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Published March 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Orlando, Florida. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

The City of Orlando's Procurement and Contracts Division is soliciting proposals from interested and qualified Proposers to provide Janitorial Services for multiple City-maintained SunRail stations. Proposer shall provide all labor, materials, supplies (except as noted), equipment, and chemicals necessary to perform Janitorial Services specified herein at the following SunRail station locations within the City of Orlando, Florida: Advent Health Station, 500 East Rollins Street Square Footage is approximately 25,870 LYNX Central Station, 101 West Livingston Street Square Footage is approximately 20,170 Church Street Station, 99 W South Street Square Footage is approximately 12,400 Orlando Amtrak/Sligh Blvd Station, 250 Columbia Street Square Footage is approximately 16,150 SCOPE OF SERVICES AND TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS As set forth in this RFP, Proposals shall conform to the scope of services and technical requirements as set forth herein. Please note during all services: signage and/or caution cones or tape shall be used to protect the general public from slip/trip and fall hazards. All services must follow the FDOT guidelines in EXHIBIT 3 - FDOT GUIDELINES. DAILY CLEANING OF ALL STATIONS, NON-PEAK HOURS Six (6) days per week, Monday through Friday and Sunday Church Street Station and LYNX Central Station will be performed three (3) times per day Monday through Friday and one (1) time per day on Sunday. Advent Health Station and Orlando Amtrak/Sligh Blvd Station will be performed two (2) times per day Monday through Friday and one (1) time per day on Sunday. This does not include a Day Porter. Includes the following: Remove all graffiti. Remove all unauthorized stickers, decals or posters, and associated fasteners. Sweep platform and associated walkways, excluding pedestrian crossovers located between platforms within the Corridor. Remove debris and trash (includes such things as: paper, cardboard, cigarette butts, needles and other hazardous materials) from station platforms, benches, walkways, and along fences, excluding pedestrian crossovers located between station platforms within the Corridor. Remove stains, spills, chewing gum, and the like from station platforms, walkways, benches, handrails, fixtures, passenger amenities, phones, Ticket Vending Machines (TVMs), ticket validators, and drinking fountains. Stains include spots, tarnish, blemishes, and discolorations larger than the size of a US Mint dime. Remove biohazards, including but not limited to human and bird/animal droppings, from all station platform areas. Droppings include urine and feces from all birds and animals. Control ant mounds and remove sand/debris from ant mound activity. Remove trash from trash containers and replace plastic trash bags (40-50 gallon size). Only clear trash bags shall be used as per FDOT guidelines. Trash and recycling receptacles shall be maintained in a neat and presentable condition. Trash and debris shall be removed off of the station property and disposed of legally as soon as possible after collection. Bags of trash shall not be left in passageways or inside of the stations to create a nuisance or eyesore. Any trash dropped shall be immediately retrieved by the Proposer and properly placed in the trash receptacle. The City has dumpsters and recycling dumpsters located along the platform areas. See EXHIBIT 2 - ALL STATIONS DIAGRAMS. Any liquids spilled during the process of trash removal shall be cleaned up immediately. Empty and clean waste receptacles. All trash containers shall be emptied daily. Contents of these trash containers shall be placed in outside refuse containers. All receptacles shall be cleaned and washed as needed to provide a sanitary condition, free of all dirt, debris, odor and residue. Remove cobwebs, egg sacs and nests from platforms, benches, canopies, fixtures and railings. Damp wipe down all surfaces of TVMs and ticket validators. Damp wiping consists of using a clean damp cloth or sponge to remove all dirt, spots, streaks, and smudges from walls, glass, and other specified surfaces. The wetting solution shall contain an appropriate cleaning agent. Wipe inside of trash containers (clear) and tops and sides of containers. Clean any display cases (bulletin boards for schedule information, etc.) Wipe down emergency call phone and customer information phone. Wipe, clean and disinfect drinking fountains. Clean foot and fingerprint parks from support structures, posts, walls and fixtures. These include dirt, soil and grease marks caused by feet, shoes, hands or gloves. Furniture and equipment shall in no way be splashed, disfigured nor damaged during these operations. Proper precautions shall be taken to advise building occupants of wet and/or slippery floor conditions during cleaning operations including posting