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Renovation of a municipal facility in Okeechobee, Florida. Completed plans call for the renovation of a 5,800-square-foot municipal facility.

Agri-Civic Center & Fairgrounds East Roof Extensions Okeechobee County is accepting bids for the following scope of work, but is not limited to, additions to the existing Main Event Arena at the Okeechobee County Agri-Civic Center & Fairgrounds. The extensions will be constructed at the two east corners or quadrants of the arena and consist of extensions of the low canopy roofs which cover the north and south concourses. The additions should have electrical, lighting and fire suppression systems to match the extensions on the west end. There will be no disruption of existing exit access pathways. The total area of the two quadrant additions is an estimated 5,800 square feet. The contractor shall be responsible to confirm all measurements and existing conditions for bidding purposes. The County may elect to construct one or both quadrants. Bidding firms should provide pricing for the base option and two alternatives. A contract will be promptly executed, following the completion of the bid review. Project will proceed immediately thereafter a Notice to Proceed is issued. The project terms are one hundred eighty (180) days to substantial completion and fourteen (14) days to final punch out for a total of one hundred ninety-four (194) project days. Any questions pertaining to the project specifications or scope of work will be addressed to Jessica Schooley in writing to the physical or email address noted below, no later than Monday February 10, 2025, at 3:00pm Each bid must be accompanied by an acceptable Bid Security in the form of a Bid Bond, or Certified Check, made payable to Okeechobee County Board of County Commissioners, in the amount of not less than five percent (5%) of the total Bid Amount. The Bidder, if awarded the Contract and the bid amount is $100,000 or more, will execute and file acceptable performance and payment bonds equal to 100% of the contract price within ten (10) calendar days after written notice of the award of contract. No bidder may withdraw their bid for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the date set for opening of bids. The Payment and Performance Bonds must show the Owner's name, Project Name and Project Number. Okeechobee County accepts no responsibility for any expense related to preparation or delivery of proposals. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, accept Bids in any order or combination, accept or reject portions of Bids, make modifications to the work after bidding, and waive any informality/inconsistency in the Bids if they deem it in their best interest to do so. Each Bidder shall ascertain prior to submitting a Bid that the Bidder has received all Addenda issued, and the Bidder shall acknowledge their receipt in the Bid. The Bidder will provide additional information including, but not limited to, a list of similar projects constructed within the past five (5) years, client references, and, if required, an audited or certified financial statement, other financial references deemed appropriate to Contract Award. Each bidder will submit with this bid, evidence that the bidder complies with all state and local requirements, to perform the work described in said Bid. If in the opinion of the bidder, inconsistencies appear to exist in the specifications, it is the bidder's responsibility to seek clarification from the Okeechobee County, Purchasing Agent, as shown above. Additionally, it is incumbent upon all bidders to conduct a personal investigation as to the requirements of the County.




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4200 FL-70, Okeechobee, FL

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