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Published February 4, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Windsor, Ontario. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Reference Number 0000286666 Question Acceptance Deadline 2025/02/17 03:00:00 PM EST This request is for the provision of the services related to Fire Protection & Security of University-owned buildings as required by applicable Federal and Provincial Regulations for the duration of the term. Provision of services which meets the current Ontario Fire Code (O. Reg. 319/22:FIRE CODE), National Building Code of Canada (NBC) and National Fire Code of Canada (NFC) Provision of services which meets the CAN/ULC-S536 Standard for the inspection and testing of fire alarm systems and specifies the devices and functions to be inspected, tested, and documented for the periodic inspection and test. Provision of services which meets CAN/ULC-S537-13 Standard for Verification of Fire Alarm System Inspections and Testing of Fire Safety Equipment including but not limited to the following to ensure they remain operable as designed and required by applicable regulation(s): Fire Alarm Systems Fire Pumps, Tanks & Hydrants Hose Cabinets & Hoses Portable Fire Extinguishers (Downtown Only) Emergency Lighting Systems Sprinkler Systems and Related Equipment Fire Blankets Maintenance of existing systems. The successful Proponent will supply replacement parts and/or extinguishers as required and will respond to call-outs for service on a when and if required basis. The exact quantity of devices as indicated throughout this RFP will be subject to change from the RFP issue date to the contract award date. These changes may be due to equipment breakdowns, repairs, upgrades or changes prior to award. Allowances during the bidding process must be made for such changes. General Required In all circumstances, the work to be performed shall be of first-class quality by employees skilled in the respective trade and knowledgeable about the product and equipment being used. The Contractor shall provide a project manager/key representative during the duration of the Contract to ensure communication with the University of Windsor as necessary. The Contractor shall conduct work in manner that causes minimum obstruction and inconvenience to University of Windsor operations. Regular business hours are Monday-Friday 7:30 am - 4:00 pm. The majority of project work (that which causes disruption) shall be initiated and completed during non- business hours. If any work is scheduled during regular business hours through the Facility Services Operations, the Contractor shall provide barricades, signs or other safety equipment for work areas as necessary as to avoid any unnecessary disruption and/or accidents. Existing surfaces and/or other items near areas where work is occurring shall be protected from damage that could result from Contractor operations. The Contractor shall use sufficient protective coverings for the protection of surfaces. The Contractor shall be responsible for repairing, at Contractor's expense, any damage to existing improvements and/or items that result from the Contractor providing inadequate protection from damage. The University of Windsor reserves the right at any time to alter the specifications to meet increased or decreased needs. If such changes cause an increase/decrease in costs or time required for services, or otherwise affects any other provision of the agreement, an equitable The Proponent and each Consultant will be expected to provide the University with evidence of any and all insurance coverages as required in this RFP, including, but not limited to: WSIB coverage or Employer's Liability Insurance with limits of not less than two million ($2,000,000) dollars; Commercial General Liability Insurance against third party bodily injury (including death), personal injury and broad form property damage (including loss of use) and including products and completed operations liability and blanket contractual liability for an amount of not less than five million ($5,000,000) dollars per occurrence; Standard automobile insurance for all vehicles owned, licensed or leased by the Successful Proponent and non-owned automobile insurance, where required, for an amount of not less than two million ($2,000,000) dollars per occurrence for each type of coverage; Other types of insurance a prudent person would carry as the University may from time to time require, having regard for the nature of work and its location. The Contract is to commence immediately following selection of the Successful Proponent. The term of the contract, should one be developed, is planned to commence in May 1 2025. This date may be subject to change at the discretion of the University of Windsor. The period of any contract resulting from this proposal will be for three (3) year with the University's option to extend for two (2) additional one (1) year terms. Official bid documents must be obtained from www.merx.com and bid submissions must be done through the Merx platform.



Public - State/Provincial

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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401 Sunset Ave, Windsor, ON

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