of warning signs and barricades. All Proposer tools and equipment shall be maintained in clean condition at all times. PRESSURE WASHING Pressure washing of all station platforms, walkways, benches, canopy support structures and tactile strips. Pressure washing must be performed during weekends. LYNX Central Station and Church Street Station must be pressure washed twice per month. Advent Health Station and Orlando Amtrak/Sligh Blvd Station must be pressure washed once per month. PRESSURE WASHING: Station platforms, walkways, benches, canopy support structures and tactile strips must be pressure washed. Pressure washing must be performed during weekends between 11:00pm and 5:00am. All electronic equipment must be covered with plastic to prevent any damage or destruction of the equipment from water or debris from the pressure washing. Pressure washing schedule must be provided to the City within 30 days of the awarded contract. Pressure Washing must be performed following safety measures and must follow City Stormwater Utility Code, Chapter 31.19. The service should include equipment with the capability of cleaning at 3500 psi. The Proposer is encouraged to employ pressure washing best practices for commercial cleaning and rinsing. Brick areas shall not be subjected to aggressive pressure washing. For removal of chewing gum and persistent stains, pressure washing shall be applied on an angle in order to preserve the sand bed under the pavers. Water supply is provided at each platform. Notification to the City following the completion of the monthly pressure washing service shall be provided. NOTE: If needed, the City may request additional pressure washing which shall be covered under this section. OTHER SERVICES INCLUDE: Hand wipe and clean station signage, excluding electronic message signs or signage between the platforms in the Corridor. Hand wipe and thorough cleaning of canopy support structures. Hand wipe and clean all variable message signs. IMMEDIATE CLEANING RESPONSE, WITHIN TWO (2) HOURS OF NOTIFICATION. The Proposer will be notified by the City when immediate response is required. Immediate response is to take care of the following items specified below. The Proposer is to be on the scene with in two (2) hours of notification. Notification to the City is required after the immediate service has been completed. Incidents involving feces, urine, blood, vomit or miscellaneous spills on station platforms. Any broken glass on station platforms. Offensive graffiti. Overflowing trash cans. Contact Information Direct inquiries to the following: Lindsey Hladik Procurement Agent II 400 S. Orange Ave, 4th Floor Orlando, FL 32801 Email: lindsey.hladik@orlando.gov Phone: (407) 246-2332 The Procurement and Contracts Division is the official source to obtain information relating to City of Orlando solicitations. It is incumbent on the Proposer to obtain solicitation and current award information prior to and after the scheduled opening date of a Request for Proposals. Information is updated daily as it becomes available. An award, or recommendation of award, may be made at any time after the scheduled opening date of a Request for Proposals. You may obtain award and other solicitation information in a variety of ways: There are currently two Internet sites available to obtain RFP Selection Committee rankings, Notice of Intended Action for award and other information: online It is the intent of the City is to award a Contract for a three (3) year term to begin upon approval and execution by the City. The Contract may, by mutual assent of the parties, be extended for two (2) additional twelve (12) month periods or portions thereof, up to a cumulative total of sixty (60) months. Question Deadline 02/21/2025 at 5:00 PM ET To facilitate the clarification of requirements, it is strongly recommended that Proposer(s) submit all questions in writing. All interpretations and clarifications related to the Request for Proposals, or supplemental instructions will be in the form of a written addendum from the Procurement and Contracts Division. No oral interpretations or clarifications from City staff or by other means will be considered binding unless issued in writing.


Transportation Terminals

Public - City

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Price and Payment Procedures, Contract Modification Procedures, Quality Requirements, Regulatory Requirements, Execution and Closeout Requirements, Execution, Cleaning and Waste Management
Division 10 - Specialties

Division 10 - Specialties

Information Specialties, Signage
Division 26 - Electrical

Division 26 - Electrical

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Division 32 - Exterior Improvements

Exterior Improvements, Operation and Maintenance of Exterior Improvements, Operation and Maintenance of Planting, Bases, Ballasts, and Paving

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Janitorial Services for City SunRail Stations

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