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Published December 12, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Titusville, Pennsylvania. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

The Titusville Area School District will receive sealed bids for "Aquaponics Equipment Delivery, Installation and Support". The Titusville Area School District is an Equal Rights and Opportunities School District. The Titusville Area School District is seeking bids for the Prefabrication, Delivery, Installation, Cycling, Maintenance, ongoing professional learning and classroom curriculum to complement two complete aquaponics systems. One system to be installed at the Middle School in the cafeteria, and a second system to be installed in the high school greenhouse. Aquaponics system required major components o 180 Gallon, Fiberglass Fish Tank, o 30-Gallon Waste-Handling and Clarifier tanks o 30 sq. ftBioreactor Media Bed for the cultivation of large, heavy-feeding crops, o Light weight media for grow beds o Air Pumps & Associated oxygen distribution systems o 30 sq. ft Deep Water Culture Float Bed, for the cultivation of a range of leafy greens, herbs, or edible flowers. o Circulation pumps o Regenerative blower o Energy Efficient lighting with timers o API Water Test Kit o Starter kit that includes fish fingerlings, fish food, seeds and worms Soft deliverables required o Delivery of all materials and full installation o 1:1 operator training to start and maintain the system o Ongoing (2 year) Professional development and implementation support o Two Year Extended Warranty/Support/Maintenance on the system Site 1 specs (Titusville Middle School Cafeteria) This system will be installed in front of the windows in the middle school cafeteria. There is no subfloor, under the proposed site. The floor is currently tiled. It is expected that the system will not disturb the tiled floor. o The system must not exceed a foot print of 30ft in length, 8 ft in width and 8ft in height. o The system must not draw more than a 21.5 Amp running load. The system must run off regular 120 volt receptacles o The system must have backflow redundancy, leak mitigation systems and leak detection systems in place. Site 2 Specs (Titusville High School Greenhouse Classroom) This system will be installed on the second floor of the high school. There is no service elevator so all components must be carried through the stairwell and into the room. The door that leads into the room from the hallway is 35 1/2 inches wide and is 83 1/4 inches tall (door on the left in photo 1), the door to the right leads into a classroom and dimensions are 34 3/4 inches wide. When walking through this door, the room has cabinets on the back wall with windows above and cabinets to the right that line the wall. (cabinets are 30 3/4 inches high and 24 1/4 inches deep) (Photo 2). The shelves on the left wall (in photo 2) will be removed from the room. o The system must not exceed a foot print of 21ft in length, 17 ft in width and 8ft in height. o The system must allow for up to 15 students to be working within the space to cultivate, maintain and maintained the system and its products. o The system must not draw more than a 21.5 Amp running load. The system must run off regular 120 volt receptacles o The system must have backflow redundancy, leak mitigation systems and leak detection systems in place.




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