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Published January 19, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Deland, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this Invitation to Bid (ITB) is to solicit competitive sealed Bids for Contractor(s) to supply asphaltic concrete, place asphaltic concrete, and provide associated road construction services for the County of Volusia, Florida. The Master Agreement(s) resulting from this ITB may be used by all Departments on an as-needed basis. There is no guarantee of any minimum expenditure by the County. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS The work performed under this Contract and all materials used shall conform to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, Division II and III, and the Standard Plans for Road Construction, latest editions. Supplied Type SP-9.5 and Type SP-12.5 asphaltic concrete for pickup and delivery shall be in accordance with FDOT Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, Section 320 HOT MIX ASPHALT PLANT METHODS AND EQUIPMENT and Section 330 HOT MIX ASPHALT GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Orders to pick up material will be placed by county official, weekdays by 4:00 p.m. for pick up the following business day. Orders to deliver material will be placed by a county official 48 hours in advance for delivery to a designated location within Volusia County. The Contractor shall issue a ticket showing the date, ticket number, material type, and weight of material when the County receives the order. For material being picked up, the county truck number shall be included on the ticket and the county's truck driver shall be required to sign the ticket for each load as this signed ticket must be submitted with the Contractor's invoice. Pricing for delivered asphaltic concrete is per ton and FOB Destination. Placed asphaltic concrete Types SP-9.5, SP-12.5, FC-9.5 with 76-22 modified polymer, and FC-12.5 with 76-22 modified polymer shall meet all specifications within FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, Section 330 HOT MIX ASPHALT - GENERAL CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS, Section 334 SUPERPAVE ASPHALT CONCRETE, Section 337 ASPHALT CONCRETE FRICTION COURSE, and include, but not limited to materials, labor, equipment, traffic control, placement of signs, and any construction and application procedures necessary for all plant-mixed hot bituminous pavements and bases. Pricing for placed asphaltic concrete is per ton. A tack coat shall be installed prior to the installation of the new asphaltic concrete. The tack coat surface shall be kept free of traffic until the asphalt has been placed. The Contractor shall ensure that the tack coat is only applied to an area that will receive the asphalt layer within the same day's operation. The tack coat shall only be applied to one lane of traffic at a time, and shall not exceed one (1) mile, unless otherwise determined by the county's project manager. The tack coat shall be placed in accordance with the FDOT Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction, Section 300 PRIME AND TACK COATS. The cost for tack coat shall be included in the price for placing new asphaltic concrete. Milling shall conform to the FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, Section 327 MILLING OF EXISTING ASPHALT PAVEMENT. Milling operations shall include, but is not limited to materials, labor, equipment, traffic control, striping, placement of signs, sodding, erosion and sedimentation control, and any construction and application procedures necessary to remove existing asphalt pavement by milling to improve the rideability of the finished pavement, to lower the finished grade adjacent to the existing curb before resurfacing, or to remove existing pavement altogether. The hauling of millings and their ownership shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Pricing for milling existing surfaces is per square yard (SY). Striping and pavement markings provided shall include, but is not limited to materials, labor, equipment, traffic control, placement of signs and any construction and application procedures required for the placement of striping/pavement markings. This work includes temporary and permanent reflective paint, thermoplastic, and reflective pavement markings. Contractor shall complete temporary paint striping application immediately after paving completion. All work and material shall conform to FDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction, latest edition, Section 710 PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKINGS, and Section 711 THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS. Coordination for the striping with the pavement maintenance shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. Pricing for pavement markings is per linear feet (LF) or each (EA) as indicated on the pricing sheet included in the solicitation. Any material not meeting the specifications limits shall be removed and replaced as determined by the county's project manager at the Contractor's expense. The county may elect to provide an inspector in the plant during production and/or obtain bulk samples in the field. All roadways to be resurfaced shall have the vegetation from the edge of pavement cut back and removed prior to placement of the new asphaltic concrete. The area shall include any vegetation existing on the surface of the pavement and shall extend six (6) inches past the edge of the pavement. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to remove any excess materials created by this operation. Any damage as resulting from excessive removal of these materials shall be repaired promptly by the Contractor. Contractor shall provide pricing for the delivery of screened sand at a designated location within Volusia County to be used for paving operations. Deliveries shall have the load weight verified at the FOB Origin with required load ticket submitted to the county's project manager or designee that indicates the date, ticket number, material type, and weight of material when the County receives the order. Pricing for delivered screened sand is per ton and FOB Origin. Contact Information Jalene Serwanski Procurement Analyst II 123 W Indiana Ave, Room 302 DeLand, FL 32720-4608 Email: jserwanski@volusia.org Phone: (386) 626-6622 No Pre-solicitation Conference will be held. The County is looking to promote partnership relationships within the policies and procedures of public procurement. Pursuant toward that end, the successful Respondent shall be awarded an Agreement for an initial three (3) year term with the option for two (2) subsequent one (1) year renewals. All renewals will be contingent upon mutual written agreement and, when applicable, approval of County Council. The County of Volusia is requesting proposals for the service and/or product(s) detailed within this solicitation. If your company is interested in submitting a proposal to provide this service and/or product(s), please provide the requested information in this solicitation, complete the included forms, and submit these documents with your response through online. Terms and conditions differing from those in this solicitation may be cause for disqualification of the Response. Failure to provide the required information may result in the Response not being considered. Do not submit confidential information, proprietary information and/or trade secrets. Question Deadline 02/06/2025 at 11:59 PM ET Questions and exceptions shall be submitted. Thereafter, no further questions or exceptions will be accepted or reviewed by the County and Respondents' right to submit questions or exceptions will terminate and any questions or exceptions not previously made shall be deemed waived. Oral representations will not be binding on the County.


Roads / Highways

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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