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Site work and paving for a mixed-use development in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Completed plans call for site work for a road / highway; sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.
Traffic signal modernization and concrete sidewalk ramp upgrades on I-94 at Ann Arbor Road/Saline Road in the city of Ann Arbor, Washtenaw County. 0% Dbe Participation Required Net classification required for this project is 780 L Control Sec Job No Federal No STG 81062 214187A 25A0247 Completion Date: 120 CD MI DOT - 2502 003 - Traffic Signal Modernization and Concrete Sidewalk Ramp Upgrades on I-94 at Ann Arbor Road/Saline Road This work consists of preparing all lawns and slopes on non-freeway projects designated for slope restoration on the plans or as directed by the Engineer and applying topsoil, fertilizer, seed, mulch with mulch anchor, mulch blanket, high velocity mulch blanket, permanent turf reinforcement mat (TRM), bonded fiber matrix (BFM), or modified mulch blanket to those areas. Ensure turf establishment is in accordance with section 816 and 917 of the Standard Specifications for Construction and Standard Plan R-100 Series, except as modified herein or otherwise directed by the Engineer. This work consists of furnishing, delivering, and installing a traffic signal controller, NEMA Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) type. This work includes furnishing and delivering the controller to the maintaining agency for controller timing and setup. This work includes transporting the controller from the maintaining agency to the job site for installation. This work includes installation of the traffic signal controller unit (CU) and accessories required to provide the traffic signal control operations as shown on the plans, in accordance with the MMUTCD and this special provision. This work consists of furnishing, delivering, and installing a traffic signal controller, NEMA Advanced Transportation Controller (ATC) type. This work includes furnishing and delivering the controller to the maintaining agency for controller timing and setup. This work includes transporting the controller from the maintaining agency to the job site for installation. This work includes installation of the traffic signal controller unit (CU) and accessories required to provide the traffic signal control operations as shown on the plans, in accordance with the MMUTCD and this special provision. This work consists of removing an illuminated street name sign which includes the associated assembly, brackets, hardware, fittings, cable, connectors, wiring, grounding and all other associated materials required to complete the work. This work consists of furnishing and installing a fiber optic terminal assembly (FOTCA) and all requirements for terminating fiber optic cables at a traffic signal cabinet. The purpose of this specification is to describe the minimum acceptable design and operating requirements for this assembly. This work consists of installing a salvaged LED illuminated street name sign, which includes the associated assembly, brackets, hardware, fittings, cable, connectors, wiring, grounding, and all other material required to complete the work. This special provision sets out the requirements for all fine aggregate used in Portland cement concrete (PCC) mixtures to be tested by an independent testing laboratory and determined to be resistant to the potential for deleterious expansion caused by alkali-silica reactivity (ASR). ASR testing is not required for concrete pavement repairs, temporary concrete pavements, and other items covered by the contract. Except as explicitly modified by this special provision, all materials, test methods, and PCC mixture requirements of the standard specifications and the contract apply. The Contractor must administer QC and the Department will administer QA procedures that will be used for acceptance of and payment for all Portland cement concrete (PCC) for the project. Except as explicitly modified by this special provision, all materials, test methods, and PCC mixture requirements of the standard specifications and the contract apply. Non-critical concrete placements as specified in this special provision or otherwise approved by the Engineer are eligible for reduced testing. All other QC and QA requirements for the project apply. This special provision establishes pay factor and price adjustments for Portland cement concrete based on Department administered Quality Assurance (QA) testing of 28-day compressive strength and fresh concrete air content of Portland cement concrete (PCC). Perform all work in accordance with the standard specifications and this special provision. Percent-within-limits (PWL) analysis for payment adjustments apply for mainline, shoulder, miscellaneous concrete pavement (including ramps), and concrete pavement overlay applications. Non-PWL analysis for payment adjustments apply for all other applications. This work consists of complying with the Department's construction management processes. The Department will manage this contract using the AASHTOWare Project Construction Materials (APCM) software. Ensure all change orders are approved using APCM. No paper documents, faxes, or other methods/media are permitted for change order approvals except as allowed by this special provision or specifically approved by the Engineer. This special provision establishes the requirements for dissemination of any public relations communications and/or products intended for an external audience pertaining to this contract. Dissemination must not be made without