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Published February 6, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a mixed-use development in Muskego, Wisconsin. Completed plans call for the renovation of a educational facility.

St. Leonard School seeks to improve campus security and safety through the procurement of equipment and services as outlined in this Request for Proposal (RFP). We request individual proposals and/or estimates refer to specific project(s) the vendor proposes to serve. Cost proposals for each project item(s) must be clearly stated in your proposal. Upon award vendors will be required to bill each project individually. However, invoices may be submitted concurrently. Protective Window Coating or Lamination Building Location: W173 S7777 Westwood Drive Muskego, Wl 53150-9160 Time for Completion: All work is expected to be completed not later than August 22, 2025. This project is designed to reduce the likelihood of unauthorized entry and/or damage related to projectiles or thrown objects impacting windows. Primaiy areas of concern include: ground level windows, glass doors, sidelights and interior glass in classrooms or large gathering/shelter areas. Proposals may include lamination of existing windows, window film, or replacement of glass to include new, improved durability glass. Proposals should address bullet resistance as well as other projectiles such as rocks or metal objects. CONTRACTOR SELECTION: All Contractors shall provide one or more individually formatted and detailed proposal(s) outlining a fixed bid project cost for each project. Respondents may at their discretion include pricing options for additional services or features. Respondents must specify key milestones including an interim or midway check-in point. Proposals will be reviewed and scored according to internal procurement guidelines. Preference will be given to contractors providing discounts, offering favorable payment terms, contractors with prior work experience with the organization, locally based contractors, and contractors with experience including similar or compatible systems which may be readily integrated. Following review of all proposals contractors will be ranked and contacted individually within five business days of the proposal submission deadline. Contractors not responding or unable to provide services by the specified completion date may forfeit the right to project work. Contracts are expected to be finalized by April 15, 2025. PAYMENT PROCESSING : Projects outlined within this request for proposal document are funded through a federal grant. Extended payment terms will be required under the grant. Vendors must provide sen/ices, equipment or products subject to final review and approval by St. Leonard School. Upon completion of work vendor invoices will be submitted for payment. Vendors are advised the State of Wisconsin will review all invoicing and billing materials prior to payment. CONTRACTOR REQUIREMENTS : As a federally funded project all vendors are required to comply with applicable state and federal procurement guidelines found in 2 C.F.R. çç 200.317-200.327. Vendors will be required to complete certification forms related to Boycott of Israel, Immigration & Reform of Control Act, Tax Clearance, and the Policy Regarding Sexual Harassment Acknowledgement. Vendors are also hereby advised to review federal procurement guidelines and regulations related to certain equipment and technology products manufactured or produced in China. A response will be provided acknowledging your attendance. Contractors or respondents with any questions regarding this RFP are welcome to contact Mr. Jeffrey Robb either by phone at: 262-723-1074 or via email jeffrey@ symphonyadvancement.com




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w173s7777 Westwood Dr, Muskego, WI

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