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Published March 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM
Updated October 1, 2024
This is a service / maintenance or supply contract in Macon, Georgia. Contact the soliciting agency for additional information.
Buyer Contact: Nancy Tharpe 478-803-0550 NO BIDS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DESIGNATED TIME. Minority, Women Owned, and other Disadvantaged Business Enterprises are encouraged to participate in the solicitation process. Additionally, respondents are encouraged to use M/W/DBE subcontractors where possible. Small and other disadvantaged businesses requiring assistance with the competitive process can contact Charise Stephens, Small Business Affairs at (478) 300-2297 or . The deadline for submitting questions is 2/21/2025 by 3:00 pm standard eastern time. All questions are to be submitted via email only to The deadline to submit questions is Friday, March 6, 2025, by 3:00 pm eastern time. All questions must be submitted via email to Sealed Bids 1. Envelopes shall be identified on the outside as Roadside and Sidewalk Spraying Project and delivered by hand or mailed to: Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department 700 Poplar Street Suite 308 Macon, Georgia 31201 Validity 1. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of sixty (60) days after time has been called on date of bid opening. Contract Award 1. The contract, if awarded, will be based on the total bid price. 2. Guidelines in the award of this contract will be Section 36-10-2.2, Official Code of Georgia Annotated. 3. Upon award of the Contract, a pre-construction meeting will be held to discuss the project and to establish a schedule of work. Surety 1. Whereas the anticipated contracted price exceeds $25,000, the bidder to whom the award is made shall submit a Payment Bond and a Performance Bond, both in amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the contract price. a) Bonding company/Surety shall be: (1) Rated B+ or better in current Key Rating Guide as issued by A.M. Best Company, Oldwick, NJ. (2) Licensed to do business in the State of Georgia. Payment Conditions 1. A 10% retainage will be withheld from each payment until final payment is made. The Owner will only pay for items used and actual work performed. 2. Change orders are issued for any variance from contract or plan sheets. 3. Any unauthorized work or material change will not be paid for unless a change order has been issued prior to the completion of work. Excise Taxes 1. Any material that is to be incorporated into the work of this project may be consigned to Macon-Bibb County in the care of the contractor. If the shipping papers show clearly that any such materials is so consigned, the shipment shall be exempt from the tax on transportation of property under the provisions of Section 3478(b) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended by Public Law 180-78th Congress. 2. The Contractor shall pay all transportation charges. 3. Each bidder shall take this exemption into account in calculating his bid. Insurance 1. Insurance coverage shall be carried with an insurance company licensed to do business in the State of Georgia. 2. Insurance shall be obtained prior to commencement of work and shall remain in force throughout the period of the contract. 3. Macon-Bibb County shall be named as additional insured on the policy. 4. Coverage shall include water damage. 5. Contractor is responsible for any and all deductibles. 6. Required coverage: a) Worker's Compensation: Statutory b) General Liability: (1) $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for B.I., P.D. (2) Maximum deductible: $5,000.00 (3) To include: (a) Premises - Operations (b) Products & Completed Operations (c)Broad form Contractual (d) Independent Contractor and Subcontractor (e) Underground explosion and collapse c) Automobile Liability: (1) $1,000,000.00 combined single limit for B.I. and P.D. (2) Maximum deductible: $5,000.00 (3) To include: (a) Owned Automobiles (b) Hired Automobiles (c) Non-Owned Automobiles Instructions to Bidders A. Definitions 1. Wherever the term "Owner", "County", or "Macon-Bibb County" occur in these specifications, it shall mean Macon-Bibb County, a political subdivision of the State of Georgia acting through the Macon-Bibb County Board of Commissioners. 