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Published January 13, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in San Bernardino, California. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

For certified SB, including a Micro Business, or a Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise estimated value of greater than $5,000.00, but not more than $461,000.00 Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), all labor, tools, equipment, materials, parts, supplies, travel, and incidentals necessary to remove and legally dispose of two (2) Rolling Gates, Gate Operators, and Components; and furnish and install two (2) New Rolling Gates, Gate Operators, and components. Q&A: 12/16/2024 5:00 p.m Questions regarding this IFPQ must be submitted in writing. Bidders are encouraged to submit their written questions. Written questions must include the individual's name, firm name, complete address, and must reference IFPQ No. 08A3805. Questions must be sent to the following email: Email: jennifer.ramos@dot.ca.gov Proposed Award Date (estimate) 01/07/2025 Scope of Work 1. Contractor agrees to provide to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), all labor, tools, equipment, materials, parts, supplies, travel, and incidentals necessary to remove and legally dispose of two (2) Rolling Gates, Gate Operators, and Components; and furnish and install two (2) New Rolling Gates, Gate Operators, and Components as described herein. 2. Subcontracting is not permitted under this Agreement. All references to subcontracting or Subcontractors as found herein are not applicable to this Agreement. 3. The services shall be performed at District 8 Caltrans Headquarters (HQ), Rosa Park Memorial Building parking garage, located at 464 W. 4th Street, San Bernardino, CA 92401, in San Bernadino County. 4. Any reference to Caltrans Contract Manager shall also include his/her designee. 5. This Agreement will commence on February 15, 2025 (estimate), or upon approval by Caltrans, whichever is later, and no work shall begin before that time. This Agreement is of no effect unless approved by Caltrans. Contractor shall not receive payment for work performed prior to approval of the Agreement and before receipt of notice to proceed by Caltrans Contract Manager. This Agreement will expire on February 14, 2026 (estimate). The services shall be provided during normal business hours Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., excluding State holidays. The parties may amend this Agreement as permitted by law. Description of Work A. Contractor shall provide all labor, tools, equipment, materials, parts, supplies, travel, and incidentals necessary to do the following: 1) Remove and legally dispose of two (2) existing twelve feet seven inches (12'-7") wide by sixteen feet nine inches (16'-9") high rolling gates and associated gate operators and components. 2) Provide and install two (2) new twelve feet seven inches (12'-7") wide by sixteen feet nine inches (16'-9") high overhead coiling grille gates. 3) Provide and install two (2) new motor operator auxiliary chain hoists. 4) Provide and install four (4) new vehicle presence sensors. 5) Provide and install four (4) new 28 inch (28") mini posts for road mounting OVS series-black. 6) Provide and install four (4) new audible/visual warning devices with Americans with Disability Act (ADA) compliant horn/strobe, and any additional components. B. Contractor shall conduct field measurements to verify exact lengths and measurements prior to ordering materials. C. Contractor shall connect newly installed rolling gate and make any necessary adjustments to ensure proper operation. D. Contractor shall be responsible for aligning, lubricating, and testing the newly installed rolling gate for proper operation. E. Contractor shall perform all services according to industry standards, local and county building codes, and manufacturer's recommendations. *The value for this project is based on a financial range. The value is listed as the highest possible cost from the range provided by a stakeholder or official project document.




Public - State/Provincial

Site Work

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January 2, 2025

February 15, 2025


464 W 4th St, San Bernardino, CA

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