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Published March 12, 2025 at 8:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work and paving for a sidewalk / parking lot in Syosset, New York. Completed plans call for site work for a sidewalk / parking lot; and for paving for a sidewalk / parking lot.

Project Contact Keyuri Patel Project Designer, H2M Architect & Engineers 631-756-8000 (Office) Construction Manager School Construction Consultants, Inc. Contract C Paving and expansion of existing parking lot. Public notice is hereby given that SEALED PROPOSALS for: NASSAU BOARD OF COOPERATIVE EDUCATIONAL SERVICES (BOCES) UPPER-LEVEL PARKING EXPANSION AT HASKETT DRIVE COMPLEX NASSAU BOCES BID # 24/25-057 CONTRACT C - CIVIL WORK Hard copies and electronic bid documents will be available beginning on February 6th, 2025. Checks or money orders shall be made payable to Nassau Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), checks should be sent directly to REVplans. Bidder's deposit will be refunded if the set is returned to REV in good condition within thirty (30) days following the award of the contract or the rejection of the bids covered by such drawings and specifications. Non-bidders shall receive partial reimbursement for one set of hard copies, in an amount equal to the amount of the deposit, less the actual cost of reproduction of the documents if the set is returned in good condition within thirty (30) days following the award of the contract or the rejection of the bids covered by such plans and specifications. Any bidder requiring documents to be shipped shall make arrangements with the printer and pay for all packaging and shipping costs. Please note REVplans is the designated location and means for distributing and obtaining all bid package information. Only those Contract Documents obtained in this manner will enable a prospective bidder to be identified as an official plan holder of record. The Provider takes no responsibility for the completeness of Contract Documents obtained from other sources. Contract Documents obtained from other sources may not be accurate or may not contain addenda that may have been issued. All bid addenda will be transmitted to registered plan holders via email and will be available at website. Plan holders who have paid for hard copies of the bid documents will need to make the determination if hard copies of the addenda are required for their use and coordinate directly with the printer for hard copies of addenda to be issued. There will be no charge for registered plan holders to obtain hard copies of the bid addenda. Bids must be made on the standard proposal form in the manner designated therein and as required by the specifications that must be enclosed in sealed opaque envelopes bearing the name of the job and name and address of the bidder on the outside, addressed to: "PURCHASING AGENT, NASSAU BOCES", and clearly marked according to the Instructions for Bidders, Nassau BOCES Bid# 24/25-057. The NASSAU BOCES is not responsible for bids opened prior to the bid opening if bid number and opening date do not appear on the envelope. Bids opened prior to date and time indicated are invalid. The bidder assumes the risk of any delay in the mail, or in the handling of the mail by employees of the Nassau BOCES, as well as of improper hand delivery. The Owner has decided to solicit bids from one contractor in accordance with General Municipal Law 101, the Bidder shall submit with its bid a separate sealed list that names each subcontractor that the bidder will use to perform work in the contract, and the agreed-upon amount to be paid to each, for: (A) Plumbing and gas fitting, (B) steam heating, hot water heating, ventilating and air conditioning apparatus and (c) electric wiring and standard illuminating fixtures. After the low bid is announced, the sealed list of subcontractors submitted with such low bid shall be opened and the names of such subcontractors shall be announced, and thereafter any change of subcontractor or agreed-upon amount to be paid to each shall require the approval of the public owner, upon a showing presented to the public owner of legitimate construction need shall include, but not be limited to, a change to sub-contractor status as determined pursuant to paragraph (e) of subdivision two of section two hundred twenty-two of the labor law or the subcontractor has become otherwise unwilling, unable or unavailable to perform the subcontract. The sealed lists of subcontractors submitted by all other bidders shall be returned to them after the contract award. Each proposal submitted must be accompanied by a certified check or bid bond, made payable to the "NASSAU BOCES", in an amount equal to ten percent (10%) of the total amount of the bid, as a commitment by the bidder that, if its bid is accepted, it will enter into a contract to perform the work and will execute such further security as may be required for the faithful performance of the contract. CERTIFICATION OF BONDING COMPANY IS REQUIRED FOR THIS BID, SEE INSTRUCTIONS FOR BIDDERS. Each bidder shall agree to hold his/her bid price for forty-five (45) days after the formal bid opening. It is the Board's intention to award the contract to the lowest responsible Bidder in compliance with the specifications providing the required security who can meet the experience, technical and budget requirements. The Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any informality and to accept such bid which in the opinion of the Board, is in the best interests of the Nassau BOCES. No bidder shall withdraw its Bid within 45 days after the formal opening thereof, except in accordance with General Municipal Law 103(11). Thereafter, a bidder may withdraw its Bid only in writing and in advance of the actual award. Question Deadline 02/24/2025 questions shall be submitted in writing to: H2M architects + engineers David Sherland, AIA - Senior Project Architect 538 Broad Hollow Road, Melville, New York 11747 Phone: (631) 756-8000 Ext. 1318 Fax: (631) 694-4122 e-mail: dsherland@h2m.com


Sidewalks / Parking Lot


Public - City

Paving, Site Work





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March 11, 2025

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100 Hasket Dr, Syosset, NY

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