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Published February 10, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and renovation of a water / sewer project in Hanover Township, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a water / sewer project; and for site work for a water / sewer project.

The purpose of this project is to update the existing flow control gate in DC-1, so that it is operable from outside the chamber. The project will include but not be limited to procurement of miscellaneous hardware and anchoring systems, wire saw cutting of multiple openings and core drilling through the top of the chamber, demolition and disposal of existing flow control gate, installation of new hatch covers, new access ladder, and new flow control gate system. All labor, tools, equipment and consumable materials for the project shall also be provided by the contractor unless otherwise specified. All components and fabrications to be supplied by WVSA. All electrical components and connections to be supplied and completed by WVSA Electrical. Temporary diversion of wastewater will be handled by WVSA. The project is located by the levee at the end of Delaney Street in Hanover Township, PA. This project is subject to the provisions of the "Steel Products Procurement Act" of March 03, 1978. Any questions contact Daniel Pace via email at (daniel.pace@wvsa.net). Bids must be accompanied by bid security in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid, made payable to Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority. At the option of the Bidder, the Bid Bond may be a certified check, bank draft, U.S. Government Bond (at par value) or a Bid Bond on the form provided in the contract documents. Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority reserves the right to reject or accept any or all bids, and to waive any informalities, defects or irregularities, or any part or parts thereof. The successful contractor will have thirty (30) days to complete the entire project after receipt of the Notice to Proceed from WVSA. The Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability or familial status in employment or the provision of services Project Location The project is located at the end of Delaney Street in Hanover Township, PA. Coordinates are: 4114'09"N, 7556'04"W All work is located at the WVSA Diversion Chamber. No oral interpretation will be made to any bidder as to the meaning of the contract documents or any part thereof. Every request for such an interpretation shall be made in writing to Wyoming Valley Sanitary Authority (WVSA). Any inquiry received five (5) or more days before the date fixed for opening of bids will be given consideration. Every interpretation made to a bidder will be in the form of an Addendum to the contract documents, and when issued, will be on file in the office of WVSA and Engineer at least five days before bids are opened. In addition, all Addenda will be emailed to each person holding contract documents, but it shall be the bidder's responsibility to make inquiry as to the Addenda issued. All such Addenda shall become part of the contract and all bidders shall be bound by such Addenda, whether or not received by the bidders.


Water / Sewer


Public - County

Renovation, Site Work




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January 6, 2025

February 5, 2025


Delaney St, Hanover Township, PA

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