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Demolition, site work and asbestos abatement for a library in Norristown, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the demolition of a library; and for site work for a library.

Project Description: Montgomery County Norristown Public Library - Phase #1 - Demolition Greenman-Pedersen, Inc. is requesting the following asbestos abatement atthe above referenced address: The scope of the project includes the complete removal and off-site disposal of identified asbestos-containing materials during two phases of the renovation project. The asbestoscontaining materials based on original renovation design are summarized in the summary tables in 3.4 of this Section. The tables are provided to supply Contractors with estimated quantities and information to aid in the bidding process. The tables shall in no way limit the scope of work. The Contractor shall be responsible to fully investigate the scope of work and provide a bid proposal based on all existing conditions. Contractor shall remove floor tile, associated mastic, and black cement window sills utilizing full containment or non-friable methods. Contractor shall remove fire doors, wallboard adhesive, mirror adhesive, pink sink undercoating, roofing materials (field, flashing, seam tar and pitch pocket), exterior concrete wall expansion caulk, air handler caulk and duct seam caulk using non-friable methods. The scope includes limited demolition of building materials for removal access. Contractor shall provide electrical, and water sources required to conduct all abatement activities and scope of work as outlined in the specification. Contractor shall also be responsible for the proper identification, quantification, removal and off-site disposal of Universal Wastes/Hazardous Materials within the facility, such as, but not limited to: fluorescent light tubes, fluorescent light fixture ballasts, emergency light batteries, mercury containing switches and thermostats, stored chemicals, exterior transformers and associated oils. Attached is the environmental building survey report prepared for the project in Appendix A. The Universal Waste/Hazardous Material inventory is an estimated inventory and actual quantities shall be the responsibility of the contractor to determine disposal costs General provisions of the Contract, including General and Supplementary Conditions and other Division-1 Specification sections, apply to work of this section. The Project name is Asbestos Abatement - Norristown Public Library - Norristown, PA. Site locations are as follows: Norristown Public Library 1001 Powell Street Norristown, PA Question Deadline 01/07/2025 at 2:00 PM ET




Public - County

Asbestos Abatement, Demolition, Site Work



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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1001 Powell St, Norristown, PA

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