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Published January 4, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Windsor, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000284563 Question Acceptance Deadline 2025/01/31 03:00:00 PM EST Pricing Lump sum The University of Windsor, herein referred to as the “University”, intends to solicit pre-qualification proposals from interested Architectural and Engineering firms with a proven record of successfully completing projects. The intent is to generate a list of qualified professional services (Vendor of Record - VOR) to participate in construction projects, renovations, repairs, emergency repairs and equipment installations with fees estimated at less than $100,000. The University is seeking the services of experienced Architectural and Engineering Firms to submit proposals to provide complete architectural and engineering services for replacement projects and renovation projects including but not limited to Schematic Design, Design Development, Cost Estimating, Contract Documents and Tendering, and Construction Contract Administration. The term of the contract, should one be developed, is planned to commence in March 2025. This date may be subject to change at the discretion of the University. The University will establish a list of approved Consultants (VORs) which shall be in place for the length of time stated in this IPQ. This list will be established using the defined evaluation criteria described in this IPQ. It is the intention of the University to close any additions to this list for the duration of the agreement however the University reserves the right to open this list to new Proponents if the University believes it is in their best interests to do so. The University intends to retain these Consultants, as VORs, on an agreement basis, who can provide full consulting services for all projects requiring such. This will exclude new / replacement buildings and major addition projects. Consulting Services are being sought for a variety of building renewal and building condition improvement projects (typical project range is from $15,000 to $2.5 million in value). The scope of services to be provided by the Successful Proponent will include: Pre-Engineering surveys and site investigations Feasibility and planning studies System and condition assessments Regulatory and compliance assessments Design process schedules with key milestones and dates Stage I - Preliminary/Conceptual design with Class C cost estimate for approval within the University Stage II - Design development including detailed design with Class A cost estimate, construction and tender documents, bid clarification meetings, bid reviews and recommendations, construction administration including inspection, quality assurance and control, deficiencies, changes to work, progress draws, close out documents and record drawings. All Stage II opportunities are subject to the Universities approval processes, approval of external funding and/or budgets. Understanding and specifying regulatory requirements (City of Windsor, Ministry of the Environment, TSSA, etc) Attend scheduled meetings Provide immediate and timely response to needs at the University. Situations or activities that may require immediate response includes impromptu meeting, emergency site investigations and support, project/equipment issues and responses, reports, letters of recommendations, conformance letters, etc. Implementation of project preventative maintenance programs and life cycle cost Peer reviews The University is using BIDDINGO for electronic public tendering of projects. Firms prequalifying with this IPQ are expected to be knowledgeable (or become) with BIDDINGO to download tender documents and use this forum on behalf of the University to successfully close bid packages. These should not be considered an exhaustive list of services. The University intends to hold comprehensive discussions with this IPQ's Preferred Proponent during an initial kick-off meeting to clarify the full scope of services to be provided for a particular project. Areas of expertise by Consultant group may include, but is not limited to the following equipment or process system. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Multiple Locations, Windsor, ON

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