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Published March 19, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a medical facility in Sacramento, California. Completed plans call for the renovation of a medical facility.

UC Davis Health in Sacramento, California, requests Prequalification submissions on or before 3:00 p.m. Tuesday, February 18, 2025. To request a prequalification, send an email with the subject line, "UCDH OR Modernization Prequal for Casework and Lockers Request to: Leila Couceiro - lccouceiro@ucdavis.edu The estimated total project Cost construction value is: $63,000,000. BP 10.0 - Casework and Lockers Estimated Cost $550,000.00 The UCDH Medical Campus Operating Rooms Integration Modernization project will be constructed via Progress Design-Build method. The UC Davis Medical Center, located in Sacramento, has a 50-year history of providing high- quality surgical care to patients across the greater Sacramento region and the 33 counties it serves. UC Davis Medical Center is ranked among the U.S. News & World Report top 50 in Cardiac, Lung, and Neurosurgery and designated High Performing in several other surgical specialties. The Surgery & Emergency Services Pavilion (SESP) OR Integration Modernization Project would address needed upgrades to the OR Lights/Monitor booms due to boom failures beyond the ability to repair and/or replace parts. In the SESP, the project will upgrade the OR Audio/Visual Technology within the twenty-four (24) Operating Room including combining the AV network head end equipment into one new centralized AV Room. Two (2) of the twenty-four (24) Operating Rooms will require conversion to Cardiovascular Operating Rooms (CVOR's), two (2) of the twenty-four (24) Operating Rooms will require conversion to Flex-Case Operating Rooms (FCOR's) and one (1) will require conversion to a Hybrid OR. These modifications require reconfiguration of the rooms boom orientations, structural components, med gas needs, laminar air flow and technology upgrades. Construction documents is nearing completion. The project has been broken into 3 different permit packages. Permit 1 for the make ready work associated with building electrical infrastructure, low voltage cabling and building an AV room on the 2nd floor that supports the work on level 3. Permit 2 will be for all work in the ORs, PACU and Preop areas. Permit 3 will be for the renovation of the surgery & ICU waiting room. A Scoping and Feasibility Study will be available to Proposers as part of the Criteria Documents (Tab 12). Targeted completion date for the project is Qtr. 01, 2028. The planning and design of the UCDH Medical Campus Operating Rooms Integration Modernization Project must meet the Target Value Cost of the project and the project team must follow the Target Value Design approach. The Operating Rooms Integration Modernization project is a Progressive Design-Build delivery model in which the University has selected the Design-Builder as Swinerton Builders (SB) and the Architect of Record (AOR) as Taylor Design (TD). The successful trade partner following the RFP phase will be contracted with Swinerton. Since Swinerton also intends to submit a bid to self-perform the work of this bid package, the University is responsible for receiving and reviewing all prequalifications and proposals for this bid package in accordance with the Progressive Design-Build contract. The goal is to create an integrated, high-performing, LEAN design team that will deliver the best-in-class project outcome for UC Davis Health. The Operating Rooms Integration Modernization project will require intensive and close collaboration between the Design-Builder, the Architect, all consultants, University staff, HCAI, the State Fire Marshal, Design-Build and Design Assist subcontractors, all other subcontractors, and many other project participants. Key meetings will occur in a Big Room setting, plan on meeting twice a week basis for the Big Room. The expectation is for onsite meetings with the various cluster groups and project leadership. You will be expected to attend these key meetings in person. Meetings for this project will also utilize MS Teams.




Public - State/Provincial


Documents for this project are exclusively Specifications. If Plans become available, we will add them here.


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2 Record(s)

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Trades Specified

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet
Division 01 - General Requirements

Division 01 - General Requirements

Execution and Closeout Requirements, Execution
Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites

Division 06 - Wood, Plastics, and Composites

Finish Carpentry, Architectural Woodwork
Division 08 - Openings

Division 08 - Openings

Division 09 - Finishes

Division 09 - Finishes

Plaster and Gypsum Board, Gypsum Board, Painting and Coating
Division 10 - Specialties

Division 10 - Specialties

Interior Specialties, Partitions, Toilet, Bath, and Laundry Accessories, Storage Specialties, Lockers
Division 12 - Furnishings

Division 12 - Furnishings

Casework, Countertops
Division 34 - Transportation

Division 34 - Transportation


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March 31, 2025

July 1, 2025


4301 X St, Sacramento, CA

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UCDH Medical Campus Operating Rooms Integration Modernization - BP 10.0 - Casework, Lockers

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