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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Macon, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.

Buyer Contact: Nancy Tharpe ntharpe@maconbibb.us 478-803-0550 NO BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THE ABOVE TIME. The primary intent of this Invitation to Bid is to identify a single source to provide all the needed goods and/or services; however, Macon Bibb County reserves the right to make split awards. Questions regarding the bid are due February 14, 2025, by 3:00 p.m. by email only to lhardwick@maconbibb.us. Minority, Women Owned, and other Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to participate in the solicitation process. Additionally, respondents are encouraged to use M/W/DBE subcontractors where possible. Small and other disadvantaged businesses requiring assistance with the competitive process can contact Small Business Affairs at (478) 300-2297 or via email cstephens2@maconbibb.us ; contact person name is Charise Stephens. Sealed Bids SEALED Bids shall be delivered or mailed to: Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department Attn: Laura Hardwick 700 Poplar Street, Suite 308 Macon, GA 31201 Lhardwick@maconbibb.us Mark the outside of the envelope "Bid # 25-031-LH - "Rosehill Cemetery Maintenance Services" D. Forms 1. The enclosed Macon-Bibb County bid form shall be used. Use of other bid documents may deem the bid to be non-responsive. 2. "Attachment A" must be completed and included with the bid; failure to include. completed, signed, and notarized forms (as applicable) may deem the bid non-responsive. Any "Attachment A" documents which are not applicable to a vendor shall be marked "Not applicable" and submitted with all other "Attachment A". For example, an automobile dealership which does not intend to use subcontractors shall mark the "List of Subcontractors" form in the "Attachment A" documents "Not applicable" and submit that document with the other "Attachment A" documents. E. Validity 1. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on date of bid opening. 2. All prices shall be Delivered prices, FOB Destination, after deducting all non-applicable taxes, delivered to each requesting department or office. Vehicles shall be ready to use. F. Local Preference 1. Macon-Bibb County reserves the right to award bids to County businesses and merchants whose bid is within 5% (five percent) of the lowest responsive and responsible bid which conforms to the Invitation to Bid. G. Reservations 1. Macon-Bibb County reserves full freedom (in addition to the right to reject any and all bids) in awarding bids to consider all available factors including, but not limited to, price, the provision of needed and unneeded features, usefulness to the using department and prior Macon-Bibb County experience. Hence, Macon-Bibb County may award bids to other than the lowest bidder if in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners the interest of the County will be best served by award to another. Any required information not submitted with bids shall deem bid non- responsive.


Religious / Funeral

Public - County

Service, Maintenance and Supply

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Division 00 - Lorem Ipsum

Lorem, Ipsum, Dolor, Sit amet

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