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Published February 12, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a fire / police facility in Madison, Georgia. Completed plans call for the renovation of a fire / police facility.

**As of February 12, 2025, this project has not yet been awarded. A timeline for the award has not yet been established.** The Morgan County Board of Commissioners is seeking bids to replace toof over the tenant space at the Public Safety Complex All questions or explanations requested by Bidders shall be submitted in writing no later than one week prior to closing. Necessary replies will be recorded as Addenda and provided to all Bidders, and receipt thereof shall be acknowledged on the proposal. Bidders shall check with the County prior to bid opening to secure any Addenda that may affect bidding. Oral instructions will not be given and do not form a part of the Bidding Documents. Morgan County will accept sealed bids in response to this Invitation to Bid. This Invitation to Bid is subject to the instructions, conditions, specifications, addenda, and other elements, included herein and those incorporated by reference. All bids must be made on the forms included in this solicitation. All bids must be signed. Unsigned bid forms or bid proposals will not be considered. This project includes replacement of the tenant roof at Morgan County's Public Safety Complex at 1380 Monticello Road, Madison, GA 30650 *All personnel that enter a secured area of the lawn or buildings are subject to background check at the discretion of the Sheriffs Department. Base scope of work: o Remove and replace existing TPO roof over Brand Vaugn Lumber (Tenant) o 60 mil TPO membrane to be used o Manufacturer 20 year warrantee o Installer 5 year leak free warranty o Establish walkways / around mechanical units and regular service areas o Remove, preserve, and reinstall lightning protection o 3 rd party UL "letter of findings" o Replace all impacted sheet metal trim, gutter, flashing o Enhance roof drainage o Establish sump at all drains o Enhance crickets to minimum slope o Inspect insulation board and replace damaged boards o Contract to obtain all required permits o Incidental: All other work required to achieve this scope of work is included o Maintain access to the tenant space and the PSC at all times. General conditions: o Coordinate with owner's representative, as required, including, but not limited to. o Semi-weekly inspctions o Schedule - Weekly updates o Shop drawings o Key deliveries o Any work impacting tenant or County use o Any damages, injuries, accidents, or complaints are to be reported immediately o All specialized work and installation o Aaron Wadley - LNCO - 404-326-4522 - aaron.wadley@LNCOpec.com o All environmental and safety regulations are to be strictly followed. o Authorized work areas and staging areas are to be agreed ahead of time and will be restored upon completion o All equipment and materials necessary to do the full scope of work are to be included o Contractor may be given access to certain areas in the building interior. This access must be controlled by a responsible party. Building interior is not to be used for storage of materials, general roof access, restrooms, etc. Interior access may require signin/sign-out controls. Certain individuals or all personnel may be barred from accessing the interior of the building for a period of time or throughout the project. o Protect the grounds and surrounding areas from damage during work. Restore any damaged areas to their original condition. o Portable toilet to be kept on-site. 1 per 10 people, cleaned weekly at a minimum. o Contractor is not to bill more than the purchase order amount without written authorization o All work described below is included in the lump sum bid unless specifically mentioned otherwise. o Any work required to complete this scope but not specifically called out is considered incidental and is to be completed in the overall scope under the lump sum bid. o Remove and dispose of all debris associated with this work. o A minimum of 10% will be withheld until Final inspection all warranties are received. o Includes bid bond issued by a surety licensed to business in Georgia and acceptable to the owner. No cashier's checks or similar. Bid bond amount to not be less that 5% of the bid amount. o 5% Bid Bond will be required to be submitted with the bid o 100% Payment and Performance Bond Will be required upon award

Bid Results

Fire / Police


Public - County


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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January 13, 2025

February 12, 2025


1380 Monticello Rd, Madison, GA

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