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Published February 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Midlothian, Illinois. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Downtown Midlothian Streetscape Enhancements Overview - Village of Midlothian The Village of Midlothian (the "Village") is a mature community located in Cook County, Illinois, landlocked by Oak Forest, Crestwood, Posen, and Markham. The Village was incorporated in 1927. Midlothian's population is 14,316 according to the 2020 Census. The Village has proximity to I-57 and I-294 and is served by the Metra-Rock Island Commuter line with a train station located within the Downtown. The Midlothian Station is approximately eighteen miles from Chicago's LaSalle Street Station. The Village contains a diverse mix of industrial, commercial, institutional, and residential uses. Most retail business within the community occurs along Cicero Avenue where the high-traffic environment includes automobile sales, fuel, shopping centers and quick-service retail. Although the Downtown area was once the commercial hub of Midlothian, its economic impact has decreased. In 2020, the Village approved a TIF District to create a funding source to address the need for reinvestment and modernization in the Downtown. In 2023 a TIF Incentive Program was implemented to encourage private investment in properties and businesses within the district. The Village is undertaking marketing efforts to encourage building renovations, property modernization, mixed-use redevelopment, and redevelopment of underutilized properties. Project Goals The Village of Midlothian is seeking proposals for planning and design services to provide streetscape enhancements within our Downtown. It is anticipated that this study will be integral in the development of a Downtown improvement plan. In short, the Village seeks a professional and creative consultant that will provide deliverables to accomplish the following: Improve Downtown Appearance, Visual Identity & Function. Although Downtown Midlothian has some characteristics of a traditional downtown, it is primarily a linear commercial area that extends along 147th Street (IL Route 83) and Pulaski Road. This poses spatial challenges with creating the unique sense of place found in many traditional downtown environments. The Village seeks strategies to enhance the visual and functional aspects of the Downtown to create a distinctive environment for residents and visitors. Identify Streetscape Opportunities. Existing public streetscape within the Downtown area is both limited and dated. Streetscape opportunities would appear to be a challenge due to size limitations with available right-of-way. Furthermore, jurisdictional control of 147th Street is held by the Illinois Department of Transportation (IDOT), while Pulaski Road jurisdictional control is held by the Cook County Highway Department (CCHD). The Village seeks design concepts to develop public streetscape improvement opportunities along the 147th Street and Pulaski Road Corridors. Such concepts are to be consistent with the jurisdictional requirements of both IDOT and CCHW. Façade/Business Design Improvements. A number of privately owned properties along the corridor are visually dated, lack landscape features and do not contribute to the creation of a sense of place. TIF funds are presently available to incentivize improvements to enhance privately owned property. The Village seeks concepts that can be utilized as design templates for private property improvements within the corridor. It is envisioned these templates will be used to encourage and negotiate with property owners to achieve a more visually appealing Downtown. Traffic Calming/Pedestrian Safety. Due to the high-traffic counts of 147th Street (ADT 19,600) and Pulaski Road (ADT 21,000), there are challenges to creating an environment that is pedestrian-friendly and fosters a reduction of speed upon entering the Downtown. The Village seeks strategies and concepts to identify traffic calming measures and enhanced walkability, furthering the ability to create a distinctive downtown environment. Existing Conditions Analysis. The consultant is to analyze current conditions in the study area as they relate to the project's goals. For purposes of this study, the Downtown Area is defined as 147th Street (Karlov Avenue to Millard Avenue) and Pulaski Road (144th Street to 150th Street). The consultant may consider additional roadway length if deemed appropriate for this study. The existing conditions analysis should include sufficient background and detail to justify and explain the recommendations made in the plan. Coordination with Outside Agencies. Due to the roadway jurisdictional issues previously referenced in this RFP the consultant will be required to discuss right-of-way requirements with IDOT and CCHD to ensure all recommendations are consistent with their regulations and best practices. Also, the consultant will be required to coordinate with the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) regarding traffic calming and safety issues. The Village has received a Technical Assistance Program award to address community-wide traffic safety (anticipated to begin January 2025). Since this effort will include all of Midlothian there will be some overlap between studies. The Village seeks communication between project managers to ensure the final product of both studies is consistent and synergistic. The CMAP "toolkit" for their safety study will likely emphasize the concepts within the Speed Management and Complete Streets reports. Draft Plan. The consultant shall prepare a written plan with a significant emphasis upon concept plans, sketches, designs, façade elevations and other visuals to supplement recommendations for enhancing the Downtown environment. The plan shall include a likely range of costs associated with streetscape recommendations, and a likely range of costs for the private property design templates created. The draft plan shall address all Project Goals as stated in Section 2 of this RFP. Funding Sources. The consultant shall identify potential grant sources that may be applicable for funding the work contemplated within this study. Steering Committee Meetings & Public Engagement. It is anticipated that a minimum of four (4) consultant meetings will be needed during the project. They include the following: Kickoff meeting to discuss the overall Village vision for the Downtown area and roadway corridors, and consultant observations of the study area. Presentation to Steering Committee identifying key concepts and recommendations anticipated prior to submittal of the draft plan. Community open house to discuss the draft plan. Presentation of final plan to Village Board for adoption. Final Report Preparation. When completed the consultant shall provide the Village with twenty (20) copies of the final report, in addition to a digitized version. Coordination of the project will be undertaken by a Steering Committee consisting of the Village President, several Trustees, a citizen, and the Village Economic Development Consultant. Upon the receipt of proposals, the Steering Committee will review all submittals and determine which firms will be invited to participate in an interview to determine a finalist. Consultant Proposal Submittal. Proposals. Consultants shall provide the Village with five (5) copies of their proposal and a digital copy that includes the following: Introductory Letter Qualifications of the firm and assigned team. Identify the lead who will serve as project manager. Identify any portion of the work that will be subcontracted. If applicable, provide qualifications of subcontractor and assigned team. Summarize any recent projects of a similar nature successfully completed by the consultant team in the past three to five years. Include client contact information for the individual who was responsible for overseeing the work . Outline the proposed scope of work that will be utilized to complete the Midlothian study identifying any major phases and the sequence of tasks to be completed. Provide a timeline to complete the task, beginning on the date of award notification. Provide a lump sum cost for the project. Terms and Conditions. Proposals must remain valid for a period of 90 days. The Village reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals. All submitted materials become the property of the Village. Questions Regarding Project Proposal. The coordinator for the streetscape project is Village Trustee Sandra Crowley. Questions shall be directed to her at scrowley@villageofmidlothian.org or via (708) 259-5890. The method of Contractor Selection has not been Determined at this time.


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August 28, 2025


Multiple Locations, Midlothian, IL

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RFP - Downtown Midlothian Streetscape Enhancements

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