prior written approval from the Department's Office of Communications, and then only in accordance with explicit instructions by the Department. This includes the use of the Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) logo. A violation of this provision may be considered a default of contract and the Department may exercise its rights in accordance with subsection 108.11 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. A value engineering change proposal (VECP) modifying plans, specifications, or other contract requirements may be submitted for this project if the proposed change results in reduced construction cost, a higher quality product, improved safety, or a shorter contract time. The estimated cost savings must be quantifiable in relation to the contract cost. No work can begin before written authorization. The proposed change must not alter the essential functions or characteristics of the project or significantly delay the completion of the project. A VECP or conceptual VECP will only be considered after project award. Essential functions and characteristics include, but are not limited to, service life, operating costs, ease of maintenance, desired appearance, impact on utilities and right-of-way, mobility and safety of the motorist, bicyclist and pedestrian; safety of all onsite workers (construction, inspection, testing, etc.) in the progress of the work, design standards, and safety standards. This special provision does not restrict the Contractor from proposing improvements to the project that may not result in net cost savings. A conceptual VECP stating the basic concept and approximate cost savings may be submitted for preliminary consideration. This work consists of meeting MDOT's construction document management (CDM) system requirements. Submit all project documentation for this contract in electronic format and place it in MDOT's CDM system, unless otherwise noted in this special provision. No paper documents, in printed format (faxes, letters, etc.) are permitted except as allowed by this special provision or specifically approved by the Engineer. The Contractor is responsible for keeping all information in the CDM system up to date throughout the execution of the contract. This work consists of the required use of a prevailing wage and labor compliance (PWLC) system for all prevailing wage documentation as directed by the Engineer. Input all required certified payroll documentation into the PWLC system (LCPtracker) and update this documentation throughout the execution of the contract. Certified payroll information is to be submitted in the PWLC system per the time requirements in the 20SP-107D - Labor Compliance. E-Verify is an Internet-based system that allows an employer, using information reported on an employee's Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, to determine the eligibility of that employee to work in the United States. There is no charge to employers to use E-Verify. The E-Verify system is operated by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) in partnership with the Social Security Administration. E-Verify is available in Spanish. The State of Michigan is requiring all Contractors, and Subcontractors, to verify that new employees are legally present and authorized to work in the United States, using the E-Verify System. Information on registration for and use of the E-Verify program can be obtained via the Internet at the DHS Web site: It is the responsibility of the Contractor to include this specification in all tiers of subcontracts. The required use of the E-Verify system will not be paid for separately as part of the contract but is considered included in the costs for other pay items in the contract. Ensure all levels of contracting (prime, sub, sub-sub, etc.) comply with all labor compliance requirements in this contract. The Contractor is responsible for subcontractors and lower tier subcontractor labor compliance. Job site poster requirements apply to state and federally funded projects. All Contractors must insert this special provision in each subcontract and further require its inclusion in lower tier subcontracts. When proposed work must be relocated as directed by the Engineer, this special provision is used to compensate the Contractor to locate and expose underground infrastructure and obstructions, such as culverts, sewers and utilities. Perform this work only when conflicts are found in the planned work location. This special provision is not to compensate for the Contractor's responsibilities in subsection 107.12 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. This work consists of handling, transporting, disposing of non-hazardous contaminated material, including all laboratory testing required for the proper disposal of the material and site restoration of temporary storage locations. Ensure this special provision is not employed without authorization by the Engineer. The laboratory testing will be used to solicit landfill approval and is not intended to determine whether or not the material is contaminated. Soil delineated on the plans and classified as non-hazardous contaminated cannot be used elsewhere on the project regardless of the laboratory test results unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. This special provision establishes negative adjustments related to the failure to properly install and maintain soil erosion and sedimentation control (SESC) measures and the conditions under which these adjustments will be determined and applied. Nothing in this special provision modifies section 107 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. Delays