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Published March 13, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a municipal facility in Denver, Colorado. Completed plans call for site work for a municipal facility.

This Bid is accompanied by the required Bid Guaranty. You are authorized to hold said Bid Guaranty for a period of not more than thirty (30) days after the opening of the Bids for the work above indicated, unless the undersigned bidder is awarded the Contract, within said period, in which event the Director, Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety may retain said Bid Guaranty, until the undersigned bidder has executed the required Agreement and furnished the required Performance Bond, Labor and Material Payment Bond, Insurance Policy, Certificates of Insurance and any other documents required by the Special Conditions. The bidder agrees to complete the entire project within 75 calendar days from the Notice to Proceed, subject to Article 33 TIME OF COMPLETION and Article 39 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES, of The General Conditions of the Contract. If awarded this work, the bidder agrees to begin work within ten (10) days from the date of the Notice to proceed and agrees to prosecute the work with due diligence to completion. The ColoradoVSS Help Desk is available Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. MT and can be reached by calling (303) 866-6464 or emailing vsshelp@state.co.us. A bid bond is required for all sealed bids over $50,000.00. A bid guarantee in an amount not less than five percent (5%) of the total bid price must be submitted in the form of a firm commitment, such as a bid bond, certified check, or cashier's check. Checks should be made payable to the Treasurer, State of Colorado. If a bid bond is submitted, the State form shall be used. Bidders submitting certified check or cashier's check must submit a scanned copy via the website and mail the physical check to the purchasing agent when requested. Question Deadline 03/06/2025 at 4:00 PM MT Prospective Offerors may make written inquiries concerning the IFB to obtain clarification of requirements. Inquiries may be submitted to the Project Manager, Jeremy Reineke, via email at jeremy.reineke@state.co.us). Pre-bid notes: Once you have expressed an interest in the project by registering, you will be emailed specific information regarding the project and details for attending the virtual pre-bid meeting by phone/video conference. Any Contractor interested in submitting a bid for the above referenced project must attend the entire virtual pre-bid meeting by telephone/video. Registered Contractors are strongly advised to review provided information regarding the project prior to the virtual pre-bid meeting to ensure that any necessary questions and clarifications can be addressed by the Project Manager. The virtual prebid held by telephone/video conference is for the purpose of explaining the work, location and access. No onsite showing of the proposed project will be provided. The Project Manager will record the firms in attendance by requesting the company/individual name, mailing address, phone number and email. Failure to register for and attend the entire virtual pre-bid meeting will be cause for rejection of a bid. The right is reserved to waive informalities and to reject any Bid. The Blue Sky Mine Closure Project is located in Clear Creek and Gilpin Counties, Colorado. Please see the attached Project Overview Map. The project work will include safeguarding thirty-six (36) features employing a variety of closure methods. A summary of the included features is listed below; Machine Backfill 9 Grate 5 CSP 9 Bulkhead 6 Polyurethane Foam 7 The mine closure locations are found on both public and private lands. ACCESS TO SEVERAL LOCATIONS IS DIFFICULT AND INVOLVES LIMITED MACHINE ACCESS, CLIMBING UP AND DOWN STEEP SLOPES AND TRAVERSING LONG OFF-ROAD/TRAIL DISTANCES. Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Businesses ("SDVOSBs" see 24-103-905, C.R.S., et seq.). SDVOSBs, who are incorporated or organized in Colorado or maintain a place of business or have an office in Colorado and who are officially registered and verified as a SDVOSB by the Center for Veteran Enterprise within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. online may receive a 5% preference on their bid. This preference applies only to the price, and the SDVOSBs must still meet all other qualifications required in the bid. SDVOSBs claiming this preference shall submit documentation of SDVOSB certification Issued through the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in their response to the solicitation. Bid submissions without this documentation will not be given a preference.




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Multiple Locations, Denver, CO

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