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Published March 11, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Renovation of a residential development in Binghamton, New York. Completed plans call for the renovation of a residential development.

1. Complete sheetrock, floor tile, wall tile, Vanities, plumbing fixtures, supply, drains, including, wall finishes, new drop ceiling & doors. Refer to the drawings (attached) and line items in this Scope of Work. 2. Finish work includes all items that remain open after demolition, excluding electrical wiring, boxes & fixtures, and fire alarm light & sound devices. 3. New Drop Ceiling; USG RADAR basic acoustical recessed tiles panels 2x4 tiles with white grid. 4. OPWDD will provide the house keeping items IE: Grainger P#506K76 Toilet Paper Dispenser, NYSID P#F6659-0000-000 Hand Soap Dispenser, Bobrick P#B-3644 Recessed Waste Receptacle, Bobrick Part No. 3944-134 liner mates, Grainger P#40AY40 Sanitouch Roll Paper Towel Dispenser. 5. Vestal Tile is the preferred Tile Vendor, as we have used these products elsewhere in the building. Floor tile: FTISDP60MIZ2I2X2 SERENDIPITY, INTUITION with ARD46 25.JF 46 APPLE BUTTER GROUT. Wall Tile: FTISDP2012X24112X24 SERENDIPITY SPONTANEOUS with ARDIO 25.JF IO lRISH CREAM GROUT. Wall Accent: nlNS351RSPS/8 RSP BLISS CAPPUCCINO with ARDIO 25.JF IO lRISH CREAM GROUT. Bullnose: FTISDP20P43N9 BN 3X24 SEJENDIPITY SPONTANEOU BULLNOSE, BEIGE. Thin set: ARDX77 GIX77 GRAY PREMIUM THINSET. 6. Uninterrupted film of Red Guard Waterproofing required 6" on the floor and 6" up the wall prior to tiling. Installed per Mfg. Instructions. 7. Plumbing supply piping shall be type L copper, if soldering method is used to join fittings there must be a valid fire extinguisher nearby and a FIRE WATCH must take place for 30minutes after the torch is last used/extinguished. 8. Sewer and drain piping can be cast iron or Schedule 40 PVC (stainless steel shielded couplings are to be used when needed, plain "fernco" fittings will not be accepted). 9. Plumbing fixtures as specified in the attached stamped drawings, note that Sloan EVB-1020-A upgrade kits are required to be supplied for every toilet. 10. Plumbing, Pre-insulation, and Pre-drywall Inspections are required, 24-48-hour notice is requested for inspections. 11. Contractor shall warrantee work for a period of one year from date of payment for job. Warrantee shall be for parts and labor. 12. Work shall conform to all applicable codes, be done according to manufacturer's instructions, and follow industry best practices. Request for Quotations. NYS Labor law requires that all contracted employees performing maintenance, repairs or capital improvements in state owned buildings receive the prevailing wage and supplements rate for the occupation in which they are working. Certified payroll record/s MUST be submitted at the time of invoicing. . Without submittal of certified payroll record/s, payment will not be made.

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249 Glenwood Rd, Binghamton, NY

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