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Published March 7, 2025 at 7:00 PM

Updated October 1, 2024

Site work for a civil project in Mt Juliet, Tennessee. Completed plans call for site work for a water / sewer project.

The project will include the following described construction: The furnishing, installing, and testing of a new 8.0 million gallon equalization basin, flow diversion structure, wastewater pumping station, odor control system, gravity sewer piping, force main piping, handling wastewater flows for tie-in to existing gravity sewers and sewer manholes, site work, and all other appurtenances and other work as shown on the Construction Drawings or indicated in the Contract Specifications. Question Deadline 02/15/2025 Questions regarding documents, discrepancies, omissions, or intent of the Specifications or Drawings shall be submitted in writing to the Owner through the Engineer at least 10 days prior to opening of bids to provide time for issuing and forwarding an addendum. Location Mt. Juliet, Tennessee Each Proposal shall be accompanied by a certified or cashier's check or a satisfactory bid bond payable to the City of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee in amount not less than five (5) percent of the Base Bid as a guarantee that the bidder will, within fifteen (15) days after the date of the award of the Contract, execute an Agreement and file bonds and insurance as required by the Contract Documents if his Proposal is accepted. The award of any Contract will be made by the City of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee to the lowest responsive, responsible bidder. Responsible bidder will be defined as one who furnished satisfactory evidence that the bidder has the experience and the ability and that he has sufficient capital and facilities to enable him to perform the work successfully and to complete the work within the time specified in the Contract Document. At a minimum, a responsible and responsive bidder shall be appropriately licensed by the State of Tennessee, have provided the required bid bond, have the capability of meeting the bond and insurance requirements, and be in compliance with Federal, State and local laws and regulations applicable to the project. Subject to the provisions of Chapter 6 of Title 62 of the Tennessee Codes Annotated, the Contractor's attention is directed to the Tennessee Codes Annotated Section 62-6-119 which states that it will be necessary for each bidder and their subcontractors to show evidence of a license before his bid will be considered and that the license number, expiration date, and that part of classification applying to the bid appear on the envelope containing the bid; otherwise the bid shall not be opened. Event bid note: The envelope containing the bid shall be marked to show the bidder's Tennessee Contractor's license number, expiration date and the part of the classification applying to the bid, otherwise the bid will not be opened. . No Proposal will be considered unless it is made on the Proposal form which is included in the Contract Documents. The Proposal must not be removed from the Contract Documents with which it has been bound by the City of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee. This Proposal must be addressed as indicated in the previous paragraph. It shall be the Bidder's responsibility that the envelope be properly addressed to ensure that the proposal is received on or before the appropriate time. The City of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee reserves the right to reject any Proposal for failure to comply with all requirements of the notice or of any of the Contract Documents; however, it may waive any minor defects or informalities at its discretion. The City of Mt. Juliet, Tennessee further reserves the right to reject all Proposals.


Water / Sewer


Public - City

Site Work





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To Be Determined, Mt Juliet, TN

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Equalization Basin and Pump Station

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