has been applied. The preference will be given to a person who: (1) holds a current Alaska business license at the time designated in the invitation to bid for bid opening; (2) submits a bid for goods or services under the name on the Alaska business license; (3) has maintained a place of business within the state staffed by the bidder, or an employee of the bidder, for a period of six months immediately preceding the date of the bid; (4) is incorporated or qualified to do business under the laws of the state, is a sole proprietorship and the proprietor is a resident of the state, is a limited liability company organized under AS 10.50 and all members are residents of the state, or is a partnership under AS 32.06 or AS 32.11 and all partners are residents of the state; and, (5) if a joint venture, is composed entirely of ventures that qualify under (1) - (4) of this subsection. ALASKA VETERAN PREFERENCE: If a bidder qualifies for the Alaska bidder preference and is a qualifying entity as defined herein, they will be awarded an Alaska 6 veteran preference of five percent (5%). The preference will be given to a (1) sole proprietorship owned by an Alaska veteran; (2) partnership under AS 32.06 or AS 32.11 if a majority of the partners are Alaska veterans; (3) limited liability company organized under AS 10.50 if a majority of the members are Alaska veterans; or (4) corporation that is wholly owned by individuals and a majority of the individuals are Alaska veterans, and may not exceed $5,000. The bidder must also add value by actually performing, controlling, managing, and supervising the services provided, or for supplies, the bidder must have sold supplies of the general nature solicited to other state agencies, other governments, or the general public. In order to receive the Alaska Bidder Preference and/or Alaskan Veteran Preference, the bid must also include a statement certifying that the bidder is eligible to receive said preferences. The application of preferences is for bid evaluation purposes only. ARRC Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Program: ARRC is an equal opportunity corporation that encourages the participation of DBEs as prime contractors and subcontractors on its contracts funded in whole or in part by the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) or the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). The ARRC has a race neutral DBE Program and does not set DBE goals on individual solicitations. Nonetheless, the ARRC aspires to achieve an overall DBE participation of 4.0% in federal fiscal years 2022-2024 on contracts funded by agencies within the U.S. Department of Transportation. If this contract is funded in whole or in part by funds from the FTA or the FHWA, it is imperative that you consult the Federal Terms and Conditions portion of this solicitation. Please direct all responses and/or questions concerning this invitation to bid to C. Lee Thompson, Alaska Railroad Corporation, Supply Management, 327 W. Ship Creek Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501, cell 907.854.3141 or email address ThompsonC@akrr.com.

Bid Results

Water / Sewer


Public - State/Provincial

Environmental Remediation, Outdoor Lighting, Paving, Site Work





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Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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