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Published January 16, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Fairfield, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

STUDY AREA The study area for this plan will be the Town of Fairfield and will include public and state-maintained roadways with the exception of limited access highways/parkways. Fairfield has approximately 265 miles of public roads and 21 miles of state highways. FUNDING SOURCE The funding source for this project is a Safe Streets and Roads for All Grant (SS4A) in the amount of $350,000. For any proposal exceeding this awarded amount, Consultants shall list add alternate or deduct services to stay within the grant award for this project. DBE/MBE/WBE Participation The Town shall award the contract in compliance with the requirements of 2 C.F.R. 200.321 "Contracting with small and minority businesses, women's business enterprises, and labor surplus area firms," in compliance with the SS4A Grant Terms and Conditions. The winning bidder shall comply with that regulation in any subcontracts. Bidders shall submit a description and plan of how they will incorporate this requirement into their schedule of work. At a minimum the Town has set a goal of 10% of the work to be subcontracted to DBE/MBE/WBE firms. STUDY OBJECTIVES a. Analyze the current state of Fairfield's roadways from a safety perspective with particular focus on vulnerable users, using the University of Connecticut's Connecticut Crash Data Repository, Department of Transportation and local data. b. Develop goals and themes and subsequent projects and policies/recommendations concepts/action for the Town related to roadway safety to achieve zero roadway fatalities. c. Engage the public and provide opportunities for meaningful involvement throughout the study. d. Produce a robust final safety action plan that meets all requirements of the SS4A grant. e. Work cooperatively with the Town Officials, the Town's Vision Zero Taskforce, Fairfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee, and other pertinent agencies/partners. f. Detailed understanding of the current state of the Town's public roads and mobility network and recommend settings/policies for the Town's goals for roadway safety and mobility. This will include State access Highways located within the Town limits. g. Utilize Traffic management software (ex. Urban SDK) and/or provides speed/volume/crash data collection to provide baseline reference and create strategies/ priorities for streets to concentrate on that will lead to future demonstration and implementation projects. h. Create budget estimates to implement the safety action plan which will assist Town obtaining potential demonstration and implementation grants. PROJECT BACKGROUND o First Selectman Bill Gerber committed the Town of Fairfield to eliminating fatalities and serious injuries on Town streets by 2034. As part of the First Selectman's executive order, the Town shall develop a Safety Action Plan to identify current crash patterns and safety concerns on our roads and develop goals and recommend actions to reduce fatal crashes to zero by 2034. o The Town has an existing Vision Zero Task Force composed of Town technical experts and community stakeholders including the Fairfield Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee. The selected Consultant will work closely with these groups during the study process. o Consultants must be familiar with Vision Zero and Safe System Approach. In Fairfield, Vision Zero prioritizes safety and takes a people-first approach to transportation and community building. Many trips in the Town of Fairfield are made by people on foot, bike, or transit. Everyone, including drivers, benefits from a transportation system made safer for the most vulnerable road users. SCOPE OF WORK: The selected Consultant shall develop a comprehensive Safety Action Plan for the Town of Fairfield. This Safety Action Plan will guide the Town and its various departments in achieving zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries. 1. The Consultant shall address all eight (8) required components of the Safety Action Plan, a. Leadership Commitment and Goal Setting b. Planning Structure c. Safety Analysis d. Engagement and Collaboration e. Equity Considerations f. Policy and Progress Changes g. Strategy and Project Selections h. Progress and Transparency 2. The Consultants should also include the following measures in their proposal (or list why they shouldn't be included). These are listed to give Consultant idea of Town's conceptual SS4A action plan. a. Review of other municipal Vision Zero/Safety Actions Plans. o The selected Consultant in concert with the Task Force shall identify and review four (4) comparable Towns that have developed Vision Zero/Safety Action Plans. The Consultant will conduct at least one (1) phone/Zoom interview with an appropriate contact person in each municipality. The Consultant will assess what worked and what did not work and what lessons can be drawn from this plan from comparable municipalities. b. Broad review of background information on Vision Zero, roadway safety challenges, and previous Fairfield plans and/or studies o The selected Consultant shall develop easily digestible information related to what Vision Zero and the Safe Systems Approach is and how it differs from previous roadway safety programs for inclusion into the Action Plan. Including multi-modal programs. o Incorporate any information on previous Town Plans/Studies such as the Bicycle/Pedestrian Master Plan and the Complete Streets Right of Way Manual, where applicable, to list or mention in the Safety Action Plan. o Review