to the project as a result of the Contractor conducting corrective actions for SESC measures do not constitute a valid reason for an extension of time. Ensure deficiencies with SESC measures are corrected in the time frame stated herein. For those deficiencies not corrected within the stated time frame, the Engineer will make a negative adjustment to the contract as stated herein. This work consists of furnishing and installing acceptable alternatives to inlet protection devices (devices) listed in the Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Control Manual when the pay item Erosion Control, Inlet Protection, Fabric Drop is included in the contract. This work consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, disposing of collected material and removing devices at the locations shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. This special provision defines the requirements for pavement acceptance that are in addition to those specified in section 602 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. When applicable, the condition for initial acceptance of the pavement in accordance with the Materials and Workmanship Warranty still apply. This special provision does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for performing the work in accordance with subsection 107.11 of the Standard Specifications for Construction. The Engineer will inspect the completed pavement for any visible indication of cracking. If cracking is found, decisions regarding corrective actions will be made jointly by the Engineer and the Construction Field Services Division, in accordance with Table 1. All costs for the work required to repair or replace any unacceptable pavement are the responsibility of the Contractor. No time extensions will be granted to the Contractor for any required repair work to meet the requirements of this special provision. For purposes of this special provision, a crack is defined as a fissure of varying length and orientation in the pavement that extends to some measurable depth. A crack may be a single entity or found in groups or clusters with possible associated distress features. This work consists of the use of glass fiber reinforced polymer (GFRP) or basalt fiber reinforced polymer (BFRP) reinforcement in accordance with section 802 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, and as modified on the plans and this special provision. GFRP or BFRP number 3 size reinforcement are acceptable alternatives to epoxy coated number 4 size conventional steel reinforcement shown on Standard Plans R-27 Series, R-30 Series, R31 Series, and R-33 Series. Do not use GRFP or BFRP for lane ties, or any other transverse reinforcement. This special provision sets forth the requirements for installation inspection, reporting, and payment schedule for the following ancillary structures that have anchor bolts pretensioned in accordance with the turn-of-nut method in the Standard Specifications for Construction: 1. Cantilever Sign Support 2. Truss Sign Support 3. Traffic Signal Mast Arm Pole and Mast Arm 4. Steel Strain Pole 5. Dynamic Message Sign (DMS) Support 6. Frangible Light Standards* 7. Non-Frangible Light Standards 8. Tower Lighting Unit 9. Environmental Sensor Station (ESS) Tower *Note: Frangible Light Standards are included in the requirements set forth by this special provision although they are not pretensioned in accordance with the turn-of-nut method. This work consists of removing, salvaging, and storing signs of the type required at locations as shown on the plans. Complete this work in accordance with this special provision, the plans, sections 810 and 919 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, and as directed by the Engineer. This work consists of removing each ground mounted sign support including but not limited to steel posts, wood posts and breakaway sign supports per section 810.03 Standard Specifications for Construction. Complete this work in accordance with this special provision, the plans, sections 810 and 919 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, and as directed by the Engineer. This work consists of delivering, installing, maintaining, relocating, and removing a temporary pedestrian Type II barricade section as identified in the proposal or on the plans. Use temporary pedestrian Type II barricades to close non-motorized facilities including sidewalks, bicycle paths, pedestrian paths, and shared use paths that are not part of the roadway. One pedestrian Type II barricade is defined as a barricade section at least 43 inches wide, including all supports, ballast, and hardware. This work consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, and removing a temporary pedestrian path as identified in the proposal or on the plans. Temporary pedestrian paths, or segments thereof, will be repaired or replaced as directed by the Engineer. This work consists of furnishing, installing, maintaining, relocating, and removing a temporary pedestrian ramp as identified in the proposal or on the plans. Use temporary pedestrian ramps to facilitate pedestrian travel on accessible facilities over curbs or other uneven terrain features with a vertical difference of 1/2 inch or greater. Damaged pedestrian ramps will be replaced as directed by the Engineer. This work requires the sampling and testing of grass seed and grass seed mixes for each lot on all projects that include more than 24,200 square yards (5 acres) or 1100 pounds of cool season grass(es) by an independent seed testing laboratory prior to placement. If the Engineer suspects a problem with quality and mix design, sampling and testing frequency may be increased. Tags from seed bags are not a substitution for testing results. This work consists of installing an existing, salvaged light standard arm as specified herein and as shown on the plans. Ensure this work is done in accordance with the requirements of section 819 of the Standard Specifications for Construction, the details shown on the plans, and this special provision. This work consists of either furnishing and installing an accessible pedestrian signal system and push button station(s) or removing a system and push button station(s) at locations as shown on the plans. The following terminology is used in this special provision. 