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Published January 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Elizabeth, West Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

The project will involve but is not limited to the removal and proper disposal of petroleum-contaminated soils by excavation, backfilling the excavation, and restoring the disturbed area to gravel. Ensure a Right of Entry Agreement has been obtained from the landowner prior to the start of the contract. Excavate petroleum impacted soil from the ground by providing all necessary personnel, labor, materials, and equipment to extract approximately 500 tons of material and dispose of properly. This includes any additional excavation depending on field screenings and site conditions. Work with the on-site WVDEP project manager to determine if and how much excavation is appropriate. Segregate obviously contaminated and non-contaminated soils during excavation. Field screen and segregate contaminated and uncontaminated soils. If necessary, ensure contaminated and uncontaminated soils/debris is placed on and covered by 6-mil black plastic to prevent runoff of material until soil/debris is properly managed. Perform confirmation sampling in accordance with the Corrective Action Guidance Document. WVDEP Project Manager will assist in the location for compliance sampling during the excavation event. Up to 20 soil samples can be collected and analyzed for BTEX, MTBE, and TBA (EPA 8260), . Backfill excavated area. Provide the necessary labor, material, and equipment to backfill the excavation; including compaction of backfill. Reclaim disturbed areas by providing labor, material, and equipment necessary to reclaim the disturbed areas and associated excavation areas with gravel. Submittal of a Remedial Action Completion Report utilizing the WVDEP templates and guidance. Contractor is responsible for contacting Miss Utility/WV811 and any other utilities to have them marked prior to project commencing. All questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to DEPProcurement@wv.gov or DEP Procurement - (304) 926-0480. This Contract becomes effective upon Vendor's receipt of the notice to proceed and must be completed within 120 days. Pursuant to the requirements contained in W. Va. Code 5-22-1(c), All Vendors submitting a bid on a construction project shall furnish a valid bid bond in the amount of five percent (5%) of the total amount of the bid protecting the State of West Virginia. The bid bond must be submitted with the bid. The apparent successful Vendor shall provide a performance bond in the amount of 100% of the contract. The performance bond must be received by the Department prior to Contract award. The apparent successful Vendor shall provide a labor/material payment bond in the amount of 100% of the Contract value. The Department may accept or reject any bid in whole, or in part in accordance with W. Va. Code of State Rules 60-10-4.3g. All questions regarding this solicitation should be directed to DEPProcurement@wv.gov or DEP Procurement - (304) 926-0480. Please include solicitation number in the email subject line.




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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2466 Staunton Turnpike, Elizabeth, WV

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