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Published December 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Salisbury, Maryland. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Question Deadline 12/31/2024 Questions regarding the solicitation must be submitted through the "Q&A" tab specific to this solicitation in the PlanetBids platform at least seven (7) days prior to the date fixed for the bid opening but in any event not later than the "Q&A Due Date" specified in PlanetBids A. The City of Salisbury Fire Department is requesting bids from qualified Vendors to mill, repair, pave, and stripe the vehicle parking area at Fire Station #1 located at 1100 Beaglin Park Dr. Salisbury, MD 21804. The blacktop is failing in certain areas and is in overall poor condition. The finish grade shall match the existing finish grade and ensure proper drainage during rain events. B. There are two different depths of base within two different areas of the parking lot (Refer to Attachment 1). The approximate area for Area 1 is 13,964 square feet and for Area 2 is 4,339 square feet. The core for Area 1 revealed an average depth of 4-6 inches of stone, 3 inches of compacted base asphalt, and 1.5 inches of compacted surface asphalt. The core for Area 2 consisted of a single lift, with 2 inches of compacted asphalt over an average of 4 inches of stone A. All bid items shall include all labor, materials, testing, equipment, hauling, disposal, and incidentals necessary to complete the Scope of Work. 1. Mobilization and demobilization: Mobilization shall include the project signs, staging areas, temporary services, utilities, and mobilization of equipment on site. Demobilization shall include the removal of the temporary facilities, utilities, site restoration and any other incidental items. 2. Full-depth mill: Prior to the start of milling the concrete parking space stoppers shall be removed and stored. Full-depth mill shall include milling of the existing asphalt layer for both of the designated areas including disposal of the milled material. For Area 1 all the asphalt (approximately 4.5" depth) shall be milled and disposed of. For Area 2 all the asphalt (approximately 2" depth) shall be milled and disposed of. 3. Excavation (Stone Base and Subgrade Removal): This work shall include excavation of the entire existing stone base layer within Area 2 (approximately 4"), and further excavation of subgrade within Area 2 below the stone (additional approximate 4.5") including disposal of the excavated materials. This section will also include subgrade compaction per City's Construction and Materials Specifications page TP-1 and roadway proof roll per City's Construction and Materials Specifications page TP-4. 4. CR-6: Work shall include furnishing, placement and compaction of CR-6 aggregate for Area 2. A 6-inch layer of aggregate will be placed on a compacted subgrade to allow for 4.5 inches of asphalt to be installed on top ensuring that the finished elevation matches that of Area 1 and the existing parking lot finished elevation. The density requirements shall comply with the City's Construction and Materials Specifications page M-5. 5. 19.0 mm Super-Pave: Work shall include furnishing and placement of 3 inches of 19.0 mm compacted base hot mix asphalt (HMA). The base asphalt layer must be compacted according to the City's Construction and Materials Specifications page CMU-5. Mix designs must be submitted and approved before work is started. 6. 9.5 mm Super-Pave: Work shall include furnishing and placement of 1.5 inches of compacted 9.5 mm compacted base hot mix asphalt (HMA). Mix designs must be submitted before work is started. No more than 15% Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement (RAP) is allowed. Surface mix shall be MDOT level 3 PG 64-22. The roller pattern must be developed to achieve 92%-97% compaction per City's Construction and Materials Specifications page CMU-5. Perimeters along the parking lot edges shall utilize mechanical tamper to achieve 92%-97% compaction. The Vendor is responsible for contracting a third party to provide compaction testing and reports thereof. A nuclear gauge compaction test will be provided for every one hundred tons of placed asphalt. 7. Pavement striping: Work shall include furnishing and placement of new pavement striping to match the striping of the existing lot. The concrete parking space stoppers shall be reinstalled. 8. Traffic control: Work shall include an appropriate traffic control plan and traffic control measures to facilitate 24/7 operation required at the fire station and to maintain street and pedestrian traffic.


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work

Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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1100 Beaglin Park Dr, Salisbury, MD

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