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Published March 19, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and new construction of a medical facility in Houston, Texas. Completed plans call for the construction of a 43,599-square-foot, two-story above grade medical facility; and for site work for a medical facility.

Construction of a Northeast Community Wellness Center The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD is requesting It shall be the Mission of The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD, to transform the lives of people with behavioral health and IDD needs. It shall be the Vision of The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD, to empower people with behavioral health and IDD needs to improve their lives through an accessible, integrated and comprehensive recovery oriented system of care. The Eight Values of the Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD are collaboration, compassion, excellence, integrity, leadership, quality, responsiveness and safety. The Harris Center is the state-designated Local Mental Health Authority and Local Intellectual and Developmental Disability (IDD) Authority serving Harris County, Texas. As the largest behavioral and developmental disability care center in Texas, The Harris Center provided care to over 96,000 people in fiscal year 2023 and has an an nual budget of approximately $370 million. As part of its mission to transform the lives of people with behavioral health and IDD needs in the third largest county in the United States, The Harris Center provides a full continuum of services at over 80 different sites across Harris County. In addition, services are provided in more than 42 different languages as well as sign language in order to better serve what is one of the most diverse and multi-cultural communities in the nation. Competitive Sealed Proposals pursuant to Chapter 2269 of the Texas Government Code and 2 CFR Part 200 from qualified construction firms for construction of Northwest Community Wellness Center for consumers served by The Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD. The site will be located at 7529 Little York Road, Houston, TX 77016 Question Deadline 03/05/2025 at 5:00 PM CT Deadline for prospective vendors to submit questions to this CSP Any questions pertaining to this solicitation should be addressed in writing to Sharon Brauner, C.P.M., Purchasing Manager, Sharon.brauner@theharriscenter.org, James Blunt, C.P.M., James.Blunt@theharriscenter.org, and Nina Cook, MBA, CTCM, CTCD, Director of Purchasing, Nina.cook@theharriscenter.org or fax to (713) 970-7682. This is a request for competitive sealed proposals pursuant to Chapter 2269 of the Texas Government Code, consistent with 2 CFR Part 200, as applicable. Project activities will be subject to Davis Bacon prevailing wage rates, but the Davis Bacon Act will not apply to the project. The Harris Center has been awarded federal funds under the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Grant for use, in part, in the construction of a Northeast Community Wellness Center. Award Terms and Conditions are attached. This project is also funded in part with funds provided by a Bond Issuance. The site will be located at 7529 Little York Road, Houston, TX 77016. Accordingly, The Harris Center seeks proposals from qualified construction firms for construction of a Community Wellness Center and all required MEP - Project Number: PUR-FY25-0309 (Project). Sealed proposals, subject to the terms and conditions as more fully explained herein, for evaluation of services must be received by the due date specified herein. Minority-Owned Businesses and Women-Owned Businesses are encouraged to participate. The HARRIS CENTER reserves all right to postpone, accept or reject any and/or all proposals as it to waive formalities and reasonable irregularities in submitted documents as it deems to be in its best interests and waive formalities and reasonable irregularities. is not obligated to accept the lowest proposal.




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Construction of a Northeast Community Wellness Center

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