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This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Jersey City, New Jersey. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Hudson County Community College ("HCCC" or "College") hereby seeks proposals from qualified vendors for: Snow and Ice Removal Services SCOPE OF WORK The Snow and Ice Removal Contractor (hereinafter called the "Contractor") shall recognize and perform in accordance with all stated intents, specifications and stipulations contained or referenced herein, if and when directed. Each proposer shall be responsible for researching the existing conditions and matters that affect the cost or performance of the services. The Snow and Ice Removal Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, tools, services, skills, etc., required for the immediate removal of snow and ice from the listed parking lots during inclement weather, if and when directed by the College. The contractor will be responsible for ensuring that salt is applied in accordance with the specifications and pricing sheet. Snow shall be removed from five (5) parking lots when accumulation is equal to or greater than 2" or when blowing and/or drifting snow exceeds 2". Snow must be removed and salt applied no later than two hours after any snowfall/storm ends. Contractor shall provide and apply salt after each plowing (as needed). The Contractor shall not pile snow in such a way that restricts access to any walkway, driveway, or emergency exits to the property. The Contractor is solely responsible for this work; sub-contracting of snow removal or salting application is prohibited unless the contractor has received express written permission from the Director of Facilities in advance of any sub-contract. The Contractor shall ensure the proper handling, safe operation, and security of his/her equipment, tools, and materials. The Contractor shall repair or replace any damages or losses that occur as a result of the Contractor's neglect, carelessness, mishandling of equipment, lack of proper equipment, or inadequate supervision. All potential respondents are encouraged to send their responses through the US Postal Service via certified mail/overnight delivery or other recognized delivery service that provides certification of delivery to the sender. Jeff Roberson, Jr. Director of Contracts and Procurement The Contract Start Date is February 1, 2025 Award of Contract It is the intention of the College to award the contract to the respondent(s) whose response is the most advantageous to the College, price and other factors considered, and who will provide the highest quality service at fair and competitive prices. The College reserves the right to award contracts to multiple contractors when it is in the best interests of the College. The College also reserves the right to conduct interviews with any proposer.



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