and incorporate, where applicable, Town Pavement Management program, paving list, and sidewalk improvement plan for goal setting, equity policy and strategy recommendations. c. Detailed Crash Data analysis (Listed below is a concept developed by the Town. The Consultant can describe how they would provide this information- more or less detail etc..). o Last 5 years' worth of crash data broken down by: o Type of user (driver, biker, pedestrian, motorcyclists) o Injury and fatality rates o Age o Where on the road crashes are occurring o Types of crashes o Location within the Town o Classification of roadway o Understand and detail not just where, but how and why crashes are happening. o Focus on serious injury and fatal crashes. o Overlay crashes with neighborhoods and census data to develop neighborhoods of concern setting priority list or criteria o Identify, evaluate, prioritize and develop a high Injury Crash Network map to identify high injury corridors and intersections. (Refer to CT Crash Data Repository) o All data should be easily readable and accessible to the Town and public. i.e. through GIS maps, web based maps, graphs/charts, spreadsheets, etc. o Safety information shall also be collected through public outreach to obtain anecdotal crash and near miss location information. o Utilization of Town of Fairfield Office of Public Safety, Health, and Welfare Data where available and pertinent. o Utilize Traffic Management Software and or provide data collection to provide baseline and comparisons for strategies and priorities of streets. d. Public engagement and feedback solicitation o The Consultant should expect to participate in up to twelve (12) public meetings. These meetings (Charette Type) are meant to solicit initial public feedback on roadway safety in Fairfield and then for the public to respond and comment on the proposed plan. Finally, later meetings will be held to present the final plan. Consultant shall provide to the Town general response to concerns brought up by the public and Town agencies and whether or not potential solutions exist or are not practical, and why. o Eight (8) meetings to be held early in the plan. o Two (2) meetings to be held in the middle of the plan o Two (2) meetings to be held later on in the plan o Meetings can consist of o In-person/hybrid neighborhood association/RTM District meetings o Specific Vision Zero hybrid format public meetings o Tabling at Town events, neighborhood locations, parks, fairs, etc. o Tactical Urbanism Engagement Activities o The Consultant, in partnership with the Town, shall provide strategies concepts, priorities, and list at least five (5) temporary Tactical Urbanism projects. The Consultant shall recommend low-cost actions on potential street design concept changes in order to advance long-term goals related to street safety, public space, and more. Consultant should provide cost estimate ranges. GIS map o The Consultant shall develop a public feedback map for members of the public to interactively submit comments detailing challenges and obstacles related to roadway safety in Fairfield. o Social media o The Consultant shall develop social media postings to be posted by the Town. o Assist the Town in keeping the Town's webpage up to date with project information. o All public engagement materials: meetings, flyers, documents, web postings, etc. shall be available in Spanish to meet Title VI requirements; including bilingual representatives at some/all public meetings. o The selected Consultant should include provisions for local/minority hiring of outreach coordinators or other tasks to meet DBE/MBE/WBE requirement. e. Identify goals/themes for roadway safety based on conversations with the Town officials, Vision Zero taskforce and the community. o The goals for the Town should be constructed based on community feedback, crash data, the Town's/Taskforce's own internal goals, and industry best practices. These goals should be high level and create the foundation for the Town's action plan and policies/strategies/actions to achieve zero roadway deaths and serious injuries. f. Prescribe subsequent project and policy recommendations/strategies/actions to achieve those goals broken down by timeline projected budget range and Safe System Strategy. o Policies can include educational, engineering, enforcement, and other measures. Utilize the following typical timelines: o Near-term (0-2 years) o Medium term (3-5 years) o Long term (5-10 years) o These recommendations/ strategies/ actions should be achievable within their respective timeline, they should be Fairfield specific in terms of the current crash data, community feedback, and overall goals, and they should be measurable. o These recommendations/ strategies/actions will guide the Town forward in the next ten (10) years to achieve zero roadway deaths. o Include details related to future implementation such as policy changes, funding, standards change, new partnerships required, etc. o Recommendations/ strategies/actions should encompass all aspects of Town operations and the selected consultant should have a detailed understanding of the Town and its operations and identify areas for improvements at all levels and aspects of the Town Government. Include recent experiences with CT DOT. o Recommendations/guidance for funding to implement recommendations/strategies/actions with a specific focus on state and federal funding sources.


Roads / Highways

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February 6, 2026


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RFP - Fairfield Safe Streets and Roads for All - Safety Action Plan

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