1. Accessible pedestrian signal system, or system hereafter, refers to central control unit (CCU) and multiple push button stations. 2. CCU, refers to the unit installed in an existing traffic signal controller cabinet, frame, and all required mounting hardware and the configurator. The CCU is the power supply and signaling interface, between the intersection traffic signal controller and the push button stations. Configurator refers to a handheld, password secure, infrared device capable of setting and resetting all push button stations on the intersection from a single push button station (global updating). Each CCU will control multiple push button stations. A complete system includes one CCU. 3. Push button station (PBS), refers to a Public Rights-of-Way Accessibility Guidelines (PROWAG) compliant push button station including signs when specified, installed at crosswalk termini, and all required mounting hardware. A system can include 2 to 12 PBS (maximum of 3 per phase). This work consists of removing, storing, and reinstalling an existing pushbutton and sign at locations shown on the plans. This work includes removal, storing and installation of interface equipment, mounting assembly, brackets, hardware, fittings, connectors, wiring, cable to controller, grounding, risers, conduit, and any other material required to ensure a complete removal and installation. This work consists of completing one or more of the following work types at location(s) shown on the plans: 1. Furnishing and installing a traffic signal backplate. 2. Removing and disposing of an existing traffic signal backplate. 3. Removing, storing and reinstalling an existing traffic signal backplate. As applicable, this work includes removal or installation of hardware, connectors, fittings and all material necessary to complete the work. This special provision is for electrical construction and/or relocation of traffic signal facilities is to be used in addition to the applicable sections of the standard specifications. In case of conflict use whichever is most restrictive. This work consists of furnishing, fabricating, and erecting a traffic signal mast arm pole and mast arm as shown on the plans, in accordance with the standard specifications, and as specified herein. This special provision is for an anchor base type steel mast arm pole, including mast arms, and other associated hardware required to complete the work. This work consists of installing long life LED traffic signals. Adhere to the standard specifications for all other requirements for traffic signals not specifically listed in the requirements of this special provision. This work consists of completing one or more of the following work types at locations shown on the plans: 1. Furnishing and installing an environmentally hardened managed field Ethernet switch (MFES) and all required power supplies, cables, patch cords, and jumpers. 2. Removing and disposing of an existing MFES. 3. Removing, storing, and reinstalling an existing MFES. This work consists of installing or removing a single hemispherical video detection system and/or camera which detects vehicles on multiple roadway approaches at an intersection using only video images of vehicle traffic and is compatible with solid state pre-timed or actuated traffic signal control equipment and cabinet environments. As applicable, this work includes installing or removing the necessary wiring, mounting brackets, mounting hardware, conduit, cable connectors, grounding and any other material required to ensure a complete installation or removal as specified for a location. This work consists of installing or removing a complete pedestal for underground (UG) electrical service, either metered and/or unmetered. A complete pedestal UG electrical service includes the pedestal, meter socket (as required), brackets, hardware, fittings, connectors, cable, conduit, risers, grounding, and all appurtenant material required to complete the work. This work consists of completing one or more of the following work types at locations shown on the plans: 1. Furnishing and installing a wireless vehicle detection system (VDS) including serial port protocol (SPP) radios, master interface access point contact closure (APCC) card, extension (EX) cards, and Isolator Module. 2. Furnishing and installing a repeater (RP). 3. Furnishing and installing a vehicle sensor node (VSN). 