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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Tacoma, Washington. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) solicits communities annually to apply for the Youth Homeless Demonstration Program grant (YHDP). The YHDP is an initiative designed to support communities across the United States in the development and implementation of a coordinated community approach to preventing and ending youth homelessness. Pierce County was awarded the YHDP award in the amount of approximately $3.5 million. The YHDP is a community led project which places decision making power with the local Youth Action Board (YAB) which is a group of youth and young adults with current or previous experience with homelessness or housing instability. The YAB will operate as a sub-committee of the Continuum of Care, but it is a separate decision-making body with regard to YHDP funds. A central requirement of YHDP is that each selected community develops a Coordinated Community Plan (CCP) to prevent and end youth homelessness. HUD designed YHDP to allow for up to 12 months for initial planning, together with a significant level of direct HUD technical assistance and time for HUD feedback, and plan edits by the community. The planning process is expected to lay the groundwork for implementation and provide a framework for the various projects that the Collaborative Applicant (Pierce County Human Services) will request HUD to fund within the selected community. The selected consultant will work closely with the YAB in plan creation, project implementation, and approval of funding recommendations. The purpose of these projects is to demonstrate how a coordinated community approach to serving homeless youth, age 24 and younger, can dramatically reduce homelessness. Contact Information Anne Marie Edmunds Procurement & Contract Specialist 950 Fawcett Avenue, Suite 100 Tacoma, WA 98402 Email: Phone: (253) 798-7456 Interview Dates (when applicable):January 2, 2026 Initial Evaluation Completion: Estimated 2 Weeks Following Submission Deadline Estimated Date of Notice of Successful Proposer(s):January 2025 Estimated Date of Contract Execution :February 2025 All questions must be submitted within the County's eProcurement Portal, under the Questionnaire Section no later than 4:30 pm on Friday, December 20, 2024. Proposers must be registered in the eProcurement Portal software in order to submit questions, receive addendums and notifications, and ultimately submit a proposal. Proposals must be received by the Procurement & Contract Services Department before 2:00 pm on Thursday, December 26, 2024. The proposer is responsible for submission of proposal before the deadline. The County shall not be responsible for late submittals. Exceptions will not be made for proposers who miss the submission deadline, and no proposals will be accepted via email. The County reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submitted bids, to waive as informalities any irregularities, and to contract as the best interest of the County may require. The County may reject bids that are non-responsive or that are submitted by non-responsible Contractors. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.



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June 26, 2025


Multiple Locations, Tacoma, WA

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