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Published January 29, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Baltimore, Maryland. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

SCOPE OF WORK-ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 1. The Contractor to provide all labor, materials, equipment, supplies, permits, supervision, subcontracting and other resources as required to provide for operation, repairs, adjustments, emergency service, preventive maintenance, testing services and inspection services on a "Time and Material" basis for all Elevators at the University of Maryland, Baltimore and any University owned property as directed by the University Elevator Manager or another designated University Facilities Maintenance (FM), Operation and Maintenance (OM) employee as designated by the Associate Director for OM Electrical Shop. a. The Contractor must be regularly engaged in the repair and maintenance of elevators, lifts, dumbwaiters and licensed vertical transportation systems. b. The work to be included under the Elevator Maintenance Contract is as described, but not limited to, the following: i. Urgent Elevator Service: Urgent Elevator Service is required when an elevator in a building is not functioning properly. In order to maintain a safe environment and efficient vertical transportation the elevator must be repaired and placed back in service as soon as possible. In these situations, the University Elevator Manager, or his designee will contact the elevator contractor to dispatch staff to address the situation. The elevator contractor is expected to provide 24 hour service availability 7 days per week including holidays. Urgent elevator service shall be rendered within 2 hours from the time a call is placed requesting the urgent service. ii. Maintenance and Repair Services: Maintenance and repair services are provided on a scheduled basis. These could be scheduled anywhere from 12 hours to weeks in advance. Services may include scheduled repairs or typical elevator maintenance services. The contractor may subcontract maintenance and repair services to the Original Equipment Manufacturer with the approval of the University Elevator Manager. iii. Testing Services and Inspection Services: The University Elevator Manager may elect, based on workload, to use the elevator contractor to perform annual or five year elevator testing. In this case the elevator contractor shall coordinate the testing as well as any subcontractors and any regulatory or inspection services (e.g., Maryland) DLLR /3rd party Qualified Elevator Inspection (QEI) contractor). The work shall be scheduled in coordination with the University Elevator Manager. 2. The Contractor is to coordinate all trade work with his forces and the other trade Contractors as well as any contractors separately assigned by the University. 3. Contractor when required and requested by the University shall engage the services of specialized subcontractors or original equipment manufacturers (OEM) service personnel to assist in providing services under this contract. Such services shall be billed at the contractors cost plus the agreed upon subcontractor markup. 4. The Contractor shall complete his work in the time required by the University and in accordance with the requirements stated within the University purchase order. 5. The majority of this contracting work will be work done in occupied buildings and, in some cases, with ongoing medical research and academic classes. The selected Contractor will be required to take special care when working in such environments. 6. Elevators are a key element in providing accessibility to University facilities. The Contractor must maintain service to all areas currently served by elevators. No equipment may be taken out of service if it would leave areas currently served by elevators inaccessible without prior University approval. It is the responsibility of the bidders to check the eBid Board periodically for any updates. Any Amendment(s) issued in conjunction with this Bid and/or questions and answers will also be posted to the University of Maryland, Baltimore eBid Board at website.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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