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Published January 28, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Norwich, Connecticut. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The purpose of this study is to update and expand the 2017 SUBASE New London Joint Land Use Study (JLUS), the current planning document that serves as a basis for cooperative community and land use planning efforts between SUBASE and local governments, to a CUP and to create a community-driven, cooperative, strategic planning process among SUBASE New London and the ten municipalities to: 1. Promote community development that is compatible with the military training, testing, and operational missions; 2. Seek ways to reduce operational impacts on adjacent lands; and 3. Address common challenges that impact both military and civilian personnel at SUBASE New London. The goal of the CUP is to encourage local governments, together with SECOG and the State of Connecticut, to work closely with the military installation to implement measures that prevent the introduction of incompatible civilian development that may impair the continued operational utility of the military installation, and to preserve and protect the public health, safety, and welfare of those living near an active military installation. The CUP planning process is intended to increase public awareness of the military mission and its contribution to the regional economy, and to protect and preserve military readiness and defense capabilities while supporting continued community economic development. The CUP update should cover the following topic areas for analysis: o Coordinated infrastructure: transportation, utilities, and climate resilience o Compatible built environments: land use and compatible development (inclusive of housing, zoning, economic development) and coordinated use of the Thames River o Collaborative implementation and cost sharing The CUP planning process should work toward and include an Implementation Plan, with responsible parties and potential funding sources identified, to ensure the recommendations advanced in the CUP are realized. These recommended actions should include smart land use planning principles and practices that can achieve a balance between potentially conflicting interests. The CUP planning process will continue and expand communication and establish formal policies and procedures for military participation and cross-jurisdictional coordination in community development review and planning processes. Requests for Information Due: Monday, January 20th, 2025 by 5:00 P.M.



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Multiple Locations, Norwich, CT

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