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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Tucson, Arizona. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; for paving for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; sidewalk / parking lot; and water / sewer project.

South Park Avenue, East 36th Street To East 18th Street Summary The project is known as South Park Avenue, East 36th Street to East 18th Street as shown on construction plans (PN 4-085-2022). The project is located within existing Right-of-Way of South Park Avenue. The work includes the following: Installation of approximately 5,170 linear feet of new 30-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (Pressure Class 200) or as a bid alternate 30-inch Welded Steel Pipe, complete in place with all valves, fittings, corrosion protection system, and other appurtenances. Installation of approximately 75 linear feet of new 30-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (Pressure Class 250) or as a bid alternate 30-inch Welded Steel Pipe, complete in place with all valves, fittings, corrosion protection system, and other appurtenances. Installation of approximately 50 linear feet of new 24-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (Pressure Class 200) or as a bid alternate 24-inch Welded Steel Pipe, complete in place with all valves, fittings, corrosion protection system, and other appurtenances. Installation of approximately 1,900 linear feet of new 12-, 8-, and 6-inch Ductile Iron Pipe (Pressure Class 350), complete in place with all valves, fittings, corrosion protection system, and other appurtenances. Installation of approximately 63 linear feet of Welded Steel Casing Pipe per SD-800, complete in place with all fittings, corrosion protection system, and other appurtenances. Installation of approximately 15 linear feet of 15-inch sanitary sewer replacement, 188 linear feet of 8-inch sanitary sewer replacement, and 13 linear feet of sanitary sewer replacement, complete in place with all fittings required per Pima County Regional Wastewater Reclamation Department (PCRWRD) Standard Specifications and Details for Construction. Demolition and removal of existing waterlines, installation of service connections, fire hydrants, waterline appurtenances, valves, and fittings, throughout the corridor to maintain a fully operational water system. Full Depth Pavement Replacement along South Park Avenue: 46S SPI 18th Street to 65N CL 36th Street (Pavement Structural Section No. 1). Mill and Overlay of Park Avenue/22nd Street Intersection and the Park Avenue/24th Street Intersection (Pavement Structural Section No. 2). ADA improvements including curb access ramps, sidewalk, detectable warning strips, and buckled sidewalk repair are included on all the project roadways and are to be constructed at the locations indicated in the project plans. Contact Information Vanessa Guzman Contract Officer Email: Phone: (520) 837-4375 PRICE RANGE: Over $10,000,000 SBE/DBE GOAL: 7% SBE Online Bid Opening: Meeting ID: 299 759 042 719 Passcode: K8yg2af7 Or Call in to Bid Opening +1 213-293-2303,,632179332# United States, Los Angeles Find a local number Phone conference ID: 632 179 332# Pre-Submittal Conference: A Pre-Submittal Meeting will be held at the date and time stated of this solicitation, if such a date and time is provided. Attendance at this meeting is not mandatory, but written minutes and/or notes regarding the meeting will NOT be provided, so attendance is encouraged. The purpose of this meeting will be to clarify the contents of this solicitation in order to prevent any misunderstanding of the City's position. Meeting ID: 231 307 752 730 Passcode: 47Nu2RQ3 Or Call in to Pre-Bid Meeting +1 213-293-2303,,687934045# United States, Los Angeles Find a local number Phone conference ID: 687 934 045# Question Deadline 01/13/2025 Any questions about this solicitation or the proposed Contract must be presented at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, if there is one, or submitted in writing, via email, or through the online bidding system, to the Contract Officer by the Question Submission Deadline. Questions Shall Be Directed to: Vanessa Guzman (520) 837-4375 The email must refer to the solicitation number and the paragraph number of the provision that the question concerns. The Contract Officer may respond by email or may, if they deem it appropriate, address the question in a solicitation addendum or response through electronically. Offeror may not rely on oral interpretations or clarifications about the solicitation; only questions posted and answered through electronically, or posted as a formal solicitation addendum will be binding. The bidder should take no advantage of any apparent error or omission in the plans, estimated quantities, or specifications. Should a Bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from, the drawings or other Bidding Documents, or should the Bidder be in doubt as to their meaning, they should at once notify the Contract Officer who is identified in the proposed Bidding Documents. All requests for interpretations must be made in writing and the requestor must be responsible for the prompt delivery of the request. The Contract Officer will not make oral interpretations and will not be responsible for any explanations or interpretations except those duly issued in the form of written addendum directed to all Bidders known to be in possession of Bidding Documents. Questions received less than ten (10) days prior to the date of Bid Opening may not be answered. LIQUIDATED DAMAGES The City will incur damages if the Contractor fails to complete the work within the specified time or any approved extensions thereof and that the liquidated damages specified herein represent a fair and equitable approximation of the City's damages. Liquidated damages shall be in the amount of $2790.00 for each calendar day of delay. If the Contract is not terminated, the Contractor shall continue performance and be liable to the City for the liquidated damages until the products are delivered or the services performed. In the event the City exercises its right of termination, the Contractor shall be liable to the City for any excess costs, and in addition, for liquidated damages until such time the City may reasonably obtain delivery or performance of similar supplies or services. Once substantial completion is granted, the Contractor shall achieve final completion within thirty (30) calendar days, unless otherwise agreed upon. If final completion does not occur within the agreed upon number of days, liquidated damages will commence on the first day after the agreed days at half the specified rate, until final completion occurs.

GC Bidding

Roads / Highways


Public - City

Paving, Site Work




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