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Published March 3, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a water / sewer project in Newport News, Virginia. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

Pump Station 054 Replacement The Contractor shall maintain adequate liability insurance, which shall protect and save harmless the City of Newport News, Virginia, and its officials from all suits and actions of every kind and description arising from injury or damage to persons and property in the prosecution of said work or in failure to properly safeguard same, and from all claims arising under the workmen's compensation laws. Following award of the contract, the Contractor shall furnish proof of said insurance prior to commencement of services. Prior to submitting a bid, ensure that your firm fully understands the City's insurance requirements, your carrier is properly rated and that your carrier can provide the required insurance and endorsements. Contractor shall have seven (7) days from the date of the City's request to provide insurance certificates and endorsements. Failure to provide the certificates and endorsements within this timeframe may be cause for the City to rescind award of a contract and hold the original Bidder/Offeror liable for excess costs. Submissions for payment shall be based on the pricing contained in the contract documents. Payment will be authorized following receipt of a valid invoice, which must minimally include the Purchase Order Number, Contract number (if provided by the City), Description of Goods and Services, Breakdown of hours, and Total Price. Invoices may be submitted following the completion of services or agreed-upon terms. Following award, a contract will be executed between the Contractor and the City. A sample contract is included in this Invitation for Bid. Do not return the sample contract with the bid; it is provided for informational purposes only. There is not a pre-bid conference scheduled for this project. Direct contact with others besides the Office of Purchasing, including other City departments and the City consultants, on the subject of this bid is expressly forbidden except with the foreknowledge and permission of the contracting officer. Violation may result in a determination that your firm is ineligible for award. Question Submission Deadline January 22, 2025, 1:00pm Questions regarding this Invitation for Bid (IFB) must be submitted in writing through online. Open Gov Procurement Question/Answer Tab via the City's e-Procurement portal, on or online. Please include the section title for each question, if applicable, in order to ensure that questions asked are responded to correctly. All questions submitted and answers provided shall be electronically distributed to bidders following this solicitation on the City's e-Procurement Portal received prior to the date and time as provided for in this solicitation. The purpose of this Invitation for Bids (IFB) is to establish a contract with a qualified Contractor for the provision of all Work and Materials for the demolition and replacement of Pump Station 054, in accordance with the specifications of this IFB. The City of Newport News does not discriminate in the solicitation or awarding of contracts on the basis of race, religion, faith-based organizations, color, national origin, age, disability or any other basis prohibited by state or federal law. The Hampton Roads Planning District Commission's Regional Construction Standards, Sixth Edition, June 2016, are hereby referenced and are part of the Bid Documents, except as may be modified by the Owner or by Special Provisions of this Project or as may be shown by bold type for additions and strike-through for deletions. The City's Construction Standards, which are a modified version of the HRPDC Regional Construction Standards, Division 1, Sections 101 through 109 are provided in Section 7, Attachments. Bidders must be aware that these Bid Documents incorporate a number of changes, which supplement, modify, or replace language and/or Standard Details found in the HRPDC Regional Construction Standards. Details shown on the Drawings replace corresponding Standard Details found in the Regional Construction Standards. Changes from the Regional Construction Standards that appear in these Bid Documents may be shown as bold for additions, and strikethroughs for deletions. Also, see Section 110 for additional references to Special Technical Provisions incorporated into this Project. Condition assessment by City experts has determined that the pump station is in need of replacement. Document notes Specifications for this project can be viewed and downloaded in the at online.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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February 4, 2025

March 6, 2025


Multiple Locations, Newport News, VA

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