2. Wherever the term "work" occurs in these specifications, it shall mean the work as defined herein, including, all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, and supervision necessary to complete the contract. Related Documents 1. Specifications (Attachment "A") 2. Bid Form 3. Bidder's Qualification Form 4. Bidder MBE Plan Form 5. List of Sub-contractors 6. Financial & Legal Stability Statement 7. Bond Forms 8. E-Verify Affidavit Bidder's Representation 1. Each bidder, by making his bid, represents that he has: a) Read and understand the bidding documents; and, b) Visited the site and became familiar with the local conditions under which the work is to be performed. (1) Bidders shall examine the areas wherein the work of this project is to be carried out and shall take into consideration all conditions that might affect their work. (a) Failure of the bidder to inspect firsthand the areas affected by work in this project shall not relieve him of the obligation to comply fully with the scope of the work as defined herein. (b) No consideration will be given any claim based on lack of knowledge of existing conditions, except where the Contract Documents make definite provisions for adjustment of cost or extension of time due to existing conditions that cannot be readily ascertained. Document Discrepancies 1. Should the bidder find discrepancies in, or omissions from the documents, he shall at once notify the Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department. 2. Requests for Interpretations of Drawings and Specifications shall be made in writing to the Macon-Bibb County Procurement Department no later than Friday, February 21, 2025, by 3:00 p.m. prior to receipt of bids, email questions to 3. Any subsequent instructions to bidders will be issued in the form of addenda to the specifications and sent to the bidder. All addenda shall be enumerated in the Bid Form. 4. All definitions set forth in the specifications are applicable to this Instruction to Bidders, the Bid Form and the proposed Contract Documents including, but not limited to, drawings, project manual, and any addenda issued prior to receipt of bids. a) Addenda are written or graphic instruments issued prior to the execution of the Contract that may modify or interpret the bidding documents by deletion, additions, clarifications, or corrections. b) Addenda will become part of the Contract Documents when the Contract is executed. Submittals 1. In order for bids to be considered, the complete bid document package shall be submitted including each of the following completed documents. a) Bid Form b) Bidder's Qualification Form c) List of Sub-Contractors d) Minority Participation Goal e) Financial & Legal Stability Statement f) Bid Bond in amount of 5% of the total base bid g) E-Verify Affidavit Reservations 1. The bidder acknowledges that Macon-Bibb County reserves full freedom (in addition to the right to reject any and all bids) in awarding bids to consider all available factors including, but not limited to, price, the provision of needed and unneeded features, usefulness to the using department and prior County experience. In addition, the bidder recognizes the right of the Owner to reject a bid if the bidder failed to furnish any required submittals on the date required by the bidding documents, or if the bid is in any way incomplete or irregular. Hence the County may award bids to other than the lowest bidder if in the judgment of the Board of Commissioners the interest of the County will be best served by award to another. Surety and Insurance Companies 1. The Contract provides that the surety and insurance companies must be acceptable to the Owner. The bidder shall require the attorney in fact who executes the required bonds on behalf of the surety to affix thereto a certified and current copy of his power of attorney indicating the monetary limit of such power. Scope of Work The contractor shall spray with herbicides based on the locations listed on the map furnished by Macon-Bibb County. The area to be served will be trees between the edge of public road pavement and the right of way line and may often overlap private property and the edge of pavement which extends the width. Contractors are also encouraged to review the area to be served but may rely on the attached maps. Also included in this scope of work is 254 miles to be sprayed with pre-emergent/selective herbicides or growth regulators to reduce mowing cycles. Sixty-Three (63) miles of sidewalk only (no roads) to be sprayed with glyphosate (round-up) to kill "crack weeds" which would result in a cleaner appearance and more passable sidewalk. Roadsides are to be sprayed with chemicals consistent with reducing mowing cycles, like growth regulators and/or selective herbicides. All products/treatments utilized must be EPA-approved. o The contractor must have a State of Georgia Pesticide Applicator's License. o The contractor shall be responsible for any/all established work zones and/or traffic control. o The contractor shall indicate whether it would offer Macon-Bibb residents in affected areas the opportunity to contract for spraying at the same price given to the County. o The contractor shall indicate the hours of the day when spraying will occur and what it will do to limit exposure to residents. o State the timeframe work shall be completed. o The contractor shall submit a plan that indicates how sensitive it will be to pollinators and any other habitat related impact. o The contractor shall invoice the County for payment no later than 30 days after the work is completed.
Roads / Highways
Public - County
Service, Maintenance and Supply
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