4. Removing and disposing of an existing wireless VDS. 5. Removing, storing, and reinstalling an existing wireless VDS. 6. Removing and disposing of an existing RP. 7. Removing, storing, and reinstalling an existing RP. 8. Removing and disposing of an existing VSN. 9. Removing, storing, and reinstalling an existing VSN. As applicable, this work includes removal or installation of mounting brackets, hardware, cable, connectors, grounding, sensors and orange epoxy and any other material required to ensure a complete removal or installation, as specified for a location. This work consists of furnishing, delivering, and installing a traffic signal cabinet, NEMA type. This work includes furnishing and delivering the cabinet to the maintaining agency for cabinet setup. This work includes transporting the cabinet from the maintaining agency to the job site for installation. This work includes installation of the cabinet, and accessories required to furnish the traffic signal control operations as shown on the plans, in accordance with the MMUTCD and this special provision. As applicable this work includes mounting brackets and hardware, conduit risers, wiring, connectors, grounding, terminating signal wiring, and all appurtenant materials required to ensure a complete installation. The Contractor may elect to utilize automated machine guidance (AMG) to determine three-dimensional locations for earth work activities and material placement. AMG is the process of automatically adjusting the motion of a machine with an onboard computer that obtains its position from global positioning systems, robotic total stations, lasers, or combinations of similar methods while referencing the Contractor's model developed for the project. This procedure can be used in operations such as earth excavation, material placement, grading, trimming, and/or paving. This work consists of installing functional and unobtrusive grounding and bonding system, lightning protection for all poles and structures that exceed 15 feet in height, and surge protection for all conductors entering or leaving equipment cabinets and in equipment in housings at the specified locations shown on the plans. 1. Comply with the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 70 - NEC, latest edition adopted by the State of Michigan. 2. Adhere to NFPA 780 - Lightning Protection Code as specified herein. 3. Adhere to UL listings as specified throughout this special provision. 4. Comply with the NESC. Identify to the Engineer any conflicts between the requirements of regulatory agencies and the contract for this project. Submit product data for each type of product used (i.e. "shop drawings") for approval by the Engineer before work commences. As directed by the Engineer, submit a system plan, locating air terminals, conductor routing, supports, connectors, ground rods, and connection, mounting, and splicing details. Identify where special means are incorporated to avoid galvanic reactions due to dissimilar metals. For this project, regardless of the application, the use of industrial byproducts covered in 2014 PA 178 is prohibited unless the use and application of a particular material is covered elsewhere in the contract. The Contractor may substitute Type IL Portland cement in lieu of Type I Portland cement for concrete mixtures and other applications where Type I Portland cement is specified, provided documentation showing specification compliance is provided as described herein. The Contractor must provide the Engineer a minimum of 14 calendar days prior notification of their intent to substitute Type IL Portland cement in lieu of Type I Portland cement for the project. The construction, installation, treating and reconditioning of pipelines transporting gas vapors within cities, towns, subdivisions, suburban areas, or within private property boundaries, up to and including private meter settings of private industrial, governmental or other premises, more commonly referred to as ""distribution work,"" starting from the first metering station, connection, similar or related facility, of the main or cross country pipeline and including duct installation. Tunnel, shaft and caisson work of every type and description and all operations incidental thereto, including, but not limited to, shafts and tunnels for sewers, water, subways, transportation, diversion, sewerage, caverns, shelters, aquafers, reservoirs, missile silos and steel sheeting for underground construction. Open cut construction work shall be construed to mean work which requires the excavation of earth including industrial, commercial and residential building site excavation and preparation, land balancing, demolition and removal of concrete and underground appurtenances, grading, paving, sewers, utilities and improvements; retention, oxidation, flocculation and irrigation facilities, and also including but not limited to underground piping, conduits, steel sheeting for underground construction, and all work incidental thereto, and general excavation. For all areas except the Upper Peninsula, open cut construction work shall also be construed to mean waterfront work, piers, docks, seawalls, breakwalls, marinas and all incidental work. Open cut construction work shall not include any structural modifications, alterations, additions and repairs to buildings, or highway work, including roads, streets, bridge construction and parking lots or steel erection work and excavation for the building itself and back filling inside of and within 5 ft. of the building and foundations, footings and piers for the building. Open cut construction work shall not include any work covered under Tunnel, Shaft and Caisson work. Excavation, site preparation, land balancing, grading, sewers, utilities and improvements; also including but not limited to, tunnels, underground piping, retention, oxidation, flocculation facilities, conduits, general excavation and steel sheeting for underground construction. Underground construction work shall not include any structural modifications, alterations, additions and repairs to buildings or highway work, including roads, streets, bridge construction and parking lots or steel erection.
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