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Site work for a mixed-use development in Meridian, Mississippi. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; transportation facility; and water / sewer project.

Description Demolition: Remove Approximately 2,200 Ft of Existing Asphalt Side Platforms. Remove (4) Canopies and Signage. Remove (2) Rail-crossing. Crossings Are 16'-0" Wide Approximately. Coordinate the Removal of Crossing With the Host Railroad. Salvage (2) Existing Water Cabinets and Turn Over to Owner Site Work/parking/public Right of Way (Prow): Provide Site Grading, Drainage and Utilities to Support New Platform. Provide Walkways to Pedestrian Grade Crossings. Walkways Will Interface With City Owned Fence and Gates Which Shall Remain. Platforms: For Platform a: Provide a New Concrete Side Platform: 8 Inches Above Top of Rail (Atr), Minimum 12 Feet Clear, Approximately 987 Feet Long, With Necessary Handrails, Egress and Detectable Warning Strips, Etc., Provided as Required by Amtrak Standards. Provide for Service Vehicle Maneuvering Space at Ends of Platform and Access to the Station. Provide Access to Host Railroad Rail Crossing. For Platform B: Provide a New Concrete Side Platform: 8 Inches Above Top of Rail (Atr), Minimum 12 Feet Clear, Approximately 987 Feet Long, With Necessary Handrails, Egress and Detectable Warning Strips, Etc., Provided as Required by Amtrak Standards. Provide for Service Vehicle Maneuvering Space at Ends of Platform and Access to the Station. Provide Access to Host Railroad Rail Crossing. For Both Platforms Provide Custom Canopies, Each Platform Shall Have (2) Canopies Each at Approximately 125-ft in Length. Canopies Will Be Constructed of Structural Steel With Spread Footing Foundations. For Both Platforms Provide Custom Mobile Lift Enclosures. Provide Compliant Transition to Platform From Station Entrance. Frost Depth Has Been Considered in the Selection of the Foundation System. Foundations Shall Be Placed a Minimum of 1'-0" Below Grade. Provide New Electrical Circuits and Lighting Along Entire Platform. Storm Water Management: Provide New Platform Underdrain Per Host Railroad Requirements. Provide New 18" Storm Drain Line Under Platform and Connection Manhole Structures. Maintain Existing Grading and Drainage Patterns Where Possible. Stormwater Shall Connect to Municipal Storm System. Connection Details Shall Be Approved by the Local Jurisdiction. Signage: Provide Platform Signage and Foundations Per Amtrak Standards Station Identification Signage to Be Located 85 Ft on Center, Typical, for the Extent of the New Platform. Track: Install (2) New Grade Crossings. One Grade Crossing is by the Gc, One Grade Crossing is by the Host Railroad. Reprofile Museum Track

GC Bidding

Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - Federal

Site Work

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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1901 Front St, Meridian, MS

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